How Long to Hear back from Goldman Sachs after an Interview? (2024)

I recently went on a job interview at GS for as a lateral hire. I was scheduled to meet with two people, one was a VP the other an associate. The interview lasted for about an hour and 15 minutes. After finishing speaking with the second person he went to see if one or two of the other people was available, but came back a few minutes later to say that they weren't free for an interview. The associate thanked be for coming in, hoped to have the other team members speak with me and then said I would hear from them shortly.

My question is how do you guys think this went based upon what I said above and how long does it usually take for them to get back to you?

Response Time After GS Interview

Generally, you will hear back from a front office GS super day within three days. However, some users found out less than 2 hours after their interview but some have said that the wait time can be between 1 week to 1 month.

Our users shared experiences below.


Less 2 hours for an SA position from what I’ve heard from people at my school.

PTS - Investment Banking Associate:

Took a couple days longer than they originally said for me


For a long-term internship, they told after the interview they would get back to "within 1 week". Three weeks later, nothing. Called them and got the offer in 5 minutes. I always keep thinking what if I hadn't called them, maybe I would never got the offer. So always call, never email or wait.

You can read more about Goldman Sachs in the WSO Company Database.

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For a long-term internship, they told after the interview they would get back to "within 1 week". Three weeks later, nothing. Called them and got the offer in 5 minutes. I always keep thinking what if I hadn't called them, maybe I would never got the offer.So always call, never email or wait.

But in your case, it's still quite early, wait till Wednesday then call up.

fast forward a few weeks. I have been on two more rounds interviews with GS, both of which I thought went well. Before the last interview I was asked to fill out a prior compensation form. At the end of the third round of interviews someone from HR came in to ask me a few questions and explain how the hiring process works.

What opinions do you guys have on this and how long might I expect to hear back from them one way or the other?

Oh, and analyst2b, I went through the same experience. I did the PC form and they told me all about the company and everything, but I didn't get an offer. Sucks. Total roller coaster of emotions.


about 3 weeks after my superday... unfortunately, i had already accepted an offer elsewhere. it is for the summer though.

@dantheman2011 did you ask why? it's so cruel...

Whoops, didn't see your comment. Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, I asked why and they gave me a bunch of run-around answers. "It wasn't a right fit." "You're qualified but they felt you weren't right." etc. Nothing solid to know for sure what it was. I even had an insider friend within the same group and they didn't give me a straightforward answer.

Goldman Sachs Internal Audit hear back? (Originally Posted: 11/11/2014)

I had my super day on October 30th (Thursday) at Jersey City.I received an email on Friday saying that they will call me with a decision within two weeks.Today is Tuesday and I am really anxious. Did anyone hear back?And when is the best time for me to follow up inquiring my status update?

I interviewed for a separate position in the Finance Division in late October at their 200 West office. Haven't heard a peep from them since. What do you all think about giving HR a quick call and seeing what my status is? I've had them call back within a week after final round and say that I got dinged for other positions, yet when they offered me a SA position last year it took over two weeks (granted the Christmas holiday occurred in the middle of that time period). Thoughts?

I'm interviewing with other division, and they also delay for several weeks. don't know will they release status if you have other offer deadlines coming soon.

Thanks.. its been about 4 days. On the careers website, my application status still says "interview." Do you think I am still in process? I know they were conducting a couple of more interviews after mine. But still no contact from recruiters.

Also, if you are rejected after a phone interview will you receive a call / email? Do you know the timeframe? Thanks.

You get a phone call if you get rejected in the in-person round, not necessarily for the phone round.

Talking about your case, it sounds like you need to start looking for something else.

"I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."

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This is the second time I have interacted with their HR department over the past several years and they are such a joke.

They dont return messages, they never tell you the status of your application, they put you on indefinite holds and they dont provide feedback. Its now been well over a week with no contact and I don't expect to receive a response in the future.

Not only that - but they reached out to me for this position and not vice-versa. WTF is that? "Please come interview with us and then we'll get back to you - if we feel like it?" Completely unprofessional.

I am currently a buy-side analyst at a rival BB firm and I vow never to throw GSAM a shred of business when I make PM. Everyone talks about the great GS "culture" is but lets be real - they are a bunch of money grubbing bottom feeders who think their sh*t dont stink. Half of their HR department is literally outsourced to ADP and still operates under this mindset. Our firm would never treat candidates in this manner.

I know from experience as 1) I have gone through the recruiting process myself 2) regularly interview candidates to work our firm.

People need to expose their dirty tactics - more people should speak out about their negative experiences with GS recruiters AND if you're in an investment role - STOP giving these clowns business.

I feel bad for the undergrad kids who have to deal with these people and aren't lucky enough to have a solid fall-back plan.

Seriously... speak out and share your experiences with WSO community. And if you work at GS, I'd love to hear your thoughts on why you treat candidates with such disregard - especially when they are your potential future clients.

I had in person first round . I am from non-target school. I interviewed with some LBS people. Some people there got rejected next day and some got invited to second round . I have not heard from them for 1 week, so I emailed hr who said that "they will let me know week after" and we're still evaluating. Now the second week is also over. I don't want to chase again, but any ideas what I should read into it. I'm kind of giving up hope. :(

Rerum magnam illo qui doloribus. Provident recusandae veritatis sed omnis. Vel eaque vero dolores. Enim perferendis vel omnis facilis accusantium vero. Minus velit consequatur rem magni voluptas. Aliquid cum aspernatur eius libero temporibus culpa.

Commodi aperiam modi non tempore id quo aliquam nostrum. Minus placeat consequatur voluptas debitis vitae reprehenderit. Non omnis ab neque porro. Aut qui voluptatem ut qui culpa.

Natus distinctio nihil est libero est sed et. Tempora facilis reiciendis consequatur natus corrupti eum aut. Numquam quibusdam odit inventore sit sed.

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Ipsum eos dolores et voluptatem. Expedita modi accusamus labore delectus nisi deserunt earum. Autem vel minus occaecati. Doloribus esse rerum odit et eveniet. Libero vel odio occaecati iure maxime tempora. In distinctio et et mollitia.

Repudiandae iusto quidem ea. Vero dolor incidunt molestiae reprehenderit minima veniam. Et laudantium ad quis sapiente error.

Ea quis sit id id. Vitae animi omnis est et est id possimus. Porro accusamus quaerat pariatur quod.

Quas voluptas quis quas consequatur in magni fuga natus. Dicta optio itaque eveniet sunt.

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How Long to Hear back from Goldman Sachs after an Interview? (2024)


How Long to Hear back from Goldman Sachs after an Interview? ›

Response Time After GS Interview. Generally, you will hear back from a front office GS super day within three days. However, some users found out less than 2 hours after their interview but some have said that the wait time can be between 1 week to 1 month. Our users shared experiences below.

How long does it take to get the results of a Goldman Sachs interview? ›

Goldman Sachs 1

Call for next rounds was all within 24 hours and everything was done in 4 weeks. But this was during boom period of 2021. Btw you will have to wait longer as there is a hiring freeze and only critical roles are being hired. Every decision is being scrutinised.

How long does Goldman Sachs take to respond to a job application? ›

Most candidates applying to the current recruiting season vacancies will be communicated to in a few weeks after the relevant deadline has passed. To the extent that there is interest in your candidacy, a member of our recruiting team will contact you with more information.

What is the normal time to hear back after an interview? ›

Research has shown that the average time it takes for people to receive feedback after an interview varies: 44% get feedback from the employer within a few weeks of applying. 37% get feedback within one week of applying. Less than 4% get feedback within a day.

How long is the Goldman hiring process? ›

Resume and Cover Letter: Once Goldman Sachs has reviewed your application, it can take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months, depending on the position you're applying for. Senior and Managerial positions usually take longer due to the comprehensive screening process of your related work experience and your skills.

How many days after interview results are they declared? ›

But while any and all of the above can (and sometimes does) impact how long it takes for you to get a response after a job interview, Work says, “In most cases, you should hear back within one to two weeks max after a job interview, unless the recruiter or team lets you know it will take longer.”

What are the odds of getting hired at Goldman Sachs? ›

Goldman Sachs is the premier investment bank in the world. With an acceptance rate of roughly 4%, it's harder to get into Goldman than it is to get into Harvard or Yale. Let me share how to get a job at Goldman Sachs from someone who did.

Is it hard to get an offer from Goldman Sachs? ›

It is a goal of every person to work at the most renowned companies and Goldman Sachs falls among them. Goldman Sachs is one of the oldest and most prestigious investment banks on Wall Street. With hundreds or thousands of applicants for every job opening, getting into this company is notoriously hard.

How many rounds of interview did Goldman Sachs have? ›

You will have to appear for 5 to 6 rounds in the Goldman Sachs interview process, including: Online or the Hackerrank round. Coderpad round. Telephonic round.

Is it hard getting a job at Goldman Sachs? ›

Bagging a job at Goldman Sachs (GS)' is a phenomenon rarer than receiving an acceptance letter from Harvard University. During a presentation in Miami Tuesday, the investing giant reported that roughly 3% of its applicants, or 9,700 out of 313,000, secured a position in 2015. That number includes summer internships.

How to tell if a job interview went well? ›

11 Signs your interview went well
  1. You were in the interview for longer than expected. ...
  2. The interview felt conversational. ...
  3. You are told what you would be doing in this role. ...
  4. The interviewer seemed engaged. ...
  5. You feel sold on the company and the role. ...
  6. Your questions are answered in full.

Is not hearing back after interview good? ›

If you do not receive a response after your job interview, even after sending follow-up emails, try to make peace with the situation and move on. A lack of response usually indicates you did not get the position.

Does interview feedback mean you haven't got the job? ›

Feedback doesn't mean rejection

According to Jovena, when a recruiter says they're “collecting feedback,” candidates often think there's negative feedback coming. However, she says, “In reality, it means that you are under consideration.

How long does it take Goldman Sachs to reply? ›

Response Time After GS Interview. Generally, you will hear back from a front office GS super day within three days. However, some users found out less than 2 hours after their interview but some have said that the wait time can be between 1 week to 1 month. Our users shared experiences below.

What is Goldman acceptance rate? ›

That's an acceptance rate of just 0.8% - which is a drop on the 1.27% we last knew about, from 2022. A 0.8% acceptance rate for interns puts Goldman below JPMorgan's intern acceptance rate of 0.9%.

How to crack Goldman Sachs interview? ›

We will explore and assess your technical ability in a number of ways, including phone interviews, onsite interviews and through live-coding platforms such as CoderPad and HackerRank. We are looking for in-depth conceptual understanding of at least one programming language, preferably C/C++, Java, Python or JavaScript.

How long does it take to hear back after Goldman Sachs HireVue? ›

Typically, after you have completed a HireVue interview, it may take a few days to a few weeks for the hiring manager or recruitment team to review your interview and make a decision on whether to move you to the next stage of the hiring process or not.

What is the average time for interview results? ›

Average response time after an interview

Generally speaking, you should expect to hear something within one to two weeks of your interview. If it's only been three days after your interview with no response, it can be worth waiting an extra couple of days before getting in touch.

Is it easy to crack Goldman Sachs interview? ›

Interviews at Goldman Sach are quite similar to other good tech companies. It is not that difficult to crack. The interviewer only checks that you have the skills to solve challenges.

How long does it take to hear back after an investment banking interview? ›

Since Superday interviews are the final interview in the process, candidates will hear back from the recruiting team as early as that evening, or as late as two weeks after the interview. It is important to make the recruiting team aware of any competing offers that have a shorter timeline.


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