(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games · Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)

Designing Location-Based Games

Von der Fakultat fur Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften derRWTH Aachen University zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines

Doktors der Naturwissenschaften genehmigte Dissertation

vorgelegt von

Diplom-Informatiker Gero Herkenrathaus Leverkusen, Deutschland

Berichter: Prof. Dr. Jan BorchersProf. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder

Tag der mundlichen Prufung: 14. April 2016

Diese Dissertation ist auf den Internetseiten derUniversitatsbibliothek online verfugbar.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)


I hereby declare that I have created this work completely onmy own and used no other sources or tools than the oneslisted, and that I have marked any citations accordingly.

Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeitselbstandig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebe-nen Quellen und Hilfsmittel benutzt sowie Zitate kenntlichgemacht habe.

Aachen,November2015Gero Herkenrath

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)



Abstract xi

Uberblick xiii

Acknowledgements xv

Conventions xvii

1 Introduction 1

2 Development Challenges 5

3 Location-Based Games: Fundamentals 9

4 Related work 15

4.1 Predecessor Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.2 Earlier Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5 Design Frameworks 25

5.1 The Pattern Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)

vi Contents

5.1 POSITION VS. LOCATION . . . . . . . 29

5.1 POSITION AS INPUT . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.1 LOCATION AS CONTENT . . . . . . . . 35

5.1 LOCATION GRANULARITY . . . . . . 38

5.1 REACHABLE LOCATIONS . . . . . . . 41

5.1 OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER . . . . . 44

5.1 DESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE . . . . . . 47

5.1 LANDMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50


WORLD PHENOMENA . . . . . . . . . 53


5.1 PLAYER CONFUSION . . . . . . . . . . 59






5.1 APPARENT FRAME . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5.1 IMMERSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.1 AUTHENTIC ACTIVITY . . . . . . . . . 83

5.1 AUGMENTED REALITY . . . . . . . . . 86


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)

Contents vii


5.2 Geo-Sociograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.3 Implementation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

5.3.1 Paper prototypes suited for location . 104

5.3.2 Location-tracking simulator . . . . . . 105

6 Evaluation 113

6.1 Aixplorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.2 GroupAixplorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.3 iCatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

6.4 Movement analysis of museum visitors . . . 128

6.5 mLoG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

6.6 mLoG2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6.7 Aachen Horror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

7 Summary and future work 163

7.1 Summary and contributions . . . . . . . . . . 164

7.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

A Aachen Horror Artwork 167

Bibliography 189

Index 193

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)


List of Figures

5.1 Example geo-sociogram. . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.2 Example of a traditional map view of move-ment patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

5.3 Geo-sociogram for an area exploration. . . . 100

5.4 The Relevance of Place Dimension . . . . . . 101

5.5 The Extended Relevance of Place Dimension 102

5.6 A UI proposal for a location-simulation ap-plication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

6.1 The old and new versions of the Aixplorer. . 115

6.2 The UI used in the first version of theAixplorer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

6.3 Left: a plain image of the ARIADNE UI;Right: the same image with an overlay iden-tifying the controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

A.1 Alcuin of York in front of a window . . . . . . . 169

A.2 An ancient book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

A.3 Another book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)

x List of Figures

A.4 The Ehrenmal in Aachen. . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

A.5 A creepy medieval hallway. . . . . . . . . . . 177

A.6 The Hounds in Aachen Horror. . . . . . . . . 179

A.7 The Lousberg in Aachen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

A.8 A closer look at the Lousberg . . . . . . . . . . 183

A.9 The Quinotaurus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

A.10 Prof. Seuß’s notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)



Location-based games are a new, emerging genre of mobile games that use players’actual position in the real world for their game mechanics. Since the platformscapable of determining this position, often smartphones or similar mobile devices,are becoming more and more common it seems reasonable to assume that this fieldwill grow in the near future.

This dissertation will provide frameworks and guidelines for the design of location-based games and present several prototype systems as examples for developingsuch games. The first three chapters will provide the motivation for this researchand a better definition for what constitutes a location-based game. Due to the rela-tive novelty of these games the terms and boundaries to other games are not alwaysclear, so these chapters also try to establish a “common ground” for the reader tobetter understand the concepts explained later on.

The main part of this thesis then presents a pattern language that is supposed tohelp designers of location-based games with their work as well as researchers withcategorizing and analyzing them. It then explains a method to gain an at-a-glancevisualization of player movements, the so called geo-sociograms. Since analyz-ing movements, i.e. a process that occurs over time—in the case of location-basedgames sometimes quite a bit of time—this has proven to be a useful method to getat least a rough idea about what is happening during gameplay. From there thework concludes three types of play concepts in location-based games that perfectlyextend existing, prior research, the so called “Relevance of Place Dimension”.

Since especially a pattern language is strongly linked to concrete examples andapplications the last chapter then presents several location-based games that wereimplemented over the course of this work. This section is in a way both, an evalu-ation of the patterns and other concepts introduced before as well as a descriptionof how we arrived at those concepts. The patterns, geo-sociograms, and categoriesevolved alongside these location-based games.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)

xii Abstract

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)



Ortsbasierte Spiele sind ein neues, sich herausbildendes Genre von mobilenSpielen, die die tatsachliche Position der Spieler in der realen Welt fur ihreSpielmechanik verwenden. Da die Plattformen, die die dafur notige Technik be-sitzen oftmals Smartphones oder vergleichbare mobile Gerate sind und sich somitimmer weiter verbreiten, liegt es nahe, anzunehmen, dass dieses Feld in der nahenZukunft noch weiter wachst.

Diese Dissertation stellt Frameworks und Guidelines fur das Design von orts-basierten Spielen zur Verfugung und prasentiert mehrere Prototypen-Systeme alsBeispiele fur das Entwickeln solcher Spiele. Die ersten drei Kapitel erlautern dieMotivation fur diese Forschung und geben eine bessere Definition dafur, wasuberhaupt ein ortsbasiertes Spiel ausmacht. Aufgrund der relativen Neuheit dieserSpiele sind Begriffe und die Abgrenzung zu anderen Spielen nicht immer klar, alsoversuchen diese Kapitel auch eine “gemeinsame Basis” fur den Leser zu bieten,damit die spater erklarten Konzepte besser verstandlich sind.

Der Hauptteil dieser Thesis prasentiert dann eine Pattern-Sprache, die dazugedacht ist, Designern von ortsbasierten Spielen bei ihrer Arbeit zu helfen, sowieWissenschaftler bei ihrer Kategorisierung und Analyse zu unterstutzen. Danachwird eine Methode erklart, eine Auf-einen-Blick-Visualisierung von Spielerbewe-gung zu bekommen, die sogenannten Geo-Soziogramme. Da die Analyse vonBewegungen, d.h. eines Prozesses der uber die Zeit ablauft—im Falle von orts-basierten Spielen manchmal uber relativ viel Zeit—hat sich diese Methode alsnutzlich herausgestellt, um wenigstens ein grobes Verstandnis dafur zu bekom-men, was wahrend des Spielverlaufs passiert. Von hier aus schließt die Arbeitauf drei Typen von Spielkonzepten in ortsbasierten Spielen, die hervorragend einbereits existierendes, fruheres Forschungsergebnis erweitert, die sogenannte “Rel-evance of Place Dimension”.

Da insbesondere eine Pattern-Sprache stark mit konkreten Beispielen und Anwen-dungen verbunden ist erortert das letzte Kapitel dann mehrere ortsbasierte Spiele,die im Verlauf dieser Arbeit entstanden sind. Dieser Abschnitt ist gewissermaßenbeides, sowohl eine Evaluation der Patterns und anderen, vorher vorgestelltenKonzepte als auch eine Beschreibung, wie wir zu ihnen gelangt sind. Die Pat-terns, Geo-Soziogramme und Kategorien entwickelten sich parallel zu diesen orts-basierten Spielen.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (14)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (15)



Writing a dissertation is an enormous amount of work and, of course, not possiblewithout the support of a great number of people.

Naturally, my first thanks go to Prof. Dr. Jan Borchers, my supervisor and mentorover the last seven years. It was he who sparked my interest in Human ComputerInteraction in general and without his ambition in getting funding I would not havehad the opportunity to use the Aixplorer platform in my pet project, AachenHorror. I also want to thank Prof. Dr. Ulrik Schroeder for agreeing to be mysecond advisor. He already did so for several of my students, so these thanks go,in a way, beyond my own dissertation.

My colleagues from the Media Computing Group also deserve a big thank youfor making the work environment a friendly and productive experience. I wantto especially mention Florian Heller, Dr. Thorsten Karrer, Chatchavan Wachara-manotham, Philipp Wacker, and Dr. Malte Weiß. Thorsten was, in a way, my “bigbrother”, helping me already with my diploma thesis and later with the first re-search done as a PhD student. Flo, Chat, Phil, and Malte all share the experienceof having to fight EU bureaucracy for funding and feeling the pressure of build-ing exhibits that need to withstand the demanding touch of tourists 24/7. Thanksalso go to Dr. Rafael Ballagas, who did the REXplorer and was thus kind of mypredecessor at the group.

We all wouldn’t have been able to work without Clarissa de Gavarelli, Lena Kock-elmann, and Zornitsa Atanova, our secretary team. Especially the Aixplorerwould never have survived without their constant struggle to fill out the loadsof paper its funding required.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (16)

xvi Acknowledgements

At the core of the various projects so important for my thesis are a whole lotof students, who coded, tested, and maintained the hard- and software. Theirwork, and in several cases their own theses, made my own dissertation possible.My thanks go to Ignacio Avellino, Mariana Bocoi, Sebastian Borggrewe, DanielForster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, andChristoph Will. Heng-Wei Chang, Paul Heiniz, Christopher Kurtz, and XiaojunYing were also working as students for me and although their specific projects didnot become a part of my dissertation I want to thank them for their efforts.

My gratitude also goes to Carsten Schmitt for writing the plot of Aachen Horror.The people working for the city of Aachen who helped with the various projectsand provided feedback also deserve my thanks.

I am also very thankful to Simone Helios for eliminating the various spelling mis-takes in this thesis and finding the vast amount of unfinished sentences I produced.

Most important of all I want to thank my mother, Elisabeth Herkenrath. Withouther I wouldn’t have been able to finish this enormous task. When I felt down, shegot me up again and encouraged me to continue. Thank you, Mom.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (17)



The whole thesis is written in American English. Through-out the text we use the following conventions.

Definitions of technical terms or short excursus are set offin colored boxes.

EXCURSUS:Excursus are detailed discussions of a particular point ina book, usually in an appendix, or digressions in a writ-ten text.


Names of location-based games are written in typewriter-style text, for example Aachen Horror (see also chapter6.7 — “Aachen Horror”).

Pattern names (see chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Language”)are written in small capitals, for example IMMERSION.

Due to its length, the chapter describing Aachen Horror(6.7 — “Aachen Horror”) uses additional conventions:

• Character names are written in a sans serif font (e.g.the Guilty Hero)

• (Real world) locations will be slanted in addition (e.g.the Ehrenmal)

• Events are formatted in a sans serif, bold font (e.g. Oh,show me the girls)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (18)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (19)


Chapter 1


In the last few decades digital games and gaming in gen- Economical rise ofdigital gameseral have become more accepted as a form of entertainment

suitable not only for children. At least among the youngergenerations it is not unusual for a person to spend a cer-tain amount of income on a form of gaming as a hobby.As regards the software market this has lead to creatorsof computer games becoming more numerous, larger, andmore influential; creating these media is not a niche marketanymore. According to the Entertainment Software Asso-ciation1 the total consumer spend on games industry 2013was 21.53 billion dollars.

For several years now advance has been made in incor- Technicaladvancement ofgaming hardware

porating more and different kinds of sensors into variouskinds of computers, leading to a more manifold kind ofhardware. Gaming consoles adopted sensors for directmovement and posture capture, allowing for an entirelynew set of games about physical exertion. Mobile deviceshave not just become more mobile in terms of connectivityand battery life, they have also evolved into fully fledgedcomputers with their own ecosystems of useful softwareapplications, including games.

This work will investigate a subset of these mobile games, Our focus lies on thelocation-basedgames.

the location-based games. We believe the now common


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (20)

2 1 Introduction

functionality of smartphones to track a user’s position willenable this area to grow, like it was the case with other tech-nologies. The kinect, for example, lead to an increase in thenumber and popularity of exertion games and in researchabout physical/gesture interaction in general.

Of course it is not our goal to give a prediction for economicWe won’t giveeconomic predictions

or advice.purposes. To predict whether location-based games willbecome a substantial market or not is beyond our scope.A lot of factors other than human-computer interaction as-pects play a role here, like development costs, cultural ac-ceptance, or legal issues. We will address them in part inthe later chapters, but the focus will be on a scientific ex-amination of the particular design space of location-basedgames (see for example chapter 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”,figure 5.5). However, the usefulness of our results will inpart be influenced by how widely spread these games willor will not eventually become. If location-based games staya niche product, only few people will apply our findingsand recommendations. This means how useful this disser-tation turns out to be in the future, depends on how welllocation-based games as a consumer product fare. Since inour opinion they will fare well, we hope to be of use formore than just a small group of designers of these gamesand future researchers.

The reason why we join the efforts to better understandWe want to “prepare”people for designing

location-basedgames in the future.

location-based games now is that we want to offer a meansto avoid mistakes and problems from the start. It is alwayseasy to spot problems in a vast amount of existing exam-ples, but hard to predict potential pitfalls in hypotheticalexamples. Also, we think the already mentioned changesin computer games we see reflected in the general publicindicate a high chance of location-based games eventuallygoing to be more wide-spread.

A couple of examples show how improvements in technol-Understanding howother technicaldevelopments

changed games canhelp foreseeinglocation-based


ogy changed gaming. The evolution of multiplayer gamesis one such example, i.e., a game’s capability to allow morethan one player to participate. PONG2 was already a mul-tiplayer game, allowing two players to play digital ten-nis. However, this required both players to stand next


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (21)


to each other, since the PONG system was an arcade sys-tem with a separate controller for each player. Over time,the term multiplayer changed. With better connections for “Multiplayer” did no

longer necessarilymean “co-locatedplayers”.

networked computers, it now includes games where eachplayer runs the game on their own computer. First, theneeded connectivity was established on LANs, but nowa-days many games are connected via the internet for so-called massively multiplayer functionality. There are stillgames that can be played on the same machine, especiallyfor consoles, but in general the internet connectivity has be-come ubiquitous and in most contexts multiplayer impliesplaying online with others.

A similar trend can be seen in digital games for smart- “Mobile” gamingmight becomelocation-basedgaming in the future.

phones and handhelds. The term “mobile game” has be-come widely spread and typically refers to a game runningon a mobile device. A lot of these games aim to be playedwhile on the go. They are themselves literally mobile in thesense that they can be played while commuting to work orwaiting for a plane. Designers have to accommodate fora more complex context the player might be in, they can’trely on the game being played in a living room or with cer-tain specific controls. However, that does not mean thegame “knows” or “cares” about the location and/or con-text it is played in. It simply tries to be playable while theplayer is on the go, one could say the game is actually more“portable” than mobile. With smartphones now being ableto determine a user’s physical location it seems reasonableto assume these mobile games will at some point incorpo-rate this feature, in fact it might well be that a “mobile”game is not just one that can be played on the go, but thatthis mobility has to be executed, that it becomes a feature ofthe game.

In some way this enforced mobility would bring back dig- Location-basedgames could “closethe circle” and link totraditional outdoorgames like “tag”.

ital games to traditional analog ones. A lot of children’sgames, e.g. “tag” or “go hide and seek” require mobil-ity and the same is essentially true for virtually any sport,which can also be seen as a game. This again ties into therecent trend of exertion games which also focus on physi-cal activity. It could even be claimed that these areas, out-door games, sports, and exertion games, could merge intolocation-based games in the future. The only reason not to

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (22)

4 1 Introduction

include mobility over a larger area in exertion games is thesimple fact that systems like the kinect are still limited tothe living room. Games like Zombies, Run!3 can alreadybe categorized as both location-based and exertion.

Of course, all of this also means this work has to limit itsscope. We will not go into detail about classic games orsports, even if they could be considered location-based. In-stead, we will focus on digital games that incorporate thenew and growing technology to track a player’s physicalposition and use the latter in the game mechanics. Wewill try to give abstract criteria to sort these location-basedgames into categories and provide an overview of whatneeds to be considered when creating this relatively newkind of application.


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (23)


Chapter 2


There is a fundamental aspect of location-based games, The real worldbecomes a part oflocation-basedgames.

or actually all location-based applications, that sets themapart from other software, even mobile software. By incor-porating a potentially large area of the real world, or faraway locations, into the system, it gets, in a sense, directlyextended. The entirety of the interaction is not just definedby the user, their control mechanisms, the hardware, andthe software’s logic. In addition to that, the world aroundthe user becomes part of the system as well. Not as a con-founding variable, potentially disturbing or distracting theuser from the system, no, it becomes an intentional influ-ence on the experience.

Of course to some extent this is always true of other gamesas well. Exertion games, for example, require space tomove in, often they are even meant to be played withon-lookers (see e.g. DanceDanceRevolution1. However,location-based games differ in that they can’t be playedwithout, well, one or several actual “locations”.

This makes it hard to develop and test them. Game de- Designing for reallocations is hard tomock and resourceintensive.

signers and developers literally have to “go places” whilebuilding the game. In some cases this can be mocked in a


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (24)

6 2 Development Challenges

lab or with software, to simulate the location changes thatare needed as input for the game, but that’s not always fea-sible. In other games, the basic mechanism is usually itera-tively implemented in some way or another and after somepoint testing it equals tweaking it. Controls might becomeeasier or harder depending on how well people are able toactuate them and how the game is supposed to feel.

For location-based software and especially games, proto-Important aspects oflocations can only betested by really going


types and mock-ups quickly become impractical. This isnot just due to technical problems many location-trackingtechnologies might have, it’s imminent in the concept it-self. To figure out how it feels for somebody to go to a cer-tain place, they have to actually go there. It is one thing towrite a program that does something once its user reachesa certain place, like playing an audio clip, but as soon asthe designer wants to gain feedback on how the player per-ceives this, there’s no way around having users go to thelocation and report. The problem then is that this can’t beeasily done in an artificial setup. As we will describe later,there are different types of location-based games, but a lotof them result in one major activity the player has to do:walking.

If the location of a player is tracked and used as input toTwo importantaspects set

location-basedgames apart from

other games.

the system it means in some way the game depends on thechanges of this parameter. At first glance this appears tobe similar to let’s say mouse and keyboard input. Manygames allow the player to control a character, an avatar, bypressing keys and moving the mouse. However, there aretwo differences: First, the input is player-initiated and sec-ond, the abstraction for these controls is usually high.

To understand what we mean with player-initiated input weThe first aspect:player-initiated input have to look at the traditional means of controlling a game.

Usually players provide input by pressing buttons, touch-ing surfaces, etc. The common thing about these controlsis that they require manual, physical interaction, very of-ten via the hands of the player. The consequence is thatevery interaction requires intent. Players can at any pointin a game simply cease to provide input by literally “doingnothing”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (25)


This is not the case with location-based games. Play-ers, or rather humans, cannot simply stop being locatedsomewhere. Of course they could switch off the location-tracking functionality of the device they’re using, but that ismore like turning off the game entirely. Also keep in mindthat stopping to change one’s location is not the same asstopping to provide input, it would more be like constantlypressing a button on a traditional control.

There are exceptions to this, for example many games us-ing Nintendo’s Wii Remote2 or Microsoft’s Kinect3 capturea player’s posture as input and, like with location, a humanby definition always is in some kind of posture. The reasonbehind this is that these systems do not use a completely ar-tificial control mechanism, but rather use a more “passive”parameter inherent in human existence.

The second general difference lies in the degree of abstrac- The second aspect:less abstractiontion. Traditional input methods can be highly abstract

whereas using a person’s location for input is less abstract.It is less that we couldn’t, in theory, build a game that usesthe player’s whereabouts in a very abstract way, but ratherthat such a game would probably be pretty bad. Whatplayers perceive as a good control is usually strongly tiedto the actual mapping between the control and the result-ing action in the game. Moving an avatar left, for exam-ple, is naturally mapped to some form of accessing a con-trol on the left or moving (part of) a control to the left.Again, there are exceptions, especially when the challengeof a game lies in an intentionally unnatural mapping, butotherwise this is more or less always the case. However,when moving around, there seems little else natural thanto map the player’s movement (i.e. the location change inthe real world) to an avatar’s movement in the game. Alot of the location-based games we will discuss in this workfollow this principle, creating scavenger hunts, tag games,exploration quests, etc., all with a mapping between theplayer movement and a parameter in the game that ulti-mately also equals “movement” or “change of location” inthe broadest sense. With traditional controls, concepts like“up”, or “pressure” can easily be mapped to other factors

2https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii Remote3https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinect

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (26)

8 2 Development Challenges

than movement, for example “up” could not just make anavatar move forwards or upwards (even that is technicallya difference), but it could also increase the level of someother game related aspect, energy to shoot something, etc.In short, when using traditional controls, there is a wholepalette of natural mappings game designers can choosefrom besides a literal interpretation of the controls’ physicalmanipulation. With location this seems, at least currently,to be less the case.

Part of the reason is surely that actual location change is aAdditional constraintswhen using locationas input: Real world


lot more time-consuming and inflexible than simply oper-ating a button. As stated above, one has to actually “goplaces”. This isn’t only an issue during the design of agame, but also during gameplay. If movement is coupledto a traditional control it is easy to temporarily switch itoff and move an avatar programmatically somewhere else.In most cases that won’t break a player’s experience. Theabstract mapping for moving the avatar still works afterthe “teleport”. Once the avatar’s movement is tied to one’sown, it’s not so easy anymore. Teleporting the avatar some-where else can’t teleport the player in the real world, af-ter all. This would only work if the game world and thereal world weren’t directly mapped or the movement ofthe player would not move the avatar but control someother game aspect. The latter seems unnatural as statedabove, and the former gives rise to a lot of different prob-lems when designing the game, like real world constraints(players might be unable to move to a location the gamewould require) or the player’s spatial memory (“This thingwas here before, why is it not here anymore?”).

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (27)


Chapter 3

Location-Based Games:Fundamentals

To understand location-based games in their context this simple hierarchy ofgames in generalchapter will outline a simple categorization that explains

their two major types and puts them into relation to thekinds of games often confused with them. A general prob-lem when talking about these games is that the term is notstrictly defined. There are several terms, sometimes usedinterchangeably, sometimes with slightly different conno-tations. Several works mentioned in 4 — “Related work”use varying terms, which is why we will define what wemean by which term in this chapter. It will also help to putlocation-based computer games into relation to the collo-quial understanding of what constitutes a game in general.

The simple definition of “game” according to Merriam- real world gameswith movement astop layer

Webster1 is “a physical or mental activity or contest thathas rules and that people do for pleasure”. This obviouslyincludes location-based computer games as we describedthem in the previous chapters. As we deduced they requiremovement, which is certainly a physical activity, and theywould have rules for sure, either related to the movement,i.e. where players must go, and/or related to other aspectsspecific to the concrete game. The more interesting ques-tion is which games fall under this simple definition, but


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (28)

10 3 Location-Based Games: Fundamentals

are not location-based. If our only relevant characteristicwas the movement aspect we would find many games tobe location-based:

Football (American & European) Movement is certainly avery important aspect in this sport. Even in the plan-ning phase of a match, when they players don’t move,location is an important variable while planning whocovers what position on the field.

Tag This simple children’s game is all about movement.Not necessarily just about who runs faster, but alsowho moves more effectively while avoiding the per-son chasing them.

Chess Although certainly in the “mental” domain of thedefinition, moving the chess pieces is what playersthink about, their positioning defines the state of thegame.

The list could go on. Limiting us to the computer wouldnot necessarily eliminate this mis-categorization. While thephysical stress is surely less if players control a footballavatar on screen with a controller it could still be consid-ered a physical activity, or a mental one for that matter. Thelocation and movement aspects would remain more or lessthe same in a computer football game.

One could argue that the football example falls short of be-computer games thatallow movement:

mobile gamesing a location-based game because it doesn’t require theplayer to actually move, other than perhaps his hands andfingers on the controller. Still, there are games that allevi-ate this constraint and allow the player to physically move,yet we do not want them to be included in our understand-ing of location-based games. These games would be mo-bile games. Nothing prevents a developer from designinga football game on a mobile platform like a smartphone, yetuphold the general control mechanism of moving an avataron screen with some buttons and/or cursors. Theoretically,it could be played while the user is walking around, i.e.changing her location. Mobile games have been around forquite some time in the form of portable consoles like the

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (29)


Game Boy2 or even earlier electronics. With the recent ad-vances in smartphones they have seen a rise in popularityagain. Nevertheless, it doesn’t make much sense to con-sider every mobile game also a location-based game, sincethe possible change of the players’ location has no directeffect on the game.

However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a differentiat- location-awaretechnology is keying characteristic found in the underlying technology of

location-based games. The game mechanics must includelocation-aware technology.

LOCATION-AWARE TECHNOLOGY:A combination of hard- and software that enables deter-mination of a user’s physical location.


Note that this does not specify how exactly “location” is tobe represented nor does it define what underlying methodof tracking is used. Devices like smartphones, the probablymost common end-user device with location-aware tech-nology, usually use GPS and related technologies to de-termine their location in absolute geographic coordinates(latitude and longitude). Other hard- and/or softwaremight determine a location from infrared emitters and cor-responding sensors and simply provide an abstract identi-fier as a result. A location-based game in the context of thiswork then builds on that technological feature.

LOCATION-BASED GAME:A digital game that uses location-aware technology as atleast one control input to the game’s rules and mechan-ics.

Definition:location-based game

The term “game” in this definition can be understood as inMerriam-Webster. We narrowed it further down to “digitalgame” for the simple reason that with the use of location-aware technology we are bound to digital/computer gamesin the broad sense, meaning that this aspect alone requiresdigital parts to work. Note that this doesn’t necessarily im-ply that the game runs on a mobile device, although current

2https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game Boy

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (30)

12 3 Location-Based Games: Fundamentals

technology usually requires some portable/wearable elec-tronics for the underlying technology to work. For the pur-pose of this thesis we exclude non-digital games as men-tioned above, unless we refer to them for comparing certaincharacteristics.

Location-based games as we understand them can be fur-digital games thatrequire movement

have two typesther subdivided into two categories. When it comes downto it, there are two abstract ways in which a given gamecan use the data received through the platform’s location-awareness. Either it relies on absolute positioning withinthe boundaries of the technology or it uses a relative refer-ence frame, i.e. the distance between ad hoc defined posi-tions.

The first kind of location-based game thus uses fixed po-fixed location gamessitions to trigger an event in the game, for example spe-cific latitude and longitude data. By nature this restricts thegame to be played only in a certain location, which limitsthe set of players to those who can reach the play field withreasonable effort. The benefit often is that the game me-chanics and rules can adopt the actual real world aspects ofa location, like the cultural relevance of a specific building.

In systems of the other kind the mechanics are not tied to avariable locationgames certain fixed position in the real world. For these location-

based games, the absolute values the location-awarenessof the platform delivers are only relevant in relation toeach other. As an example one might think of any typeof digitally enhanced chasing game, where players have tocatch each other. For the game mechanics it is not relevantwhere the players actually are in the real world, but ratherwhether the catcher is in the same spot (or near enough) tothe runner.

To better distinguish between these different types oflocation-based games this thesis will use the following ab-breviations:

LOCATION-BASED+ GAME:Any location-based game that is only playable at a fixedlocation.



(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (31)


LOCATION-BASED* GAME:Any location-based game that is playable at different lo-cations. It may require an initial set-up phase.



In practical terms the categorization of a specific location- limitations of thesedefinitionsbased game into these two types might sometimes be de-

batable. For example, a game could include a “set-up”phase where players define the play field and tell the sys-tem about boundaries or special locations. This could evenbe incorporated in the game as part of the normal play.The obvious advantage would be that players all over theworld can in theory experience the game and don’t need totravel anywhere as long as they have the necessary technol-ogy (the platform, for example, the specific type of smart-phone). However, this game design is by definition re-stricted in that designers can not include specific location-data into the game’s rules and mechanics. For example,referring to the “largest church in the city” in the game be-comes very tricky for them if they don’t know where thefinal game will eventually be played.

From a plain technical point of view, such a game falls intothe second category. Nevertheless, one could argue that as-pects of the first category could be at least partially recre-ated if players are required to play the game that incorpo-rates real world aspects of locations. In the above example,the “largest church in the city” can be seen as such an as-pect, because certain real world facets surely apply to allchurches. Of course the designers don’t have as much con-trol over these as when they chose a specific church andlimit their game to the area where that is. Still, by compro-mising and only relying on a specific kind of location, theymight achieve similar results.

This means that the above technical definition isn’t auto-matically limiting a game’s experience to being either realworld related or real world unrelated. To properly graspthe entire experience one has to look at the actual gamemechanics. Josephine Reid introduced a design space toproperly express a game’s location-related mechanics be-sides the plain technical aspects in [Reid, 2008]. We pro-pose an extension this “Relevance of Place Dimension” in

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (32)

14 3 Location-Based Games: Fundamentals

chapter 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”.

The Merriam-Webster definition of game covers both,location-basedgames close a circle

game historyphysical and mental activities. Our list of “classic” gamesreflects this, we intentionally put chess as well as footballin it. However, if we further look into these two subcate-gories we can deduct an interesting aspect of many men-tal games, for example chess. It surely is more of a men-tal game, but in spite of that it stems from a very physicalactivity: battle. Chess is an abstraction of war, simulatingvarious classes of fighters on a battlefield. We can see thisform of abstracting from physical origins in a lot of gamesfalling into the mental activity type of the Merriam-Websterdefinition. Boardgames are often an abstraction of physicalaspects of real life, like gathering resources or settling newlands. The resulting game then focuses not anymore on theactual physical task, but on its mental requisites, like plan-ning ahead or developing tactics and winning strategies.

With that in mind, it stands to reason to say that games canin many cases be considered the result of actually “drag-ging away” physical activities from the real world. Thisthen ultimately means, that location-based games have thepotential to “close the circle” in that development and bringgames back to their physical roots.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (33)


Chapter 4

Related work

As is usually the case with a dissertation, it builds not onlyon previous work done by other researchers, but also in-cludes work we did ourselves over the last couple of years.Because of this we divided this chapter in two sections. Thefirst gives an overview on the related publications by oth-ers and the second will present work that we participatedin directly.

Since the second category thus also includes previous re-search presenting most of our game prototypes, we will tryto keep it relatively short; these systems will be describedin more detail in chapter 6 — “Evaluation”.

Explanation of authorship:Usually, this dissertation uses “we” when talking about thevarious location-based games created at the Media Com-puting Group. However, that makes it difficult to explainwho did what as regards the second category of relatedwork, so for this section an explanation is needed to avoidconfusion regarding authorship. All of the earlier publica-tions listed below were diploma or master’s theses. I (GeroHerkenrath) was the advising research assistant for each ofthe student authors at the Media Computing Group and theone defining the topic and handing it out as a thesis projectin the first place. As such, I am naturally not listed as au-thor on the theses directly. My contribution to these publi-cations was of an advising and defining role; I ensured that

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (34)

16 4 Related work

the students’ work was adequately fitting into the largertopic of location-based games and of course into my disser-tation.

4.1 Predecessor Research

Concepts and methods work

A large portion of this thesis is dedicated to providing game“A pattern language:towns, buildings,

construction”designers with frameworks to create location-based games.The pattern language in chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Lan-guage” (first published by [Will, 2013], see also below) isone such framework and naturally goes back to the worksby [Alexander et al., 1977]. This book is basically the originof patterns as tools in the HCI and, by extension, the soft-ware developer communities. As such it was a base for ourresearch, too.Consequentially, [Borchers, 2001] was relevant for the same“A Pattern Approach

to Interaction Design” reasons, as it is one of the first books adapting pattern lan-guages to interaction design. Its frame is not explicitly fo-cused on games, but was still vital for our own projects, be-cause any computer game could be considered as “a soft-ware primarily aimed at providing a good interaction forthe players” (otherwise it would be considered flawed andno fun).The third publication important to our patterns was the“Patterns in Game

Design (GameDevelopment


book “Patterns in Game Design (Game Development Se-ries)” by [Bjork and Holopainen, 2004]. As the title impliesit further adapts patterns directly to the game developmentprocess. In a way, this provided us with not just an abstractmethodology, i.e. an example of how to write a pattern lan-guage for games, but of course also with concrete patternsthat we could use in our various location-based games.

The books “Pervasive Games: Theory and Design” byPervasive gamesand the work of

Markus Montola[Montola et al., 2009] and “On the Edge of the Magic Cir-cle: Understanding Pervasive Games and Role-Playing” by[Montola, 2012] as well as the paper “Tangible Pleasures ofPervasive Role-Playing” by [Montola, 2007] define and ex-plain pervasive games, a form of game

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (35)

4.1 Predecessor Research 17

“[...] that has one or more salient featuresthat expand the contractual magic circle of playspatially, temporally or socially.”

[Montola et al., 2009, page 12]

Montola’s work focuses much on role-playing, but as“spatially” implies, it also touches on what we define aslocation-based games. What he calls pervasive games doesnot necessarily have to include location-aware technology,but one could argue that if that is in fact the case, a givenpervasive game also qualifies as a location-aware game andvice versa. Due to this overlap his work was very influen-tial and especially helped us to understand aspects of theplayers that would be participating in our games. We hopeto extend this understanding further and include this intothe design process of location-based games; this is for ex-ample reflected in several patterns in chapter 5.1 — “ThePattern Language”.

Location-based games have only recently shifted into the Categorization oflocation-basedgames

focus of researchers. However, it is hard to specify anexact point in time, because as explained in chapter 3 —“Location-Based Games: Fundamentals” the term has notbeen clearly defined. Another problem is that there are alot of games or game-like experiences that are related andhave similarities to our definition of location-based game,so a lot of publications about these apply to the concept aswe understand it, at least in part.One of the first approaches to categorize location-basedgames in general is “Design for coincidence: Incorporat-ing real world artifacts in location based games” by [Reid,2008]. It is not the first research about them, but it com-pares several examples to arrive at generalized conclu-sions and concepts for designing them, excluding aspectsof implementation problems with specific instances. Espe-cially important is “the relevance of place dimension”. Thisdesign space lays out location-based games according towhether they rely more on “space” or “place”, a terminol-ogy devised by [Harrison and Dourish, 1996]. This conceptstrongly influenced our definitions of location-based+ andlocation-based* games as well as the LOCATION AS CON-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (36)

18 4 Related work

TENT and POSITION AS INPUT patterns defined in [Will,2013]. The other important part is of course the aspect actu-ally reflected in the paper’s title, as the name of the patternDESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE shows, see chapter 5 — “De-sign Frameworks” and [Will, 2013].

The geo-sociogram concept first introduced in [Huch, 2013]Theoretical conceptsfor location-based


and explained in detail in chapter 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”built on “Proximity-based visualization of movement tracedata” by [Crnovrsanin et al., 2009]. Their work actuallyhas nothing to do with location-based games specifically,but rather demonstrates the general usefulness of relyingon distance data instead of (just) direct visualizations oftraces (i.e. movement tracking data). We adapted their ap-proach for our field of research, thus hopefully extendingtheir work as well as laying down a foundation for futureanalysis of location-based games.

As this thesis presents several projects involving the con-Other conceptualfoundations crete implementation of location-based games, we also re-

lied heavily on the established principles of iterative de-sign, namely the works of Jakob Nielsen. Especially hisbook “Usability Engineering” ([Nielsen, 1993b]) and article“Iterative User-Interface Design” ([Nielsen, 1993a]) have tobe mentioned here. Although we do not directly add muchto these, chapter 5.3 — “Implementation Tools” can be seen,hopefully, as being as useful to any location-based game de-signer as Nielsen’s work.

Last but not least we want to mention Google’s IngressIngress as a firstexample to educate

peoplehere ([NianticLabs@Google, 2013]), as it is one of the firstreally big commercially available location-based game outthere. Especially when explaining the early concept of ourwork it was often very helpful to refer people to the game.Even if they didn’t know it yet, describing the general prin-ciple was easy enough and they were able to find additionalinformation online on their own later. We hope that per-haps Aachen Horror (see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Hor-ror”) will perhaps become at least a bit as intriguing asIngress.

Related game projects

Besides Ingress, several other games had an impact on

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (37)

4.1 Predecessor Research 19

our own research, especially the pattern language in chap-ter 5.1 — “The Pattern Language”. We list the ones withexplicit influence on patterns here, since they were all partof actual research projects and as such actively contributedto the field of location-based games.

In “REXplorer: A Pervasive Spell-Casting Game for REXplorer and theearliest approachesat the MediaComputing Group

Tourists as Social Software” by [Ballagas et al., 2006] and“REXplorer: a mobile, pervasive spell-casting game fortourists” by [Ballagas et al., 2007] the authors describe thedevelopment of a location-based game in the city of Re-gensburg. Our own research group was heavily involved(in fact, Mr. Ballagas was a PhD student before I joinedthe group) in the work and as such the project had sub-stantial influence on my efforts. Especially in informalways those previous experiences were helpful for our fol-lowing games. As the titles imply, the distinction betweenlocation-based games and pervasive games is not strictlydefined (see also above), but the REXplorer relied heavilyon location-aware technology. It’s worth mentioning thatthe game preceded the heavy impact of smartphones andwas implemented on a “dumb” phone connected to addi-tional hardware. The gameplay was basically a scavengerhunt through the city to find “ghosts” narrating interestingfacts about Regensburg’s history. As such, the game wasmainly aimed at tourists, connecting traditional guide sys-tems with game elements and entertainment in a similarway as we would later do with the GroupAixplorer.

“Coping with Uncertainty in a Location-Based Game” by Benford’s influenceon our patterns andgames

[Benford et al., 2003] describes a game called Can YouSee Me Now. It’s a chase game in which people in thereal world (obviously equipped with location-aware tech-nology and connected to a network) hunt virtual avatarscontrolled by other players using a normal computer. Assuch it was in some ways inspiration for iCatch, but moreimportantly the paper deals with a very specific problemdevelopers of location-based games have to deal with: un-reliable or not precise enough location data or network con-nectivity. These aspects were captured by [Will, 2013] in thepatterns NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE and COPING WITH

UNCERTAINTY (see also chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Lan-guage”), but more importantly, the work showed that, re-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (38)

20 4 Related work

alistically, these problems have to be dealt with. Unfortu-nately, most developers tend to assume that with technol-ogy getting better they simply disappear, but our, some-times painful, own experience indicates that even over adecade later this seems not to happen. While we can’t addmuch to this, besides several additional games showinghow to deal with this uncertainty and try to promote thiswith patterns, it was still influential on all our projects andincreased our awareness of this aspect of location-basedgames.

A similar lesson was taught by “Life on the Edge: Support-ing Collaboration in Location-Based Experiences” by [Ben-ford et al., 2005]. The described game Savannah had chil-dren take on the roles of lions who had to hunt (virtual)prey, scent mark territory, etc. by moving over a real worldschool playing field. The authors address technical diffi-culties with location-aware technologies and network prob-lems (especially in the context of multiple players gettingcorrect, synchronized data), but are also very interested inthe collaborative aspects of location-based games. We triedto factor their experiences into our patterns, but conceptslike geo-sociograms and to some extent even our proposedprototyping tools (see chapters 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”and 5.3 — “Implementation Tools”) also benefited fromSavannah. In the future, the game could perhaps evenbe further analyzed, using geo-sociograms, adding to themore anecdotal observations the authors of the paper madeso far.

The paper “The Frame of the Game: Blurring the Bound-ary between Fiction and Reality in Mobile Experiences” by[Benford et al., 2006] focuses on mechanics more suited forrole-playing oriented games like, in our case, for examplemLoG or Aachen Horror. The foundation of it is the gameUncle Roy All Around You, a game including onlineplayers, but also street players and to some extent just by-standers (the game “pretends” that the latter are part of thegame so players believe so). Its general aim to break into so-cial boundaries of the gameplay and blurring the perceivedor real boundary between game and reality was influen-tial for our Aachen Horror in particular. While we weremore hesitant to include real people (i.e., bystanders or ac-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (39)

4.1 Predecessor Research 21

tors) into the game, we did do something similar in onescene (see also chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”). In addi-tion to this direct adaption of one of the paper’s conceptsthe pattern APPARENT FRAME is also strongly inspired byit.

In the paper “Pervasive Play, Immersion and Story: design- The Interference

game illustrates theimportance the socialcontext in the realworld.

ing Interference” by [Bichard and Waern, 2008] the authorsdescribe a pervasive game in which players assume the roleof investigators in a mystery plot. While the actual plot hassimilarities with our own Aachen Horror (see chapter 6.7— “Aachen Horror”) the important influence of this paperwas its focus on social aspects of games played in the realworld, i.e. a public environment. Interference is not de-scribed as a location-based game as we define it, but ratheras a pervasive game as, for example, Markus Montola de-scribes the term (see [Montola et al., 2009]). While it doesuse a GPS device for location-awareness and players movearound in the real world, it also adopts aspects of role-play(although in depth role-playing is not enforced). There’seven an observing game master present. Its influence onour work was a major part in the development of patternslike LOCATION AS CONTENT, MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWK-WARDNESS, EXPLORATION CENTRAL TO GAME, and sev-eral others. In our projects, especially Aachen Horror, wehave shown how these aspects can be adopted in location-based games with less staff involved during gameplay, acriteria also more common in traditional computer games.Even in our iCatch game, which focuses least on a loca-tion’s actual social context, similar issues (especially socialawkwardness) were addressed.

“The Three-Sixty Illusion: Designing For Immersion in Immersion relatedresearchPervasive Games” by [Waern et al., 2009] deals with, as

the name implies, IMMERSION. The paper discusses howLARPs (Live-Action Role-Plays) and ARGs (Alternate Re-ality Games) enable high degrees of player immersion andhow this relates to pervasive games. As our understandingof location-based games classifies them also as the latter,this was a very influential approach for our work. This isnot only reflected in several patterns in chapter 5.1 — “ThePattern Language”, but also our own game projects, espe-cially Aachen Horror (chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”).

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (40)

22 4 Related work

Because of that, our examples can be seen as further proofof [Waern et al., 2009]’s findings, meaning that location-based games as we defined them (see 3 — “Location-BasedGames: Fundamentals”) would constitute another kind ofgames in which IMMERSION can be achieved in the waysthe paper identifies.“Design and Evaluation of Player Experience of a Location-Based Mobile Game” by [Carrigy et al., 2010] evaluates thegame “Viking Ghost Hunt”, a game with a similar atmo-sphere like our own Aachen Horror. It is especially note-worthy in our context because it shows that the degree ofIMMERSION can vary depending on what type of media ispresented to players. In their case audio content seemed towork better than video pieces that were displayed over thecamera view of the used phones. It was one of the reasonswhy we chose not to implement this in our games.Lastly, “Parallel Worlds: Immersion in location-based ex-periences” by [Reid et al., 2005] quantitatively supportsthe notion that IMMERSION is not only well achievable inlocation-based games, but also an important aspect, beingcorrelated to enjoyment, the key factor of any game.

4.2 Earlier Publications

Our earliest own prototype location-based game and theGroupAixplorer

findings we got from it are published in “GroupAixplorer:An Interactive Mobile Guide for Small Groups” [Werm-ers et al., 2011] as well as “Small Group Interaction Meth-ods on Location-Aware Mobile Audio Guides” [Wermers,2010]. The first focuses on the results and recommenda-tions we learned for design while the second gives a moredetailed overview of the development process and systemitself. Since it marks the start of our interest in the topic oflocation-based games, the lessons we learned had a big im-pact on subsequent systems and also the other publicationswe supervised and collaborated on. It will be described inmore detail in chapter 6.2 — “GroupAixplorer”.

While not really a game, the master’s thesis by [Borggrewe,“Movement analysisof visitors usinglocation-aware

guides in museums”

2013] is still related to location-based games, especially con-sidering that much of our work was tied to the Aixplorer

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (41)

4.2 Earlier Publications 23

(see 6.1 — “Aixplorer”). The work analyzes how peoplemove through a museum, either with or without a location-aware mobile guide system. This was very important forus as we wanted to find out how movement behavior isactively changing when a person or group uses location-aware technology. The work will be discussed in more de-tail in chapter 6.4 — “Movement analysis of museum visi-tors”.

The diploma thesis “Strategies and Movement Patterns for mLoG

City-Wide Location-Based Games” by [Huch, 2013] intro-duced the game mLoG and the concept of geo-sociograms,which was later further refined and published in “Geo-Sociograms: A Method to Analyze Movement Patterns andCharacterize Tasks in Location-Based Multiplayer Games”by [Herkenrath et al., 2014]. The diploma thesis was doneroughly parallel to Christoph Will’s diploma thesis “A Pat-tern Language for Designing Location-based Games” (seebelow) and as such mLoG is in a way the first test forsome of the patterns from a developer’s point of view.It also considerably extended our experience from theGroupAixplorer and our more general learnings madewith the Aixplorer system (see 6.1 — “Aixplorer”). Thegame mLoG will be described in further detail in chapter 6.5— “mLoG” and geo-sociograms are explained in chapter5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”.

“Movement Patterns in Location-based Multiplayer mLoG2

Games” by [Simha, 2014] was a master’s thesis specifi-cally meant to refine and verify observations of playermovement we made with the mLoG game and as such isclosely tied to the diploma thesis of [Huch, 2013]. In fact,the game, mLoG2, builds directly on code from the firstthesis, as the name implies. It also served as a use case forgeo-sociograms, as the results were also analyzed by usingthem as a visualization tool. mLoG2 will be described inmore detail in chapter 6.6 — “mLoG2”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (42)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (43)


Chapter 5

Design Frameworks

Unlike a lot of other software, digital games do not serve a Designing games ishard due to thevague goal ofcreating enjoyment.

specific task that people need to do. Games in general areusually intended for leisure and pure enjoyment. Some-times players might hope to accomplish something else byplaying a game, for example practicing their memory orgain some useful skill, but this is then a secondary goal.The immediate result of a game, or to be more precise agood game is supposed to be enjoyment, or fun.

This makes the process of creating games, and digitalgames along with them, hard to quantify. There is no spec-ification of what a game must be able to accomplish. Thissets games apart from, for example, a word processing ap-plication, which has a more or less clearly specified taskand thus list of basic, necessary features.

From that point of view designing games could be consid- Games are more anart form than anengineering solutionto a fixed problem.

ered much more as a form of art than a way of engineer-ing well-designed software with a more quantifiable pur-pose. Of course, there might be metrics for analyzing differ-ent kinds of games. Computer game magazines often eventry to calculate a numerical grade for a game, but when itcomes to the design process it is hard to formulate any rulesto follow for designing a good game. This is not to say thesame problems don’t apply to non-game software as well,but to a much lesser extent. Even an application with badperformance and a badly designed user interface might, in

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (44)

26 5 Design Frameworks

the end, still succeed in solving a given problem, like con-trolling a factory robot or the like. Users might not like apiece of software, but could still be willing to put up withit as long as it holds value to them, usually because it doesits job. A game, on the other hand, only has the “job” to“be liked” by its users i.e., the players. Like a painting or apiece of music this is, if not completely then at least mostly,what it’s about.

As a result, the process of designing games, and in ourSuch creativeprocesses can be

better supported withbest practicecollections &

recommendationsthan abstract rules.

case here this means location-based games, can not be ad-equately supported by abstract rules. Their artistic natureand their aim to support a creative act aimed at the play-ers’ enjoyment prevents such a strict, engineering-like ap-proach. Thus, any advice this thesis gives on designing agood location-based game can ultimately only be under-stood as a recommendation.

For this purpose we introduced a Pattern Language in theA Design PatternLanguage is well

suited for conveyingsuch


work of [Will, 2013]. This thesis revises these patterns andputs them into the context of several example projects inthe following chapter (6 — “Evaluation”). As is usual fora Pattern Language its patterns have a varying granularity.Some focus on specific aspects perhaps not relevant for allkinds of location-based games, others are broader. Also, thevarious example projects had different scopes, resulting insome patterns being more often applied than others. Thismeans that we are more confident in some patterns thanothers. The revision of each pattern will reflect this and weannotated the affected patterns accordingly.

Usually, a design pattern describes an inherent character-Geo-sociograms as away to visualize

movement patterns.istic of the kind of system it is related to. That meanseven though a pattern is helpful in design, it should de-scribe something that can be directly observed in a systemthat conforms to it. Mere design guidelines providing ad-vice on the actual implementation work flow for location-based games are different. However, since the publicationof [Will, 2013] we found a new “kind” of patterns whichare hard to be directly seen in a location-based game. Thesecharacteristics are related to the specific kinds of movementplayers make while playing certain games. To help graspwhat we mean by this the thesis introduces so-called “geo-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (45)

5.1 The Pattern Language 27

sociograms”, a graphical representation of player move-ment over time (see [Herkenrath et al., 2014] and chapter5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”). This allowed us to grasp differ-ent ways of people’s movement at a glance.

During the development of the various projects explained Practical DesignGuidelines useful forlocation-based gamedevelopment.

in chapter 6 — “Evaluation” we also gained a lot of insightinto the practical issues of implementing location-basedgames. Complementary to the Pattern Language, these De-sign Guidelines are a collection of practical tips for location-based game development.

5.1 The Pattern Language

The Format of the Pattern Language for designing location- Format of the PatternLanguage.based games was not changed from [Will, 2013]:

• Name

• Design Ideal

• Design Solutions

• Trade-Offs

• Inspiration

• Related To

As [Will, 2013] explains, this format is an adaptation ofthe original pattern format proposed by [Alexander et al.,1977].The “Name” is self-explanatory.“Design Ideal” is a short description of the goal the patternencapsulates, i.e. the intended outcome a designer wouldwish for when implementing this pattern.“Design Solutions” make the core of each pattern and ex-plain what is to be done to arrive at the design ideal.The “Trade-Offs” are a necessary part of the pattern, sincein almost every case the implementation of a pattern doesnot only satisfy its ideal, but it also adds side-effects to the

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (46)

28 5 Design Frameworks

game.“Inspiration” is a section specifying the sources for the pat-tern, i.e. existing location-based games and/or researchprojects that lead to the pattern. It is important to note thatsome of the patterns already refer to projects explained laterin this thesis. These projects predate the actual definition ofthe pattern or were running parallel to the work of [Will,2013], so they influenced each other.Lastly, “Related To” puts the pattern in relation to the otherpatterns of the entire language.

For the full rationale behind this format please see [Will,Differences to theclassic format by

Alexander.2013]. In short, the main reason for differing from the moretraditional format proposed by [Alexander et al., 1977] isthe abstract nature of a location-based game as not just aphysical object or arrangement of things, but as a complexactivity and experience. This makes it hard to visualize theconcept of a given pattern through a picture or a diagram.One cannot photograph a game as a whole. Also, thesegames are not very common. There are few location-basedgames outside academia, which means there’s not muchempirical background in the sense of typical, frequent phe-nomena one can observe in everyday life. This sets our pat-terns apart from Alexander’s, for which there are often ex-isting examples in the architecture and buildings in the realworld.

The patterns in the following section are directly quotedPatterns are citationswith additional

annotation at theend.

from [Will, 2013, pp. 70–112], but we divert from the usualcitation formatting style. Instead of using quotation markswe put each quoted pattern into a gray box for better read-ability. Otherwise the format is exactly the same as in theirfirst publication. Since [2013] we reached new insights fromour various projects (see 6 — “Evaluation”) that are impor-tant for several patterns. To reflect this, we added an “An-notation” after each pattern, which is obviously not part ofthe quotation. This part puts the pattern into the contextof our projects, shows how it was useful, and explains therationale behind potential changes of it in the future. Wechose against incorporating such changes at this time, be-cause we believe such changes would be better done in amore formal process that relies on peer-reviewing and/orworkshop discussions with a broader audience.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (47)



Since the terms location and position can both have multiple meanings, there is aneed to clearly define them for the context of location-based games and especiallyfor this pattern language.

If we want to describe where a player is in terms of a data set, we are going to usethe term position.

If we want to describe where a player is in a context, therefore giving meaning tohis position, we are going to call it a location.

Design Solutions:

Determining a player’s position and the change thereof can already be the basisfor creating game-play mechanics. The game Feeding Yoshi for example turnedunsecured wireless networks into plantations and secure ones into Yoshis. Whilemore ideas and examples to use POSITION AS INPUT can be found in that pattern,the most important use of the player’s position is to determine her location.

Observations from games such as Feeding Yoshi indicate that players tend toturn non-descriptive positions into meaningful (as in: having a meaning for theplayer) locations anyway: players would for example say a Yoshi “lived down theblock”.

There is obviously a possible mis-match between position and location: One posi-tion (e.g. a set of GPS-coordinates) can belong to a multitude of locations since theshape and size of what constitutes a location is variable. These variables are deter-mined by context and meaning, which can be influenced both by the player and thegame. For more information on how to deal with this mis-match and what kindsof locations one can differentiate, consult the pattern LOCATION GRANULARITY.

There are many ways to use location in games, some basic ideas for this areexplained in LOCATION AS CONTENT, more specific solutions can be found inDESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE and OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER.


There are definitely ways to create interesting games using POSITION AS INPUT andresulting games often can be played anywhere, which is a great advantage.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (48)

30 5 Design Frameworks

However, this pattern language will focus on games that use more than just posi-tion to create a game experience, hence the name “location-based games”.

We think the disadvantage of being “tied” to locations is far outweighed by thevariability of gameplay mechanics, the depth of IMMERSION and the player’s expe-rience in general (e.g. through CHANGE PERCEPTION OF REAL WORLD PHENOM-ENA) that is offered by using LOCATION AS CONTENT in a game.

Add to this the rise of AUGMENTED REALITY technologies, which allow a greatdegree of interaction between virtual game worlds and real locations, and the resultis a complex design space. One of the goals of this language is to help navigate thisspace and help with the unique challenges created by the pervasiveness of location-based games.


• Feeding Yoshi

• REXplorer

Related to:







[Will, 2013, pp. 70–71]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (49)



This pattern is probably one of the hardest ones, because it technically covers twoaspects and not one. It addresses the same problem that was already mentionedearlier: what “location-based” means (see chapter 3 — “Location-Based Games:Fundamentals”). From the start, when [Will, 2013] was written, we were unsurewhether the mere explanation of this dichotomy qualifies for a pattern, but in theend we decided to include it. So far this decision proved to have value, consideringits usefulness in the games we developed since then, especially Aachen Horror(see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”). We didn’t see any need to change the patterneither. Its main use has been to explain people, potential users/players and newdevelopers/game designers alike, the ambiguity of the term “location”.

Differentiating between the plain technical aspect of players’ whereabouts and theircontextual understanding of where they are has proven to ease development anddiscussion about location-based games in our teams a great deal. As the patternexplains we reserved the term “position” for the first option and used “location”for the latter.

In terms of hierarchy the next two patterns, POSITION AS INPUT and LOCATION

AS CONTENT, are directly beneath this one and rely on the distinction of these twoterms.

Since the usefulness of a pattern in development is one of its key points and thisdistinction is so important we saw no need to revise it. Its full name is only rarelyused in general talk about a given project, unlike other pattern names. Instead, wegenerally used either the first or second part of its title (“Position” or “Location”)to ensure everybody knew what “kind” of location we meant.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (50)

32 5 Design Frameworks


Information about the player’s position and change thereof can be used in game-play.

Design Solutions:

There are three basic possibilities to use the player’s position as input:

• use mainly the change of position as a basis for gameplay (and not the abso-lute start/end position)

• with minimal setup, the game can create a game field in any suitable place

• use OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER to determine his position in a way thatworks in a multitude of places

Using one of these or a combination of them provides a good basis for interestinggameplay while not anchoring the game to a specific location such as a specific cityor building. Some examples to further illustrate these possibilities:

• Zombies, Run! uses audio to give a runner the feeling of being chasedby zombies. This simple idea turns a physical excercise into an immersive,story-driven experience by using distance traveled and speed of the runneras input.

• Savannah can be set up on on any suitable open space.

• Feeding Yoshi uses encryption of WiFi-networks to create plantations (notencrypted) and Yoshis (encrypted), a great example of using the NETWORK

INFRASTRUCTURE to create a very diverse game experience based on wherein the world the game is being played.


Since you can no longer effectively predict where the game will be played, choosingto use position this way in a game makes it difficult to use LOCATION AS CONTENT.It is certainly more difficult in these kind of games to DESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE

since it is practically impossible to scout locations for natural coincidences or fabri-cate coincidence using hired actors.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (51)


However, with the rise of AUGMENTED REALITY technologies it is certainly be-coming feasible to provide players with a seemingly “localized” experience, evenin games played all over the world (see Ingress).


• Zombies, Run!

• Savannah

• Feeding Yoshi

Related to:






[Will, 2013, pp. 72–73]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (52)

34 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern ties into the concepts of location-aware technology and location-based+ respectively location-based* games. It is basically the opposite patternto LOCATION AS CONTENT, described below. As its Design Solutions imply, itrefers to the games more common to the location-based* game concept, whereasLOCATION AS CONTENT fits better to the other concept of location-based+ games.However, just as stated in chapter 3 — “Location-Based Games: Fundamentals”drawing a hard line between these concepts is not feasible, which is why the pat-tern doesn’t claim it was impossible to adapt LOCATION AS CONTENT as well. Itjust states that doing so is difficult.

In the context of this work, the pattern also ties into the differences we see betweenlocation-aware technology as control for a game and the controls of regular (com-puter) games (see chapter 2 — “Development Challenges”):

• control input is less player-initiated

• control mapping is less abstract

The examples mentioned in the Design Solutions all avoid problems with thesedifferences since they make it very clear to the players what position change does.None of these games implement an absurd mapping. The player position is alwaysmapped to some feasible movement- or position-related game aspect. Neither dothey introduce problems regarding the first point: They don’t require players toperform impossible position changes or introduce mechanics where not being ableto “stop inputting a current position” leads to a dangerous result.

Especially noteworthy in this context is perhaps Zombies, Run!, for two rea-sons: First, yes, having to wait at a traffic light (i.e. “inputting the same positionover and over”) can be fatal in the sense that the zombies “get the player” and thegame/mission is lost, but that is an intentional design choice and part of its charm.From a technical point, however, this is not fatal, because it is neither a crash nor anoption the designers did not consider. Second, it is one of the few location-basedgames that don’t map the players’ real world position (or rather change thereof) to(just) a virtual position.

One of our own game prototypes adapting this pattern was iCatch, as describedin chapter 6.3 — “iCatch”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (53)



Location-based games are played in the real world and should use it as a resource.

Design Solutions:

To quote Bichard and Waern: “The world is a vast and infinitely changing resourceof content for pervasive games”.Games that use LOCATION AS CONTENT should incorporate real-world artifactsunique to those locations into the game.The ability to merge the real world into a game world is essential in differentiatinglocation-based games from “classic” games on PC, consoles or mobile devices. Thegoal in this case is to use things that are unique about a location to create an equallyunique game experience which can not be replicated elsewhere.

Real-world artifacts include for example all kinds of sensory information:

• visuals: what kind of buildings, colors, lighting...

• sounds: streets, cars, people, church bells...

• smells: food, people, smog ...

• social events: regular gatherings (markets, weddings, mass etc.)

• people: tourists, locals, age groups (children, adults etc.)

• “atmosphere”: time of day, lighting, weather, special occasions such asChristmas markets

Additionally, every place has a unique history and “facts” (as in: trivia) associatedwith it, which can be used in multiple ways in a game. For example, you could useyour game to teach these things to the players, which results (ideally) in CHANGED

PERCEPTION OF REAL WORLD PHENOMENA. The opposite would be to use theirexisting knowledge of history and trivia (e.g. in a game aimed at locals) as a basisfor a gameplay mechanic where they have to use that knowledge to solve riddles.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (54)

36 5 Design Frameworks

Real-world artifacts can be used in a multitude of ways to create a great experiencefor the player(s) - the patterns DESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE, EXPLORATION CEN-TRAL TO GAME and LANDMARKS contain some of the most prominent ideas.


Using real-world artifacts in a game also introduces “real-world problems” into it- REACHABLE LOCATIONS probably being the most important one.

Additionally, LOCATION GRANULARITY needs to be considered to avoid PLAYER


And finally, from a more technical point of view: NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE

can have a huge impact on what locations are actually suitable for location-basedgames.


• REXplorer

• Interference

Related to:









[Will, 2013, pp. 74–75]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (55)



This pattern serves as the counterpart of POSITION AS INPUT. Consequently, itresults in adapting games leaning more towards the location-based+ type, sinceusing the specific characteristics of locations (especially in the more colloquial senseof location as “sights”) binds them to individual, absolute playing fields.

Relying on the actual semantics of a location also shifts their importance duringplay from “moving there” to the site itself, hence the pattern’s naming. Unlike theprevious pattern this also draws players’ awareness away from the control issues inchapter 2 — “Development Challenges”. While, technically, the change of locationstill triggers changes in the game, i.e. it is a form of input control, the focus typicallydoes not lie on this aspect. To the player, a location is not a given set of input datathat she can manipulate, it is part of the game’s plot, or “content”, like a certainarea in a traditional digital game’s virtual environment or a specific item.

Like POSITION AS INPUT avoids potential problems by making the limited abstrac-tion of movement as control and the limited player-initiation of the control inputobvious. This pattern avoids problems by hiding them. The down-side to this arethe limitations explained in the Trade-Offs and the leaning towards location-based+

game concepts.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (56)

38 5 Design Frameworks


Misunderstandings between game designers, players and the game system aboutpositions and locations must be avoided.

Design Solutions:

As described in POSITION VS. LOCATION, to GPS, a position is merely a set ofcoordinates. To WiFi or cellular-based positioning services, position informationmight be a set of signal strengths and network IDs.

To players however, location can mean a lot of different things: It could be a street,a building, a room in a building, the place in front of a certain side of a building.

Furthermore, there is no fixed size for what constitutes a location: anything fromwhich side of a table you are sitting at up to which city you are in.

Game designers need to match these two different views, the semantic, context-dependent view players have of a location and the discrete, mathemati-cal/geometrical view computer systems have of a position.

To further illustrate the problem: Imagine a player is standing just outside ofAachen Cathedral’s south wall, close enough to touch it. For some reason, let’ssay a quest that is part of a game based on city exploration, he should go into thecathedral. Now, to cope with uncertainty of GPS, the game assumes the player isinside the Cathedral and marks the quest as “completed”. While the system mightnot see a difference between position X and position X+1m, to the player these twopositions are totally different locations.

While it might be possible to predict these mismatches, the only way to be ade-quately sure is to do extensive user/player/beta-testing and watch out for symp-toms of these problems, such as PLAYER CONFUSION.


In a lot of cases, this mismatch is actually not a severe problem, one example beingFeeding Yoshi: Players memorized e.g. that a certain Yoshi lives in front of astore. While the NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE responsible for creating this Yoshimight not actually belong to that specific store, it does not change it’s position and(presumably) always covers the front of that store.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (57)


Therefore the game experience is not always disturbed by the mismatch betweenplayer view of location and system view of position.


• Feeding Yoshi

Related to:





[Will, 2013, pp. 76–77]

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40 5 Design Frameworks


This is a pretty straight-forward pattern that might seem obvious at first. We in-cluded it in the pattern language anyways, because experience from the variousgames we designed (see chapter 6 — “Evaluation”) showed that the different con-notations of the term “location” are not always present in people’s minds.

Aachen Horror (see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”) or the GroupAixplorerare good examples of this. For these projects we had to gain feedback not just frompotential players, but from an early point on also from the city’s and the museum’sstaff. Often during these meetings we realized that concepts we had planned toinclude were harder to communicate than we originally thought. People tendedto rely a lot on semantic knowledge about given places and/or changed the actualmeaning of a location’s name depending on context. For example, they woulddescribe one building as being “near the city hall” in the context of routing playersthere. In this context that would mean several dozen meters away, maybe evenwhere you wouldn’t even see the city hall anymore. Yet, when talking about asearch task, “near the city hall” would mean something different, even if it was thesame person using the phrase. Suddenly it was meant to refer to the small areaactually encircling the city hall itself, a much closer location.

Of course, as we had the technical background regarding the actually used location-aware technology, we would usually catch those issues when staff were proposingideas to us, for example, giving us information about a location’s history to comeup with plot ideas for a game, but we realized that when we relayed suggestions tothem, we never knew how they would interpret our terminology when we weren’tcareful.

Thus, we realized we would have to show the same carefulness when includingsuch terminology in our games.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (59)



Game locations should be reachable by anyone, anytime.

Design Solutions:

If a game uses LOCATION AS CONTENT, it is important to ensure players can actu-ally reach the game’s locations.

There are many factors that can influence how and if players can actually play thegame at the intended location, such as:

• opening times

• traffic

• social events (e.g. a farmer’s market might restrict access to a public place)

• construction

• weather

Extensive scouting of the locations used as content has not only the advantage ofminimizing the impact of the above-mentioned factors, but additionally one mightnotice artifacts that could be used to DESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE.


Sometimes, a certain difficulty to reach a location can actually be a part of the game,Geocaching being the best example for how this is appealing to players.

It is also important to note that it is not necessarily “bad” to limit the general avail-ability of a game: Players will for example accept they can only rent and use aninteractive tourist guide such as GroupAixplorer during the opening times ofthe game’s location.


• Geocaching

• GroupAixplorer

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (60)

42 5 Design Frameworks

Related to:



[Will, 2013, pp. 78–79]

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This is another one of the seemingly obvious patterns, yet we felt it important to“give the problem a name”. The limitation to games using LOCATION AS CON-TENT mentioned in its Design Solutions should be revised to address games usingPOSITION AS INPUT as well. Those might also hit issues with unREACHABLE LO-CATIONS, after all. However, usually location-based* games don’t encounter suchproblems in the same manner. Here it is more often a problem when setting upthe game, i.e., it could even be a challenge for the players themselves (if they arerequired to set up the play field during an initial phase).

From our experience this is less of an issue, though, since these games focus moreon physical movement and less on the meaning of specific locations. Blocking is-sues are thus automatically recognized by players.

For games using LOCATION AS CONTENT (which are more likely to be of thelocation-based+ kind) the impact can be harder. It is easy during game design tosimply not choose permanently blocked locations, but as the list in the pattern’sDesign Solutions implies, it is varying conditions that are the problem.

It even goes beyond plain physical reachability, e.g. a farmer’s market might notphysically prevent players from going to a place, but make playing the game therepractically impossible, or at least socially uncomfortable (see also MINIMIZE SO-CIAL AWKWARDNESS).

Since identification of a target location is often part of a game (e.g. in a scavengerhunt, or game with investigative aspects like Aachen Horror, see chapter 6.7 —“Aachen Horror”) different reachability might also lead to players simply not rec-ognizing a location (“They can’t mean the city hall, we can’t always enter that!”).

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (62)

44 5 Design Frameworks


Location-based games can and should use more information than just the currentposition of a player.

Design Solutions:

The full context of the player includes more than just information about his positionand location.

Using all this information allows to create interesting interactions and gameplaymechanics.For example, at every location you can probably find things such as:

• the sounds the player can hear

• the people he can interact with

• the ambiance (e.g. the weather)

• the buildings at the location

Incorporating these (and whatever else you can think of) allows for more varietyin gameplay and content, e.g. by using these artifacts in order to DESIGN FOR



While the context of the player can be used to greatly enhance gameplay, e.g.through DESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE, it can sometimes be hard to predict. There-fore it is important to have mechanisms in the game that can deal with unexpectederrors and similar problems to avoid PLAYER CONFUSION.

While variety in gameplay is great to bind players longterm and therefore great for“persistent” games such as Ingress, it also increases the time it takes to learn andunderstand a game, making it less suited for players such as commuters lookingfor short distraction.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (63)



• Interference

• “Tangible pleasures of pervasive role-playing” Montola

Related to:




[Will, 2013, pp. 80–81]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (64)

46 5 Design Frameworks


We haven’t found any new aspects regarding this pattern since its first publicationin [Will, 2013]. Naturally, it is easier to make use of a player’s other context if thegame designers already know what this context will be. Thus, this pattern is a loteasier to adapt for location-based+ games and games that implement LOCATION AS


We made extensive use of this pattern in Aachen Horror (see chapter 6.7 —“Aachen Horror”), trying to pick “eerie” places that fit the game’s mystic, ominousthemes.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (65)



Seemingly coincidental events are a great way to manipulate the APPARENT FRAME

of a game.

Design Solutions:

Study the places your game will be played at carefully. Observe what kind of visualcues, sounds and social events happen regularly (and are predictable) and incorpo-rate them into your game.Additionally, you can manipulate the environment to create circ*mstances whichwill seem coincidental to the player.Both require, in almost all cases, the game to use LOCATION AS CONTENT.

Player interviews in case studies of LARPs and other pervasive games often in-dicate that players really appreciate coincidental events that seem to be part of thegame world. This is not surprising: real life is full of (perceived) coincidences whilegame worlds are often governed by strict rules and are strongly scripted, makingthem feel “artificial”.

The goal now is to take an “artifact” from the real world, be it a visual cue, a personor an event and give it a meaning inside the game world. For a wider overview ofwhat artifacts can be used in a game, see OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER.

A perfect example on how to achieve this can be found in the game PrisonerEscape from the Tower of London:The “beefeater” guards in the Tower were given RF transmitters, while the playershad devices able to detect the location of those transmitters. One of the player’sgoals is to “escape” the Tower, i.e. leave it while avoiding the guards. When de-tecting one of the guards’ transmitters, the player’s device would alert them andthey would lose the game. As a result, the real world activity of the guards - pa-trolling the Tower and talking to tourists - had an additional meaning to the play-ers of the game. Even more so since not all guards were carrying transmitters -which the player’s did not necessarily know. This resulted in players hiding fromguards which were just going about their everyday duties, turning a coincidentalencounter into a part of the game world.

While the above mentioned guards still continued their everyday routine, it is alsopossible to fully fabricate coincidental events. This is often achieved by hiring ac-tors for no other purpose than to interact with the players.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (66)

48 5 Design Frameworks

Lastly, there is one more way to blur the APPARENT FRAME - which is also the mostdifficult one: to use an actual coincidence as part of the game.Uncle Roy all Around You achieved this by essentially gambling with prob-abilities. One instruction for example, given in a crowded place, was to “followthe black-haired woman”. Obviously there is a decent chance that in a crowd theplayer will sooner rather than later spot a black-haired woman and follow her. Thevague description in this case is essential to increase the probability of the playerspotting someone to follow. The game constantly tracked the player’s position andhad several coordinated actors in place to “step in” when the game administratorssuspected she might be lost or when she actually came close to where the gamecontinued.


Designing for coincidence is obviously reliant on predicting both the behavior ofthe player(s) and the environment - which is definitely hard at times.It is therefore important to have “fail-safes” in place, in order to recognize PLAYER

CONFUSION and help.

Additionally, if the “timing” is off, e.g. a player is supposed to count the number achurch bell rings but does not pay attention at the right time - the whole game canfall apart.A possible fail-safe in this case could be a recording on the player’s device that shecould play at will after the church bells finished.


• Prisoner Escape from the Tower of London

Related to:





[Will, 2013, pp. 82–83]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (67)



As emphasized in its Trade-offs section this is one of the harder patterns to adaptin the framework. It basically demands that the designers expect the unexpected.

Generally, we see this pattern more suited for location-based+ games adaptingLOCATION AS CONTENT, since those are better defined in terms of what real worldconditions impact the gameplay.

In practice the difficulty to implement it heavily depends on the game’s concretespecifics and plot (if it has something like a plot). Since coincidences in this contextare usually things that happen in the real world, regardless of the game, it musthave mechanics that are relevant to them in some way. For example, imagine a by-stander approaches people playing a scavenger hunt game. The players won’t evenperceive her as part of the game unless there are mechanics implying the interac-tion with a person is even a possibility. If said game was not a simple scavengerhunt, but rather a game with the objective to find an incognito opposing player theimpact of a bystander approaching the players is a lot different: Could they mistakeher for the opposing player they’re chasing?

In our projects we found it hard to DESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE without leading totoo much PLAYER CONFUSION or even not properly MINIMIZING SOCIAL AWK-WARDNESS.

Aachen Horror, for example, actually demands the players to contact people out-side of the game (who were asked to deny having anything to do with the game):Players have to book a certain location to get access. The location is used for othermeans than our game, too, so when exactly the players can visit depends on a book-ing schedule and is thus random. That’s basically a coincidence in the sense of theDESIGN FOR COINCIDENCE pattern (though it touches other patterns as well, ofcourse). During the design phase we considered setting a time-limit in which thelocation needs to be visited. That would have introduced even more chance to thetask, whether the players could succeed or not would have been a complete coinci-dence depending on how much the location was frequented outside of our game.

Thus, we decided against a time-limit. It would have given us no fail-safe.

For an in-depth description of how this mechanic works, see chapter 6.7 — “AachenHorror”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (68)

50 5 Design Frameworks

LANDMARKSDesign Ideal:

Landmarks are perfect for location-based games.

Design Solutions:

The main advantages of landmarks are:

• they are easy to spot: they might not necessarily be visible from everywherein a city, but you can definitely see them from some distance

• they are easy to recognize: there is only a very small chance someone willconfuse Aachen Cathedral with the church next to it

• they are known to locals: even if a player has difficulties finding a landmark,the local population will not

The combination of these three properties makes landmarks very useful for nav-igation - tourists everywhere on the world can attest to this. Through the use oflandmarks, a game can help players find out:

• where they are

• where they need to go

• what way they should take to their target

To achieve this, the game should tell them what distinctive buildings (like clock-towers), features (like hills) or even social settings (a busy marketplace) they shouldor shouldn’t be able to see.

Displaying pictures of the landmark can further reduce ambiguity and help withnavigation. This is especially helpful in areas with less accurate position informa-tion (see: COPING WITH UNCERTAINTY, NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE).

Landmarks can also help to reduce the problem of LOCATION GRANULARITY -there is a general consensus of the size and borders of a landmark. Additionally,most landmarks are buildings and as such have a front, a back and often labeledentrances, which can be very useful for precise navigation.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (69)


But while using landmarks for navigation is already great for location-based games,they are also very well suited as content for the game (LOCATION AS CONTENT). Inmany cases, landmarks are not only visually unique but carry additional cultural,historical or social meaning. Some ideas to use these unique properties in location-based games are:

• as reward: if players solve a quest, they recieve information about the historyof a building - very useful for interactive tourist guides

• as part of a game mechanic: players might have to find out the date a churchwas burned down and enter it into the game to proceed

• as atmospheric background: e.g. if a game is set in 1600 a.d., playing infront of or in an actual building from 1600 increases the player’s sense ofIMMERSION

• as part of the game world: in a story-based game, blurring the boundary be-tween game and reality (see APPARENT FRAME) can “transform” an ordinarychurch into the headquarters of a secret society


In POSITION AS INPUT, we give examples of games that do not use LOCATION AS

CONTENT. Such games therefore can make little use of landmarks.

One additional trade-off is similar to the one mentioned in REACHABLE LOCA-TIONS: Games such as Geocaching draw much of their appeal from the fact thatthe game’s locations are difficult to find.


• REXplorer

• Geocaching

Related to:






(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (70)

52 5 Design Frameworks

[Will, 2013, pp. 84–85]


Usage of this pattern should be pretty self-explanatory. There’s just two minoraspects that should be taken into account to properly benefit from it.

First, what constitutes LANDMARKS depends on the scale of a game, respectivelyits used location-aware technology. If it is an outdoor game played in a city theterm can mostly be understood quite literally, in indoor games that might be alittle different. For example, in the indoor game GroupAixplorer (played in amuseum, see chapter 6.2 — “GroupAixplorer”), a LANDMARK could be a singlepainting or even a specific room (like the “red hall”).

Second, the mentioned mitigation of problems concerning LOCATION GRANU-LARITY has its limits. As this pattern’s Annotation explains, the context anyLANDMARK is referenced in during gameplay can influence what exact areaplayer’s will assume as belonging to it. For example in Aachen, the actual areapeople assume to be meant by the expression “on the market” might depend onwhether there’s currently a farmers’ market going on at the location or not. Thespace where the different stands are is actually less than the entire public squareofficially called “market place” in this case.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (71)



Design Ideal:

Many games are appealing because the players learn something about themselves,others, and the world.

Design Solutions:

While important for and present in almost all kind of games (the work-in-progresspattern language of Bjork contains a version of this pattern more focused on classicgames), location-based games have a distinct advantage.Since they are played in the physical world, they can more easily change the per-ception players have of the places they are played at, especially if they actively usethat LOCATION AS CONTENT.

A classic example would be an interactive tourist guide such as GroupAixplorer,teaching players what life was like at their current location during a specific periodof history.

Through role-playing, players could learn something about themselves or aboutcharacters they portrait.

AUGMENTED REALITY can be also be very helpful in achieving this ideal, e.g. byoverlaying historical views on the current version of a building.


The (maybe) central problem in game design: different players like different kindsof games. Not everyone plays a game to learn something about the place they areat. E.g., for players that just want to “waste some time” and have a little bit of fun,learning about a very tragic fact about the history of their current location might bea game-breaking intrusion.

Additionally, purposefully designing to achieve this is very difficult, as Bj’ork ex-plains in more detail in his pattern: both the players knowledge and willingnessand the ability of the system to model the real world or interact with the real worldhave heavy influence on a successfully changed perception.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (72)

54 5 Design Frameworks


• GroupAixplorer

Related to:



[Will, 2013, pp. 86–87]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (73)



Besides the issues already mentioned in the Trade-offs of the pattern there are alsoexternal factors that have to be considered when trying to adapt it.

In Aachen Horror (see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”), for example, we in-tended to bring the players’ attention to an especially grim historic occurrence ata location in Aachen: Right at the end of World War II, two 14-year-old boys weremurdered for alleged plunder by the Nazis. Today, a memorial badge1 indicatesthe location where this crime happened. We thought we could use our game todraw attention to this tragedy and educate our players. It wouldn’t contradict thedark general theme of the game, so we didn’t expect it to be game-breaking for theplayers.

However, it turned out that our historical advisors voted against the idea, not be-cause they were against getting people to know about this dark part of Aachen’shistory, but because we wanted to include it in a game. We had been too focused onthe game itself and whether real world phenomena would fit in with the game andnot whether the game would fit in with them. Our advisors also pointed out thatboth boys’ families might be concerned (we didn’t know the two still had living rel-atives at first) with their ancestors names being used in this context. In the end wefound a compromise, we referred to the incident without using the boys’ names.Thus, we were still able to bring attention to the crime without disrespecting thevictims or their families.


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (74)

56 5 Design Frameworks


Location-based games should provide motivation to explore a cityscape or land-scape.

Design Solutions:

The advantage of playing in the “real world” allows players to explore more thanjust a virtual game world.

There is no question about exploration being a great motivator for players. Be itsingle-player games or MMORPGs on consoles or PC, players will always use thefreedom they are given to explore that particular virtual world.Obviously, a little reward from the game for doing so is helpful, but not much isrequired - humans seem to be explorers by nature.

Therefore, location-based games should try to give players as much freedom aspossible:

• let them choose their own path between locations

• let them choose the order for visiting locations

• lead them “off the beaten path”

• provide motivation for them to explore their environment - with all theirsenses


While exploration is great in order to achieve several goals, such as CHANGE PER-CEPTION OF REAL WORLD PHENOMENA as well as being appealing gameplay,there are limitations to it.

First, there are trust issues as in described in ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS:Urban areas for example can be dangerous - it might be useful to prevent playersfrom exploring them.

Secondly: Players might be of different navigational skill level - there is obviouslya difference between exploration and simply being lost (see PLAYER CONFUSION).

And in some games, exploration might simply not fit in with the overall theme or

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (75)


idea of a game: a game with a strong, linear narrative and time constraints (sinceit may use hired actors) can not give the players a lot of freedom in choosing theirway between locations in order to keep the narrative flowing at a certain pace.


• Feeding Yoshi

• Ingress

Related to:





[Will, 2013, pp. 88–89]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (76)

58 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern was heavily used in all our projects so far. One of the reasons were ourties with the city of Aachen. Since we often worked together with museums andthe city’s historians we received plenty of suggestions regarding places that wouldbe worthwhile for our players. We tended to use LOCATION AS CONTENT a lot, soit seemed natural to also have our players “discover” new or at least uncommonplaces. The most notable example of our games adopting this pattern is AachenHorror (see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”). The sheer size of the area the gametakes place in (basically the entire inner city) as well as its potential length meanthat players explore the city quite a bit. We also consciously designed it in such away that would lead players to places they probably have not been to yet, or leastput places they knew into a new perspective.

We think that when dealing with third parties during the design process (like his-torians, city officials, etc.) this pattern is one of those seen as most valuable bythem. These people are often interested in reaching a greater audience with “their”locations and are likely to value location-based games of any kind as a form of edu-tainment. EXPLORATION CENTRAL TO GAME fits that demand very well, since, aswe learned from the city staff we met, leading visitors to certain places is a keyaspect they often deal with.

An additional warning to be added to the pattern’s Trade-offs, however, would bethis:

• In large scale games, avoid forcing players to re-visit locations without goodreason

The rationale behind this is rather simple and ties in to the last paragraph in thatsection: A lot of games relying on a narrative, like our Aachen Horror, demandthat players do something specific at a location. Furthermore, it is easily possiblethat they first have to accomplish a prerequisite at location A to do be able to dosomething at location B. If they find location B via exploring before they finish theprerequisite at location A, this means they have to go back to location B later. Incity wide games this can quickly lead to quite a large overhead in traveling betweenlocations and thus potentially tire the players.

In other, smaller scale games, this is less of an issue, since the additional travelbetween locations isn’t that big a deal. Our GroupAixplorer is a good examplefor that.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (77)



Design Ideal:

Since player confusion in location-based games can have significant consequences,it needs to be prevented and alleviated.

Design Solutions:

In games played at home, players can easily turn off the game and take a breakwhen they encounter a problem they can not solve. In location-based games, agame confusing the player could lead to her being lost in a city she might not know.

In Uncle Roy All Around You, the game designers kept constant track of theposition of their players. When they suspected a player might be lost, they in-structed one of the actors that were part of the game to intervene.

This shows one of the central challenges in recognizing confused players: it re-quires constant supervision, done by human observers. One of the best solutionsto help confused players is implemented in all MMORPGs: Game-masters. Playerscan contact them if they are lost or stuck and will receive (ideally) immediate help.Additionally, the availability of game-masters provides players with an increasedsense of security, even if they don’t need them.

As with any device or software, a “help” function should always be available, pro-viding the player with information on how to deal with possible problems. Thishelp should be available off-line, i.e. even if the device is currently not connectedto a network, to avoid problems of the NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE.


As mentioned above, recognizing if a player is truly confused or maybe just eny-oing EXPLORATION CENTRAL TO GAME is near-impossible from tracking dataalone. Human observers can provide more accurate guesses than an automatedsystem, but it is still mostly guesswork.

The (arguably) best solution, game-masters, require a considerable effort of moneyand man-power. Therefore, a good help functionality, available off-line, is essential.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (78)

60 5 Design Frameworks


• Uncle Roy All Around You

Related to:



[Will, 2013, pp. 90–91]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (79)



It should be noted that in principle, this pattern applies to any kind of game, not justlocation-based games. We decided to explicitly include it in the language anywaysbecause the consequences are potentially even bigger than in any other kind ofgame.

As stated in the Design Solutions, a confused player can easily be literally lost. Inmost other games, confusion is limited to the game itself. Just because a playerdoesn’t understand what’s going on in the game doesn’t mean she’s suddenly alsoconfused about what to do after stopping to play for any reason.

In a location-based game, the confusion can easily “swap over” into real life. Notjust in the form of lost orientation, but also in terms of “what is real and what be-longs to the game?”, depending on the use of other patterns like APPARENT FRAME

and IMMERSION (the same applies to pervasive or AR games): Depending on howstrong any IMMERSION is and how the game mechanics work the player might noteven exactly know how to turn off the game. (Of course a game should never beintentionally designed like this.)

This then can also lead to problems with MINIMIZING SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS oreven cause ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS.

So far we always avoided the extreme consequences of PLAYER CONFUSION bygiving players of our prototypes our contact information, i.e. we included gamemasters.

Admittedly, this might be hard in real commercial games with a large player base,but at least during the design/beta phase of any location-based game we wouldstrongly recommend this approach. In our case any game-master was always alsoable to physically meet up with the players to investigate problems. This turned outto be often necessary since it was sometimes hard to communicate the details prop-erly. Especially when it came to describing problems with finding the correct loca-tion (as in “a location the game software reacts to”) players and the game-mastercould better discuss things in person and “on location”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (80)

62 5 Design Frameworks


Players put a lot of trust into the game creators when they play a location-basedgame in a public space.

Design Solutions:

It is important to keep the social context in mind when designing a location-basedgame.As an example: ten adult men chasing a woman over a marketplace may not becorrectly interpreted as part of a game by bystanders.

It is therefore important to design the game-play in accordance with local laws andcustoms.Even if players know some action would be unlawful, they might still rationalizecompleting it, e.g. by assuming the game creator acquired a permit or has otherwisecoordinated the game with local law enforcement.

While staying within the confines of the law will keep players out of jail, stayingwithin local customs is great for MINIMIZING SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS, making agame more accessible.


While breaking the law should never be part of a game, breaking local customsand social conventions can actually be very appealing to players. The pervasiverole-playing game Interference is a good examples for this.


• Interference

Related to:


[Will, 2013, page 92]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (81)



While the legal aspect of this pattern is probably immediately obvious in mostlocation-based games, the ethical and “merely” culturally questionable (instead ofoutright illegal) issues are easily overlooked.

Especially when parts of the game are meant to CHANGE PERCEPTION OF REAL

WORLD PHENOMENA, which could go along with changing player’s perceptionsof cultural rules, it can quickly happen that players behave in a way that conflictswith social norms.

This can be a good thing, but can also lead to unintended conflict or even punish-ment.

The example given in the Design Solutions section actually came up during a stu-dent project (for the iCatch game, see chapter 6.3 — “iCatch”). Students had todesign a digital version of tag, i.e. players had to chase after another. The entireteam, including the instructor, was so immersed in coming up with new rules andsolutions for technical problems that nobody thought about the game’s impact onbystanders. Only during the first trials in a park, students realized how awkwardit feels to chase one another as adults. This also shows how the team failed toproperly MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS.

The testers were all male and during the tests nobody happened to alarm the police,but students mused that might have been different if the one being chased had beenfemale (we didn’t actually confirm that for obvious reasons). The bystanders theysaw didn’t immediately realize they just played a game. We believe that althoughpeople know tag as a game, they generally perceive it as a game only children play,so seeing adults play it looked suspicious. Usually, adults chasing each other is ofa more serious matter.

Another example for ethical problems is the one mentioned in the annotations forCHANGE PERCEPTION OF REAL WORLD PHENOMENA.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (82)

64 5 Design Frameworks


Location-based games are mostly played in public settings. If a game requires anyinteraction that is unusual for the public setting (such as loud verbal communi-cation, gestures etc.), the feeling of awkwardness might discourage players fromplaying it. Additionally, bystanders not knowing a game is being played mightfurther increase the feeling of awkwardness.

Design Solutions:

When designing your game’s interactions, be aware of the social context the gameis played in.

The easiest way to reduce awkwardness is CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER, especiallyif it involves local co-operation since this invites players to form an EPHEMERAL

MAGIC CIRCLE. This circle can distinguish play from everyday behavior in theeyes of bystanders - helpful for avoiding ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS.

In games that are played by a single player but in very public settings, in most casesit is a good idea to avoid interactions that involve expressive gestures, loud verbalinteractions or role-playing, as they might make the player (and bystanders) feeluncomfortable.


Minimizing social awkwardness is important as it has a fundamental impact notonly on the player experience, but also can make it easier for bystanders to under-stand a game is currently being played.

It seams that one of the best ways to reduce this awkwardness is CO-LOCATED

MULTIPLAYER, which is great since location-based games often work better as so-cial experiences anyways.

However, balancing social awkwardness and interesting game mechanics is nota simple process: Gesture-based interactions, for example, certainly can increaseawkwardness, but they are also very appealing mechanics (especially in role-playing games, where AUTHENTIC ACTIVITY is required).


• Interference

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (83)


Related to:





[Will, 2013, pp. 93–94]

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66 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern addresses similar aspects as the previous, only with a slightly differentfocus. Even activities that are not directly illegal or culturally inappropriate canbe problematic when displayed in public. The examples given in ETHICAL AND

LEGAL PROBLEMS can be seen as relevant for this pattern, too.

Of course the easiest way to avoid any social awkwardness is to either “hide” thegame within normal activities. For example, playing Zombies, Run! is, for anon-looker, indistinguishable from simply running.

However, a lot of games try to coax players into doing something unusual. It canbe fun to overcome any slight anxieties in the context of a game. For these cases itis important to think of the OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER during the design phase.

In a lot of our projects this was a constant process of reducing the game mechanics.Designing a task of simply “going somewhere and do X” seemed to appear blandto us at first, at least compared to the design ideas for more traditional games’ me-chanics. Making use of gestures and interaction with the gaming hardware seemedessential.

Only when we took into account that our players would often be under the scru-tinizing view of the general public, were we realized that “less might be more” inmany cases.

Another aspect of this is the effect a location itself can have on a person. Sucheffects are often subliminal and thus they were easily forgotten, it “didn’t show upon the drawing board”. Too much interaction with the traditional game mechanics(i.e. in our cases mostly tapping on a smartphone) draws the attention away from,for example, the general eeriness of a dark alley or park. While this is not in itselfnecessarily causing awkwardness (depending on the place), it most certainly wentcontrary to our efforts to make proper use of LOCATION AS CONTENT.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (85)



In CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER games, help your players form a safe zone in orderto MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS.

Design Solutions:

When standing shoulder next to shoulder, facing inwards, players form a “magiccircle of play”.This magic circle is ephemeral because it is disbanded as soon as the group startsto move again or splits up for another reason.

This helps both them and bystanders to separate play from ordinary life, reducingthe social awkwardness.

Gameplay mechanics that require face-to-face communication, device sharing andsimilar forms of cooperation will naturally lead to the formation of such a circle.

Some case studies of pervasive LARPs indicate that role-playing feels less awkwardwhen not done alone.

Both for the players and onlookers, a clear distinction of play and ordinary life ishelpful in avoiding miscommunication and feelings of social awkwardness. Thecircle formed by multiple players, while not a “hard boundary” such as a closeddoor, is a clear signal to bystanders that a social group activity is going on. Forthe players, knowing they are sending a clear signal to outsiders “we are playing agame inside this group” helps them to feel secure and be more outgoing.


While this clear distinction is helpful in MINIMIZING SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS, thecircle puts the APPARENT FRAME into the focus of players and bystanders. Asexplained in the pattern APPARENT FRAME, blurring this (perceived) boundarybetween play and real life is a great tool to create IMMERSION, which helps playersenjoy a story-driven game.


• Interference

• “Tangible pleasures of pervasive role-playing” Montola

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (86)

68 5 Design Frameworks

Related to:




[Will, 2013, pp. 95–96]

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Since most of our game projects were designed for CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER

this pattern was often used, so we are quite confident in its importance. The ob-servation that players’ awkwardness appears to be reduced by creating a strongergroup identity could also be made in our gaming sessions.

However, it wasn’t apparent to us that the circle doesn’t necessarily need to be aliteral, physical circle for the players at all times when [Will, 2013] was written. Insome cases players started a game’s task at a certain location by forming a circleand debate what to do and how to do it, but then, due to the nature of the task,broke up.

Aachen Horror’s various quests, for example, are often designed in such a man-ner. The players arriving at a location first had to listen to an introductory audioand then had to split up, or at least divide into subgroups. In the case of defendingagainst the Hounds (see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror” for a detailed description ofthe game’s concepts), it was enough that one player left the group to lure the beastsaway. While technically breaking off from the circle, it seemed the player was stillimmersed enough in the game and did not feel left out, although we do not havehard data to bolster this observation.

Another addition to the pattern would be that even after a circle was broken, play-ers could often be identified as a group by bystanders via the used hardware. Inour case it always stood out that a group using the same smartphones at the sametime belonged together, even if they were not in that close vicinity.

Lastly, we found out that the synchronized audio we used also added to the groupfeeling. This shared experience resulted in an atmosphere of being in a “secretsociety”. Players would usually wear headphones, so only they could hear thesounds, emphasizing the pattern further.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (88)

70 5 Design Frameworks


Location-based games rely on wireless technologies - these should ideally not havea negative impact on game design.

Design Solutions:

Unfortunately, there are three ways the available infrastructure can impact alocation-based game:

• the game design is (more or less) final and a fitting infrastructure needs to bechosen

• only a very specific infrastructure is available and therefore influences gamedesign

• the game is designed based on a very specific technology

The first way can be the case of a game designed for all modern smart-phones -whatever the current standard of technology is, will probably be used in the game(e.g. GPS or Assisted GPS or maybe even WiFi-localization).

The second case if often encountered in games that use LOCATION AS CON-TENT, for example interactive tourist guides and similar games. These often relyon custom-build devices that can be rented at the location where the game isplayed (such as GroupAixplorer). These devices may use standards like GPS (ifavailable at their location), but often additionally use custom systems for indoor-localization.

A perfect example for the third case would be Feeding Yoshi which utilizes thedifference between unsecured and secured WiFi-network access points as a basisfor gameplay.

Furthermore, it is important that network infrastructure is not limited to the lo-calization technology, but also includes data down- and up-links and device inter-connectivity.

When designing a game, the available technologies need to be carefully evaluated,especially on how they try to cope with uncertainty. In “Coping with Uncertaintyin a Location-Based Game”, Benford et al. show that very high error rates can creategame-breaking scenarios, ruining the player experience.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (89)


Special attention should be paid to the impact of network connection on player be-havior: in their game Savannah, the researchers noticed that a player would oftenstop immediately when notified that she reached a game location, i.e. at the edgeof this location. This would sometimes cause the players following this player tostop outside of the detection radius of this location and therefore not being able tohelp with the players “quest”.To tackle this problem, the researches suggest to separate game locations into twozones: trigger the “quest” only when a player enters the inner zone, so that playersin the outer zone can also be given the quest and help him.Another way to help with this is to have players project a “personal aura” aroundthem. If a player triggers a quest, all players in his vicinity should be able to collab-orate with him, even if they are not perfectly inside of the game location.


Currently, indoor localization is not in any way standardized or even availablewhich makes it near-impossible to use in games that can not rely on custom-buildhardware.

It is also important to realize that even if localization works well, data connectivitycan be bad at a location. If a game relies on exchanging information, e.g. between aclient device and a game server or between devices (mainly in multiplayer games),this can also create game-breaking problems, for example in the form of “lag”.


• “Coping with Uncertainty in a Location-Based Game” Benford et al.

• Savannah

Related to:



[Will, 2013, pp. 97–98]

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72 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern turned out to be one of the most obvious ones, but at the same time alsoone of the most underestimated. Every new member of any of the various projectteams that designed the games described in chapter 6 — “Evaluation”, assumedtechnology to be more advanced than it turned out to be for our purposes. Evenlaymen we presented our ideas to (city officials, beta testers, etc.) often believedthis.

We believe the reason is that mobile devices have become very ubiquitous. Mostpeople own smartphones or tablets by now, or are used to taking their laptops whenworking or traveling. However, the tasks in which they use the location-awarefeatures of their devices, differ greatly from using games. Using a map applicationfor orientation works pretty well, since it follows a request-response paradigm interms of user interaction. The user “asks” the device about her whereabouts andthe device then answers. People are usually willing to wait a few seconds for thisand the UI (User Interface) typically shows a gradual progress (the “uncertaintycircle” in the UI gets smaller). In a game the location-tracking is often meant to bedone in the background, so latency plays a bigger role.

The same is true for the mentioned data links. More standard-like tasks like loadinga simple, informative web page or downloading emails are not as badly affected bylatency, so people are not aware of how big the delay is.

Our systems showed that in a plain cellular network there can be latencies of over500 ms, even more if the user is so unlucky as to hop between two different cellulartowers. This had catastrophic impact on our initial designs. Even as comparativelytech-savvy individuals we had underestimated this problem, hence we’re now em-phasizing how important this pattern is.

Of course, future improvements of underlying technology will soon alleviate manyof these problems, but especially for games that could be played anywhere thedesigners should really be aware of these issues. Rural areas, for example, oftentake a long time to catch up with the latest improvements in infrastructure.

In a future version we might also split up this patterns into one detailing the net-work connectivity (especially as regards multiplayer games) and one tackling theproblems with location-aware technology. At the moment these two are stronglyintertwined for many technologies, so it seems reasonable to keep them in one pat-tern.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (91)



Technical limitations and problems should not have a negative impact on the gameexperience.

Design Solutions:

Technologies like GPS and WiFi-networks have levels of uncertainty. The accuracyof the location information can for example depend on many factors and rangefrom a few meters to several hundred meters. Wireless technologies have differentlevels of connectivity and can experience considerable delay.

Three elementary techniques to cope with this are:

• avoid: design game mechanics etc. so that they don’t need accurate measure-ments (e.g. use LANDMARKS for navigation)

• reveal: explicitly tell players the current level of accuracy so they can make aninformed decision

• hide: design game mechanics and interfaces so they work even with lowerdegrees of accuracy

Obviously, this is all heavily influenced by the choice of a NETWORK INFRASTRUC-TURE.

Revealing uncertainty is a great way to reduce the impact of technical problemson PLAYER CONFUSION. However, it requires both that the information (e.g., howmuch latency there is in milliseconds) to be displayed in a clear and concise mannerand that the player actually possesses the technical knowledge to understand whatkind of impact this will have on her experience.

Hiding uncertainty is often done by trying to catch all foreseeable errors - one ex-ample for this, from Can You See Me Now, might be to exclude all “impossible”(such as a pedestrian standing in the center of a lake) locations from reporting.


While revealing uncertainty is great to avoid PLAYER CONFUSION, in games that

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (92)

74 5 Design Frameworks

rely on narrative and IMMERSION, hiding the uncertainty might be more desirable.

In any case, if your game uses LOCATION AS CONTENT, it is very useful to scoutthose locations with the kind of device you wish to use in your game. In Can YouSee Me Now, for example, the researchers found that urban landscapes have asignificant effect on GPS accuracy.


• Can You See Me Now

Related to:






[Will, 2013, pp. 99–100]

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This pattern is strongly connected to the previous one and has a similarly underes-timated importance.

Since our projects were mostly using LOCATION AS CONTENT and tried to achievea high degree of IMMERSION into a narrative story we had a lot of problems imple-menting it.

For the most part we tried to avoid and hide the uncertainty, for example in AachenHorror: In our original designs it was important that a group of players at a lo-cation would hear synchronized audio to give the impression of a ghost talkingto them. The problem with this was that either players were not all in the de-fined region for that event (as described in NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE) or thattheir devices took a different amount of time to properly track their location cor-rectly. Because of this we couldn’t simply start the audio as soon as players got tothe location. Also, after the introductory talk of the ghost, we wanted players, orrather just one of them, to send a signal for the discussion to go on. This meantone player’s device had to basically trigger the continuation of audio on all otherdevices. Ad hoc connections between devices turned out to be too unreliable, sowe used a central server structure: The trigger would go to the server and fromthere to all devices. Because of the aforementioned latency issues, all potentiallydifferent between players, this lead to the audio not being in actual sync.

It turned out that this was okay, i.e. we designed the game with this latency inmind, actually even implementing code to ensure stability over latency. After all,the players were wearing headphones, so even if the various devices’ audio streamswould have a latency of one second, players wouldn’t really notice it much. Ofcourse, the dialog had to be written accordingly, avoiding sudden stops or re-quiring immediate interaction (basically anything that would make it obvious toa player that her peer wasn’t done yet or done already with listening).

The downside of this approach in general is, of course, that certain game mechanicscan’t be used. In many cases it is impossible to avoid or hide uncertainty, especiallywith very noisy signals in the location-aware technology employed by the game.We ran into this several times and in hindsight would recommend game designersto openly communicate such problems to the players. If they can see how, forexample, the GPS takes a while to narrow their location further down (like mostmap applications do), they won’t take any action that makes the problem evenworse (walking away from the correct location “because it isn’t working”).

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (94)

76 5 Design Frameworks


The apparent frame is the player-perceived boundary between real world andgame world. Manipulate it to achieve IMMERSION.

Design Solutions:

Benford et al. call the boundary the player perceives as separating real world andgame world the “apparent frame” of the game.

Manipulating this frame can be done primarily by either shrinking it or extendingit:

• To illustrate “shrinking the apparent frame”, imagine a hired actor behavinglike a bystander towards the player. The player perceives him as outside ofthe game’s frame, thus shrinking it.

• Involving a “true” bystander in the game therefore would be extending theapparent frame, since players would perceive him as part of the game

More detailed examples can be found in Uncle Roy all Around You, whichuses both techniques to immerse the player in a narrative/story.

The appeal of this and other techniques leading to IMMERSION is unquestion-able, considering how many people immerse themselves everyday in virtual gameworlds. These games are often judged by how “alive” their virtual world feels tothe player.The implication for location-based games is: if we sufficiently blur the apparentframe, the player will experience the game world as part of or maybe as an exten-sion to everyday life. Since “real life” is, after all, the most “alive” world imagin-able, this allows location-based games to create very immersive game worlds. Seethe IMMERSION pattern for more on this.


The apparent frame can never be completely blurred, akin to how completeIMMERSION can never be obtained: while the player willingly suspends her dis-belief, she still knows she is playing a game, setting limits to how far you can (orshould) blur it.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (95)


Additionally, interacting with bystanders is opposed to MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWK-WARDNESS.

Both the willingness to suspend disbelief and how much social awkwardness istolerable are also strongly influenced by the player herself: extrovert, experiencedrole players probably will not have problems talking to actors or bystanders as ifthey were part of a game, but more introvert people, who maybe just want to dosome interactive sight-seeing, have a completely different mindset.


• Uncle Roy All Around You

Related to:



[Will, 2013, pp. 101–102]

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78 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern’s Design Ideal should be extended to stress that the mentioned per-ceived boundary is not just relating to physical aspects directly defined by thegame. Otherwise this border would be only defined by the game’s hardware, thelocation it is played at, and whether there would be bystanders or not. Instead,elements of the plot or even the UI (if there is one) influence it, too. Additionally,even traits of the players themselves can impact the APPARENT FRAME (as notedin the pattern’s Trade-offs).

The actor example is perhaps an extreme one, especially since it is not easily af-fordable for commercial games to hire staff for participating in the gameplay all thetime.

Especially in Aachen Horror (see chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”) we tried toextend the APPARENT FRAME quite a bit. To illustrate a few more options on howto do that we could include them in the pattern:

• We wrote the dialog with NPCs (Non-Player Characters) in a way that re-quired simple answers and wove player’s limited ability to further commu-nicate with them into the game’s narrative.

• The UI of our “ARIADNE” devices was designed without any meta elementsthat explained it (because the plot made it unrealistic to have such additionalexplanations).

• We required players to interpret hints by using real life information sources.

The first point worked like this: Players were told that the so-called “ARIADNE”devices they got were able to detect signals from a fictional “ghost plane”, calledthe labyrinth, an invisible dimension existing parallel to ours. While the deviceswould convert these signals into audio for them to hear, they would simply lackthe capability to directly transform real life audio back into signals in the labyrinth.They would only provide a very basic functionality of sending a sine tone intothe labyrinth instead, basically enabling players to send in Morse. The encoun-tered NPC understood that players ability to communicate was limited and wouldphrase eventual questions accordingly (“Are you ready? Please send me a sign ifyou are!”).

For similar reasons we did not include any meta information in the device’s UI. Ifpeople really found any prototype device for a very specific purpose in real life, itis unlikely there would be an included help function (the narrative explicitly toldplayers the “ARIADNE” devices were prototypes).

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (97)


The last and perhaps the most tricky part was that we decided to rely on real worldinformation systems for players to be able to understand hints given by NPCs. Forexample, they were told to find a place “where the name of one of Charlemagne’sscribes is still respected”. This was supposed to lead the player’s to a school inAachen named after Alcuin of York (actually several solutions were possible), aninformation relatively easily found on the Internet. Since we presumed this to bequite uncommon in most games we instructed players to pretend they encounteredthese riddles in real life. We anticipated that once they encountered such an obsta-cle this would have them use “real world” information systems (a step people inreal life usually undertake when confronted with a similar problem). A more de-tailed description of this can be found in chapter 6.7 — “Aachen Horror”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (98)

80 5 Design Frameworks

IMMERSIONDesign Ideal:

Location-based games can achieve great levels of immersion.

Design Solutions:

Almost all location-based games fall under Montola’s definition of “pervasivegames” by extending the “magic circle of play” locally.This allows them to use LOCATION AS CONTENT, which sets them apart from tra-ditional games, especially if they use OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER. However, theyalso can use virtual resources of all kinds: images displayed on a screen, audio filesplayed into headphones or even AUGMENTED REALITY technologies.

The combination of the real world and a virtual world allows them to create animmersive game world, providing a unique experience for players. There are how-ever a few things to consider when trying to create an immersive experience:

• it is futile to attempt what is called a three-sixty illusion, i.e. a fully immersiveexperience

• certain techniques are absolute musts if you are trying to achieve immersion

• the degree of immersion heavily depends on the player(s)

The first point is quite obvious: players will always know they voluntarily sus-pended their disbelief, therefore a complete immersion is impossible.

In case studies it was observed that some things can be very immersion-breakingif not done correctly. One of these is blurring the APPARENT FRAME of the game:no player seriously expects there to be no boundary at all between real world andgame world - but if this boundary is not even slightly blurred, no amount of willingdisbelief can immerse the player.

The second major problem mentioned in several case studies is if AUTHENTIC AC-TIVITY is not correctly implemented. If the activity is repeated often in the courseof the gameplay, it will disrupt the immersion every time.


Immersion is great to increase the game experience in a game with a strong narra-tive.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (99)


This however implies: If the game does not have a strong narrative, it is more orless impossible to immerse the player in a game world. Speaking of game world:without a certain level of detail, e.g. provided by believable characters, it will notserve a purpose in telling a story. Furthermore, the game world has to have com-mon ground with the real world, or it would be to hard to role-play characters -for example: a game world with inverted gravity would be very hard to depictoverlapping with reality.

And, as mentioned above, immersion strongly depends on the player: to truly im-merse herself in the game world, she needs to role-play a character in that world.This does not necessarily require LARP-levels of role-playing, but a certain mind-set (“What would my character do” instead of “What would I do”) is certainly re-quired. Therefore immersion works well in games targeted at audiences interestedin role-playing and similar experiences, but will often be “wasted” on audiencesnot willing to suspend their disbelief and act out a role.


• “Tangible pleasures of pervasive role-playing” Montola

• “The three-sixty illusion: designing for immersion in pervasive games”Waern et al.

Related to:






[Will, 2013, pp. 103–104]

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82 5 Design Frameworks


Since the publication of [Will, 2013] we found that the term IMMERSION itself mightneed a bit more explanation, so this pattern’s Design Ideal section should probablyprovide more detail on that.

In simple terms, it describes the feeling of people to be “in the zone” and accordingto [Bjork and Holopainen, 2004, page 206] can be divided into sensory-motoric,cognitive, and emotional immersion.

This pattern focuses strongly on the emotional type of immersion, since we don’tsee how location-based games are particularly different in achieving the otherkinds compared to traditional games. That is not meant to say location-basedgames might not achieve them as well, but we believe that would then be orthog-onal to their location-based nature (i.e. anything done to achieve those aspects arenot in conflict with the location-based nature).

Another addition to the pattern would be referring to the so-called uncanny val-ley in its Trade-offs section. From our projects (e.g. GroupAixplorer, AachenHorror, mLoG) and other research (e.g. [Ballagas et al., 2007] and [Carrigy et al.,2010]) we found that caution is necessary when using new technology that tries tomimic a “real” effect and gets close, but doesn’t entirely succeed in doing so. Thisis true even if the desired effect wouldn’t involve an actually possible thing (likeseeing a ghost), the point is that if it doesn’t manage to match the players’ expecta-tion of how something should look, feel, or sound, but misses this by just a smallnotch, it can appear repulsive and break the immersion.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (101)



To achieve IMMERSION, actions in the real world should closely imitate the actionsthey represent in the game world.

Design Solutions:

As stated in the paper “The three-sixty illusion designing for immersion in perva-sive games” by Waern et al.: “A game offers authentic activity when every gameaction is represented by the identical player action”.

Something important to consider when trying to achieve IMMERSION in a location-based game: a lot of virtual activities can not be represented because of ETHICAL

AND LEGAL PROBLEMS. The obvious example would be any kind of violence suchas sword fights or similar scenarios.There are two major techniques to cope with this problem:

• symbolic activities: instead of swinging a real sword, the player presses thebutton labeled “swing sword” on the touchscreen of his device

• (almost) authentic activities: replicating the game action as close as possible.

While the first technique is often possible, it just does not provide the same experi-ence to the player as a truly authentic activity.

The second technique takes advantage of very recent developments in consumertechnology. It is nowadays very common to have tilt and gyroscopic sensors insmart-phones and similar devices, allowing to track what motions or gestures theplayer performs with the device, for example used in REXplorer.

To realize the possibilities, imagine children play-fighting with imaginarylightsabres, and you have a perfect example of how to use this sensory informa-tion to replicate the game action as closely as possible with comparatively littleeffort.


While the technological advances allow to implement authentic activity, there arestill a major factor at play that might reduce the IMMERSION created by this: theplayer.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (102)

84 5 Design Frameworks

First of all, if the game is played in a public setting, activities such as imaginarysword fighting are very much the opposite of MINIMIZED SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

- as all public role-play is.

Secondly, the player still needs to suspend his disbelief to a certain degree, there-fore only specific target audiences will receive the full effect of IMMERSION (andenjoyment) out of this.


• Interference

• “Tangible pleasures of pervasive role-playing” Montola

Related to:




[Will, 2013, pp. 105–106]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (103)



An addition to this paper would be to recapture the authentic activity of walking.As described in chapter 2 — “Development Challenges”, location as input is usu-ally mapped in a very non-abstract way to a game mechanic. As a matter of fact,any traditional game involving movement (of, e.g., an avatar) typically relies on aquite abstract mapping for this. One could say that using player movement as anAUTHENTIC ACTIVITY to represent movement within the game is precisely the keypart of the definition of a location-based game.

From that point of view this pattern would be automatically implemented by anylocation-based game, even if no other mechanics were implemented in that way.However, that does not mean no caution has to be paid when designing howexactly the movement is to be performed. There is a difference between simplystrolling through a city or museum and running around. The example given inETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS respectively its annotation shows this problemas well: Chasing another person might be an authentic activity for a game, butbears the danger of getting players into conflict with bystanders or even the police.

Lastly, the pattern should mention in its Trade-offs that achieving IMMERSION isnot simply a question of using AUTHENTIC ACTIVITY as much as possible. Firstand foremost the game needs to offer a plausible reason for it to require a fittingactivity. If the game has a narrative, the activity should fit to that. If it is meant tohelp in exercising, it should chose according activities. From our experience it is abad approach to choose an activity based on how it can be implemented, and thentry to construct a game around that.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (104)

86 5 Design Frameworks


Design Ideal:

Augmented reality (AR) technology provides great possibilities for location-basedgames.

Design Solutions:

While they have not yet fully arrived for consumers, devices capable of augmentingreality with visual overlays are definitely on the horizon. These devices will enablelocation-based games to:

• provide an experience of IMMERSION for players

• have more variety in gameplay

Ingress provides examples for both these major points, although the executionis still limited by available technology - mobile phones not yet being fully able toprovide a constant visual overlay. The arrival of Google Glass later this year mightbe the first step towards comfortable, fully AR-capable glasses in the near future.

First of all, Ingress immerses the player deeply into the game world by show-ing him elements of the game world that are part of the narrative. While imagin-ing such elements when given a description is second nature for experienced role-players, other players might need engaging visuals to immerse themselves into thestory.

While Ingress also enhances gameplay through AR, a better example for the pos-sibilities of this would be Bitstars Jump’N’Run: just as in classic jump’n’rungames, the player needs to avoid and traverse obstacles. However, these obstaclesare virtual elements, only visible through the “lens” of AR.


While AR technologies will offer great opportunities for location-based games, thetechnology is as of now still limited in both its capabilities and its availability.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (105)



• Ingress

• Bitstars Jump’N’Run2

Related to:


[Will, 2013, pp. 107–108]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (106)

88 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern is one that would have to be revised constantly alongside the improve-ments of the technology it refers to. Since [Will, 2013] was published we have madethe experience that people introduced to AR concepts often misjudge its usefulnessin games.

The problem is mainly that the technology, no matter in what form, is still relativelynew to most people and they are often impressed by it. Unfortunately that doesn’tnecessarily mean it is always conducive to a positive gaming experience, becausein this context it has to serve a purpose and provide functionality.

Especially video overlays, i.e. a mixture of real and artificial scenery in a game canbe prone to this, like [Carrigy et al., 2010] pointed out.

While even non-tech-savvy people can appreciate the feature of displaying an arti-ficial image in the real world (whether through a “magic lens”, i.e. a mobile device,or otherwise) that doesn’t mean it’s easier for them to suspend their disbelief andimmerse themselves in a game world. Audio can often be realized in a more suc-cessful way, as that paper and our own Aachen Horror game indicate, but iseasily forgotten as another possibility for AR elements.

Another aspect of these issues is the aforementioned uncanny valley (seeIMMERSION).

All in all, this pattern should be used in a similar way as AUTHENTIC ACTIVITY.AR can be a good way to improve IMMERSION and gameplay in general, but is initself not a guarantee for good games.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (107)



Meaningful interactions between multiple players in the same location offer uniqueopportunities for location-based games.

Design Solutions:

First of all we want to stress the difference between playing with another player incontrast to playing alongside another player: the latter is already possible in almostall mobile games, the former is what can provide unique appeal for location-basedgames.

To illustrate the general idea, consider GroupAixplorer: In this game, players(generally) move as a group and solve quests through co-operation.

While it certainly is possible to create appealing location-based games that aregeared towards single players or competitive experiences, most existing gamesseem to be both co-operative and co-located, although in different degrees. It seemsthat location-based games are great at enhancing or augmenting activities that arealready mostly experienced in groups of people anyway.

Consider these examples:

• Feeding Yoshi - many of the players played at work or met up to play withpeople from their team

• Interference, Conspiracy for Good - LARPs or ARGs are pre-dominantly constructed as group experiences

• GroupAixplorer - research has shown that most people explore museumsin groups

• Geocaching - most players will go out in pairs or as groups to find caches

Since location-based games are often played in public settings, they are inherentlysocial experiences. It seems natural to support these social aspects by encouragingplayers to play together, which can be done easily by introducing a common goaland co-operation.

Competitive co-located gameplay carries more possibilities for bad experiencesthan co-operative, in order to achieve a successful competitive experience it is first

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (108)

90 5 Design Frameworks

and foremost important to have clear rules. How unclear rules can negatively im-pact an experience can for example be seen in Conspiracy for Good.

As seen in GroupAixplorer, COMMUNICATION CHANNELS are not obsolete inco-located multiplayer games. Groups will temporarily split up, and even a com-paratively small building such as the city hall of Aachen can make it difficult forgroup members to find each other.

One of the main beneficial aspects of co-located multiplayer: it can MINIMIZE SO-CIAL AWKWARDNESS, especially through the EPHEMERAL MAGIC CIRCLE.


Obviously, having a game rely on co-located multiplayer severly impacts what peo-ple will play it and how they will play it. If, for example, a game allows group sizesof 3 or 4 people, any group below or above that number of members will not be ableto play it.

Additionally, if the game augments an existing group activity, the consequencemight be that only people already interested in that activity will play it. Concern-ing this point however: GroupAixplorer was able to provide a great experienceeven for people who, according to their own statements, “never” use audio guides.This could indicate that location-based games can be the necessary “gamification”which can interested new user groups in these activities.


• GroupAixplorer

• Conspiracy for Good

• Feeding Yoshi

Related to:




[Will, 2013, pp. 109–110]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (109)



As all of our own projects ultimately adapt this pattern we are quite confident inits usefulness.

A lot of general recreational activities already involve forming groups.

Non-computer games as well as sports often require several people, but even ifthey don’t (e.g., golf), people might join each other for company.

We see a similar trend in computer games, too. It could even be said that the bignumber of single player games in the past was in part a result of the lack of in-terconnectivity of computers. Today even games that are technically single-playermight strive to provide players to connect with other players in some way.

In the context of this pattern it is important to stress that it is meant to encourageplayers to play with each other, as stated in the Design Solutions.

An addition to that section should be that games building on an already existinggroup activity (like GroupAixplorer did) need to be careful not to include el-ements that break the group experience. If, for example, co-located players areforced to individually interact with the game device for too long, they in fact playless with each other, but with the device instead.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (110)

92 5 Design Frameworks


Players in multiplayer games want to communicate.

Design Solutions:

If your game enables players to collaborate or to compete, give them a way to com-municate with each other. This is especially important if your game requires play-ers to cooperate or coordinate while in different locations.In competitive scenarios, the option to communicate is appreciated, e.g. for friendlybanter.

Since most location-based games use devices like mobile phones, text-based andvoice-based communication are very intuitive and easy to provide. However, cre-ative and unusual ways to communicate can create more appealing gameplay.One example would be visual “breadcrumbs” which could be left by one player(who’s responsibility is to scout ahead) for a group of other players.Another example might be simplified, iconic signals: Maybe the device just has abutton “come to me” that sends a signal to all other players. Using AUGMENTED

REALITY technology, the other players would then have to check the sky for a vir-tual signal flare to find the source of the signal.

Additionally, communication about the game often happens outside of the actualgame, the Geocaching community being a very good example of this: Playersprovide feedback about caches after returning home, primarily via online forums.Often, multiplayer games also have a “lobby” or similar system, whose primaryfunction is communication while not actually playing the game, e.g. in order toexchange strategies or arrange parties.


First of all, players should by default be identified via pseudonyms to limit privacyconcerns. Secondly, when communication is not an absolute neccessity for “beat-ing” a game, players should be able to turn it off. Both these points are useful inorder to MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS.

In competitive scenarios, communication needs to be regulated: friendly bantermight turn less friendly or players might try to collude/cheat.

In all cases, it is important to support natural communication: Your game shouldnot force players to use mechanics such as the “signal flare” described above if

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (111)


they are already standing next to each other, i.e. in games with CO-LOCATED MUL-TIPLAYER.If your game uses custom devices, this communication channel might be a lot eas-ier to create than e.g. in the case of a game playable on all kinds of mobile phones.While communication channels are available in that scenario (text message, E-Mail,Phone), they are probably going to cost the players money.

Providing external communication such as lobbies carries the inherent dangers ofplayers exchanging information that might negatively impact a new player’s expe-rience. For example, a discussion about plot twists could ruin the enjoyment of awell-crafted story, while unwanted tips or help could reduce the joy of solving apuzzle.


• GroupAixplorer

Related to:




[Will, 2013, pp. 111–112]

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (112)

94 5 Design Frameworks


This pattern is based on one of the earliest findings we found in the practical designfor the GroupAixplorer.

The fact that players in most games need, or at least want, a form of communicationis nothing new. Traditional games offer various methods for this, as is implied inthe pattern’s Design Solutions.

For location-based games, however, designing this can be a little more complicated.To illustrate this consider the following example for a traditional game: A real-timestrategy game in which players or teams of players compete for victory in battlebetween simulated armies. As the Design Solutions mention, these games oftenprovide a lobby for players to decide on teams and perhaps find opponents. Sincethe needed exchange between them isn’t that time critical, a text chat is sufficient.

During gameplay, this might change, since player’s can’t type and use the keyboardcontrols for the game at the same time. Voice chat could be preferred here.

Compare that to the COMMUNICATION CHANNELS in our GroupAixplorer.Since the players were CO-LOCATED in a relatively small building they couldmostly talk directly to one another. When they were in the same room, they wouldsimply walk over or signal via hand waving for a team member to please approachthem. When they weren’t in the same room, they could send each other a sim-ple “please come to me”, with no additional free text. This option allowed fora very quick sending of messages. They would freely switch between these twoCOMMUNICATION CHANNELS depending on their relative position in the build-ing.

In contrast to the above example of a real-time strategy game there was no UI-inherent cut between the two communication methods, there was no “set up” and“start the actual game” phases.

Of course in a larger scenario, more elaborate messages would be needed. Thereason why players were content with a simple “please come over” notification wasthat even if it turned out not to be of much interest to them (for example becausethey had already been where their comrade was and knew about whatever wasrelevant at that location) they didn’t have to invest much in terms of walking over.Had they been forced to walk across the city they’d probably get frustrated if therewasn’t anything to gain for them at the new location. They’d want their peer to beable to tell them beforehand why they should come over.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (113)

5.2 Geo-Sociograms 95

5.2 Geo-Sociograms

As explained earlier we found a completely different kind Movement patternsversus designpatterns

of pattern in our various projects. These are not design pat-terns as proposed by [Alexander et al., 1977], but literal pat-terns in the movement of players participating in a location-based game. This means they are not an abstract concepthelping in the design process or explaining a generic con-cept, but observable phenomena during gameplay.

We noted that players seemed to move differently depend-ing on what a game’s goals were. By that we don’t meantheir way of movement as in running compared to walk-ing, but their planning of where to go, or whether to splitup into smaller groups or not. Sometimes they would moveas a group and in a more directed way, sometimes theywould split up completely and stroll around an area with-out much visible planning. The interesting aspect of thatwas that these patterns in their movement weren’t simplymatching the most efficient way of movement in the sensethat they would result in the game’s goals be reached as fastas possible.

The first works taking a closer look at this were [Huch,2013] and [Borggrewe, 2013], although the latter did not re-search a location-based game directly, but a museum guidesystem with location-aware technology.

Since one of the key components of location-based gamesis player movement, we wanted to be able to not just givedesign recommendations and conceptual criteria for cate-gorizing games, but also to understand how these gameswould actually be played. Player movement is naturally abig part of every location-based game (and even of manytraditional games).

Unfortunately it is in some ways also an aspect that is hard Geo-Sociogramscapture the distancebetween players overtime

to measure and observe. Different location-based gamesare played in different areas, so it is hard to figure out whatmovement is actually influenced by the game’s mechanicsand demands and what is a natural way to move aroundin an area. Because of this we decided to look at distances

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (114)

96 5 Design Frameworks

instead of absolute coordinates of a given game. This ap-proach is similar to the proximity-based visualization pro-posed by [Crnovrsanin et al., 2009].

We published a first definition of the term geo-sociogramin [Herkenrath et al., 2014], but since then have slightly re-vised it to the following form:

GEO-SOCIOGRAM:A geo-sociogram is a (n − 1) × (n − 1) lower trianglematrix, where n is the number of players and/or pointsof interest. Each of the

∑i = 0n − 1 elements in this

matrix is a graph of the distance over time between a pairof players or a player/point of interest pair.


In our projects so far and in [Huch, 2013] respectively[Herkenrath et al., 2014] we didn’t yet consider the dis-tances between players and other elements of the game, i.e.points of interest. This was mainly because we focused onCO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER games and were mostly inter-ested in how players moved in relation to each other, butthere’s nothing that speaks against analyzing their move-ment in regards to stationary objects important in the gameas well.

Figure 5.1 shows an example for a geo-sociogram takenAn examplevisualization from [Herkenrath et al., 2014]. Note that it already displays

some annotation marks that are not strictly part of a geo-sociogram as required by the definition. The visualizationlends itself to annotations, which made analyzing move-ments a lot easier for us. In this particular case the distancepatterns seen in the pairs of players show that the group offour split up into two subgroups.

Of course a similar observation could be made from variousGeo-Sociograms canhint to strategiesplayers use in a


other means. The most obvious way of visualizing move-ment data is plotting it on a map.

Figure 5.2 illustrates this, it is also taken from [Herkenrathet al., 2014]. The paths of the four players also seem to in-dicate a split into two groups, but on closer inspection thatisn’t necessarily the only conclusion this map view allows.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (115)

5.2 Geo-Sociograms 97Pl



Player 1


er 3


er 4

Player 2 Player 3

far apart

nearby time

Player 1 and 2 split after a short time

Player 2 and 3 are close during the

whole game

Figure 5.1: An example of a geo-sociogram. The data it’sbased on is from [Huch, 2013], the image is from [Herken-rath et al., 2014].

Since it does not provide any information about when play-ers were at a specific coordinate, it might very well be thatthey simply got there after each other. To ensure this wasn’tthe case one would have to split up the image into differ-ent time frames, which essentially equals video analysis.The benefit of a geo-sociogram in comparison is the at-a-glance overview. Video analysis usually demands a muchhigher effort than this. Especially when investigating var-ious groups or settings it is much easier to compare twogeo-sociograms than comparing what would basically be aseries of videos.

A good example of this are the findings in [Huch, 2013] and different gamemechanics result indifferent playermovement strategies

[Herkenrath et al., 2014]. In Carl Huch’s prototype gamemLoG players had to solve different distinctive tasks, calledquests (for a more detailed description of the game see also

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (116)

98 5 Design Frameworks

Figure 5.2: An example of a traditional map based view ofmovement patterns. The data it’s based on is from [Huch,2013], the image is from [Herkenrath et al., 2014].

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (117)

5.2 Geo-Sociograms 99

chapter 6.5 — “mLoG”). The first of these quests had theplayers look for virtual excavation sites, they needed to findvarious pieces of an object central to the game’s plot. Theyonly knew the general area those sites would be found in,but did not have any clues for their exact position. Thesecond quest required them to visit several virtual traders.Each trader was positioned next to a real world shop on amarket place and a shopping street and the game requiredthem to go through a series of exchanging virtual goods tofinally purchase a specific set of things.

By looking at the corresponding geo-sociograms we wereable to see a distinctive difference in the movement pat-terns. While the ones from the first quest seemed rathernoisy in all distance graphs (see, for example, figure 5.3),the ones from the second looked all more or less like figure5.1. Overall, it appeared that the requirements of the sec-ond quest resulted in players forming subgroups instead ofsplitting up entirely, even if that wasn’t the most efficientstrategy. In contrast, the first, more plainly exploratoryquest lead to them randomly sweeping over the relevantarea, not caring much about where their team mates weregoing in general.

In our cases we focused on the players’ movements in rela-tion to each other. If a game has certain points of interest itis clear that the distance would eventually shrink, since bydefinition a point of interest is something that needs to bevisited in most games.

We believe that this different behavior visible in geo- Geo-Sociogramslead us to categorizethe usage of space ingames

sociograms points to a principal characteristic of differ-ent mechanics related in location-based games. Or to putit differently, some types of location-based game will re-sult in players mostly just randomly sweeping around anarea while others will have them follow a more distinctivemovement pattern. Put in a more abstract way, we thinkthere are three different ways in which a location-basedgame can make use of an area:

• Area exploration: The game area has to be examinedto find virtual objects related to a game task.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (118)

100 5 Design Frameworks


er 2

Player 1


er 3


er 4

Player 2 Player 3

far apart

nearby time

Figure 5.3: Geo-sociogram displaying a pattern typical forthe site excavation quest in mLoG. The data it’s based on isfrom [Huch, 2013].

• Route planning: Several locations in the game areahave to be visited, potentially in a certain order, toachieve a goal.

• Area coverage: Players are given a means to influencea certain part of the game’s area and must minimizeor maximize a form of territory.

The last of these points was implemented in mLoG’s suc-cessor mLoG2, implemented and evaluated in the work of[Simha, 2014]. It should also be pointed out that in anygiven location-based games these points might overlap, infact mLoG’s plot had a logical explanation why the first kindof play and then the second was necessary.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (119)

5.2 Geo-Sociograms 101

their reputation, resources and score whilst socialising with other players in the game. The size of the game is city wide (or even country wide) and the duration is ongoing. It is a perpetual game played in the cracks of everyday life.

2.2 InfrastructureThe infrastructure for a location based game comprises

• the device and its capability, • the availability of networks • the sensing technologies.

The devices are typically PDAs or mobile phones that have GPS embedded or added on. The screen size of the device can vary and some screens will be touch sensitive whereas others may not be. The networking capability will also vary depending on the device and the location. Some location based games will rely on connection to a game server to function. These are usually multi-player games. Other games do not require connection to a server because all media is stored locally on the device and the GPS position alone determines if the location should trigger an in game event. The technologies that are used for location sensing such as GPS, RF, IR or Bluetooth beacons and wireless networking technologies all suffer from problems of uncertainty which raise a number of design challenges for games designers. In mediascape games the availability of GPS is such an important factor that it is exposed to the player as a permanent status icon. It is also a property that the game designer can choose to flag to a player in a more prominent way. Several mediascape games alert the user that GPS has been lost by suspending the game and showing a “Waiting for GPS screen”. The concept of “seamful design” [4] where the infrastructure becomes a central feature of the game, enables designers to address the issues with the infrastructure and consider ways in which state can be reflected within the interface design and become fundamental to game play. Seamful design is one of the research areas that is driving the design of pervasive and Ubicomp games to use features of the infrastructure and an understanding of the technology seams within game play. In Feeding Yoshi [1] players move around to discover virtual creatures called “Yoshis” and feed them fruit. Each Yoshi will have a seed for its favourite fruit and the player needs to take the seed and find the location of a plantation where the fruit can be sown, picked and carried back to the Yoshi. The game uses the detection of secure or insecure wireless access points to present either Yoshis or plantations respectively. As the presence of wireless networks are shaped by existing socio-technical systems, players reported different kinds of places as having different characteristics of game play. Some locations such as industrial and business districts felt uncomfortable because of the presence of surveillance cameras and security guards. Other locations felt dangerous. Unlike the portable mediascape games where players choose their own game play area, in Yoshi the wireless infrastructure coverage determines the game play area and so it is the game designer’s knowledge of the infrastructural world which is used to create the seamful game.

2.3 The role of place Feeding Yoshi underlines how significant the role of place is in the experience of game play. The difference between space and place has been described by Dourish [7] whereby “space” describes geometrical arrangements that might structure, constrain, and enable certain forms of movement and interaction, and “place” denotes the ways in which settings acquire recognizable and persistent social meaning in the course of interaction. And of how the way a virtual game world maps to physical presence in the real world can open up a new spatiality of access, presence and interaction [5]. Figure 1 shows the relevance of place on a spectrum between neutral and high significance. To the neutral, left hand side of this dimension, place is appropriated more for its spatial properties rather than its physical, social and cultural properties. To the highly relevant, right hand side of the dimension, place has a strong association in terms of its significance, meaning and integration within the game.

Neutral High

Relevance of Place

Narrative relatesto that placeMedia tethered to a place

TemporaryMedia overlay

User placed at run time

Designer placed


DoubloonsHidden Danger UXB

PrisonerEscape fromThe TowerMogi

Always Something Somewhere Else

Seamful designFeeding Yoshi

Figure 1. The Relevance of Place Dimension Location based games are shown on this dimension depending on how the virtual game overlay maps to physical place. There are three classifications of game types

1. User placed at run time: where the user selects and marks out the game area as part of the game,

2. Seamful design: where the games have been designed to use the system infrastructure to determine game play

3. Designer placed: games where the designers choose specific locations because of the properties of the actual place.

Some of the example games in Figure 1 have already been described. We will now briefly describe the remaining games to understand their characteristics and why they are in the position that they are on the Relevance of Place dimension. Savannah [1, 2] turns a school playing field into a virtual African Savannah by overlaying sounds and images from the real Savannah. Players learn how to act as a successful pack of lions by marking the territory and hunting on virtual prey. In Savannha the place is simply an area of a certain size and shape and any

Digital Entertainment through Games 19

3rd International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts

Figure 5.4: The Relevance of Place Dimension, image takenfrom [Reid, 2008]

This insight into how location-based games can use the area Area usage extendsJ. Reid’s “Relevanceof Place Dimension”

they’re played in perfectly extends the “Relevance of PlaceDimension” proposed by [Reid, 2008] in “Design for coinci-dence: incorporating real world artifacts in location basedgames”. The three categories we found by comparing geo-sociograms of various game settings would be orthogonalto that dimension and could describe a game in additionto it falling to the “User placed at runtime”, “Seamful de-sign”, or “Designer placed” categories. Figure 5.4 showsReid’s original dimension chart with her chosen exampleentries. Since our categories don’t necessarily fall into aspecific scale it makes little sense to put them on the y-axis,instead we chose a color coded marking for each category.The proportion of each color is in proportion to each cat-egory’s importance for each game. The result is shown infigure 5.5.

So far we have not been able to reliably find a general type No causalrelationship betweenpatterns ingeo-sociograms andgame mechanicsfound yet

of geo-sociogram that is causally connected to each of thesethree types of games. Due to the big effort each location-based game played in the field faces we were unable to at-tain a large enough data set to properly counterbalance allthe various disturbing variables influencing movement be-havior. Besides, a plain visual categorization wouldn’t suf-fice to properly prove a causal relationship between a cer-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (120)

102 5 Design Frameworks

Relevance of PlaceTemporary Media overlay Media tethered to a place

Narrative relatesto that place

Neutral High

Seamful DesignFeeding Yoshi

Area exploration

Route Planning

Area coverage

User placed at runtime

Hidden DangerUXB Doubloons Always Something

Somewhere Else


Designer placed

Savannah Mogi Prisoner Escape from The Tower




Aachen Horror


Figure 5.5: The Extended Relevance of Place Dimension. The three different waysto use the game’s area are color coded.

tain form of geo-sociogram and a certain game mechanic.This would require, most of all, a well-defined conventionof what a game mechanic is in this context for a large num-ber of location-based games.

In their current form geo-sociograms are not meant to re-Things thatgeo-sociograms

won’t showplace other means of analyzing movement patterns of play-ers. By reducing the information about players’ absolutepositions to a distance metric and omitting map data, theynaturally exclude information from analysis in favor of aquick overview. Especially concerning specific topologicalaspects of an area where a game is played, this is a prob-lem. After all, it is very well possible that players keeping acertain distance from each other is simply a result of thembeing physically constrained to specific paths through anarea. Walls or temporary obstacles like bystanders are notvisible in a geo-sociogram unless they’re specifically listedas a point of interest.

Another aspect to keep in mind is a meaningful normal-ization for the distance graphs’ axes. Maximum distanceas well as playtime are probably influenced by the game or

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (121)

5.3 Implementation Tools 103

even the individual session. In mLoG, for example, differentgroups solved the two tasks described above in differenttimes, skewing the time scale. The possible maximum dis-tances between players was also not constant between bothconditions, as they were played in slightly different areas.We tried to accommodate for the latter point in mLoG2 byplaying both tasks in the same area (see [Simha, 2014]), butencountered different topological problems making it hardto gain conclusive results.

Additionally, one must be careful when using a geo- Movement patternsseen ingeo-sociograms arenot how they are laidout

sociogram as an example to illustrate a specific movementpattern, like we did with figure 5.1. The actually visible“pattern” of the distance graphs for players one and four,respectively players two and three indicating small dis-tances over the entire task and the rest being relatively high(after an initial phase) is not the pattern we mean. Sinceplayer numbering and the labels on the geo-sociogram arerandom, a different layout, i.e. different visual pattern ofdistance graphs, could still represent the same abstract pat-tern that denotes the forming of two subgroups. Had, forexample, players one and two (respectively players threeand four) been in a subgroup, the low distance graphswould be in a different position in the geo-sociogram, mak-ing it visually slightly different from the one depicted. Thisactually happened, of course, but the player behavior in re-gards to distance from each other was still a lot easier todeduct than from analyzing videos.

5.3 Implementation Tools

As described in earlier chapters the implementation of pro- Low-fidelityprototypes need tobe adapted forlocation-awaresystems.

totypes for location-based games can be hard. A lot of low-fidelity prototypes focus on displaying a basic UI conceptand test users evaluate that, delaying location-aware as-pects. Interaction is then simply described, or sometimesmimicked in one way or the other, and there are variousways to have the prototype “react” if the designer needs itfor the current test session’s goals.

Paper prototypes, for example, can convey things as form

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (122)

104 5 Design Frameworks

factors or layout of UI elements very well, especially formobile devices. Interaction is then either described (“Iwould now tap that button”), or acted out on the paper di-rectly. The resulting action can be mocked by then simplyshowing a different paper with a changed UI.

While these techniques are great to design layouts, properA user’s locationchange cannot beeasily abstracted.

UI transitions, and more traditional mechanics in location-based games, the core aspect of player movement is hard tomock with such a prototype. After all, there’s not really aphysical control the players manipulate to change location,they simply do change it. A prototype can hardly providevarious levels of abstraction for this, because this act in it-self lends to just little abstraction when it comes to the con-nection to a game’s mechanics as we described in chapter 2— “Development Challenges”.

Pretty much the only thing that can be done in terms ofCare is needed whenmocking big

movements for thefinal system byadapting small

movements in a lab.

mocking player movement is to have players act it out on adifferent scale. If the game is positioned towards the rightside of the Relevance of Space spectrum (see figures 5.5 and5.4) that typically means having players pretend to take lo-cations in the lab or test area for the actual locations in thereal game area. The problem is that this quickly leads totoo much scaling down of the distances. If the game is city-wide but the prototype requires them to just move arounda single building (e.g. a school), the results will hardly givea proper impression of how players move and act in thefinal system. In our own projects we have seen that oftentimes people are not completely aware of this. They under-estimate how walking longer distances can break the gameflow and make the experience less enjoyable, not to men-tion the aspect of simply getting exhausted or even frus-trated.

5.3.1 Paper prototypes suited for location

Pen and paper drafts of a system can hardly catch the “lookPrototypes need tobe mobile. and feel” of actually going to a certain place, yet really go-

ing to a location makes it difficult to provide certain kindsof paper prototypes at all. A core requirement these pro-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (123)

5.3 Implementation Tools 105

totypes must satisfy is thus mobility. Even if the location-based game’s scale is small enough and its position on theRelevance of Space spectrum more towards the left (i.e.it doesn’t need very specific places for its narrative andfalls more into our location-based* category) this is impor-tant. Testers should carry the prototype around just as theywould, whatever device will be used in the final setup.

This alone will mostly provide feedback on the parts of the Scale up any mockedlocation-tracking.design not directly related to location-change. Form factors

and practicability are things to be looked upon instead. Interms of actual movement, we would recommend a step-by-step increase of scale. At first, it might not be necessaryto have the testers actually move around, but instead havethem voice any intended changes in their location in thecontext of the game. As stated above this has to be donecarefully and keeping in mind that people might underes-timate the effect exhaustion and pauses have on their expe-rience.

The next level of mocking location-awareness would be Use markers to haveusers run theirprototypes.

markings in the area the test play is done in. Our ownprojects like GroupAixplorer (see [2010] and [2011]) ormLoG (see [2013]) used this technique a lot. Even thoughthe final systems would be played in a much larger andfixed area in or around a city hall, both systems first testedconcepts in the lab by marking areas on the ground. Playerswould then be given flip-book prototypes with a key whatpage to flip to for what marking. Part of the idea here wasalso to keep the sessions manageable for the experimenter(both systems were multiplayer games).

5.3.2 Location-tracking simulator

In our systems we quickly shifted to medium-fidelity pro- Modern mobiledevelopment cyclesallow for quick testingof standard UIsduring development.

totypes on real mobile devices. This offered an easy way tohave testers carry around the media they were supposed tobe getting by arriving at a certain spot and at the same timeconfront them with the real look and feel of the place. Wetypically developed these prototypes on the same platformthat was also our designated target for the final game, usu-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (124)

106 5 Design Frameworks

ally iOS. Development on that platform is relatively easy,so in spite of the technology level being a lot higher com-pared to other medium-fidelity prototypes, we could createand alter prototypes rather quickly. A normal applicationcan easily be compiled and run either on a device or a sim-ulator, so the most obvious bugs or wrong UI behavior isseen and fixed with little implementation overhead.

Unfortunately, things are different when it comes to theTesting locationupdates is not aswell supported as

e.g. touch gestures.

location-aware aspect of iOS applications. XCode (the Ap-ple’s default development application for iOS) allows tosimulate location updates, i.e. essentially send fake GPSupdates to the device (or iOS simulator), but this requiresmore effort than testing regular interaction. The developerhas to create a file containing the positional data (basicallylatitude & longitude) and has to use the debugger to causethe running application to be notified of the according up-dates. More importantly, the functionality results in perfectlocation updates, i.e., the developer defined coordinates aresent to the application as is, with the best accuracy. Also, alist of coordinates is simply handled one after another, re-sulting in an update each second. It is thus not possible todefine a location update to occur, for example, two minutesafter the previous. Single coordinates are treated as con-stant updates, a behavior different from the way iOS han-dles naturally occurring updates (which only happen whenthe device’s position changes).

All this results in a rather difficult prototyping process. OfEspecially the rightside of Relevance of

Space spectrumcan’t be tested easily.

course, any form of providing faked coordinates to an ap-plication is flawed in the way that the developer doesn’treally know whether the coordinates are really accurate un-less she checked them herself at the actual location. Gettingthis data from maps or databases can result in offsets. Thiscan be especially problematic for games on the right side ofthe Relevance of Space spectrum, i.e. games more likely tobe location-based+ and adopting LOCATION AS CONTENT.

XCode’s way to simulate location updates is essentiallyThe existing toolstreat location

updates as singular,relatively rare &

simple systemevents.

suited for relatively simple and rare events. An applica-tion that uses them extensively, like a location-based game,requires a considerable amount of work to prepare a simu-lation, effectively raising the question to skip that and test

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (125)

5.3 Implementation Tools 107

at the real location in the first place. This is a big differenceto how other interaction with an application can be tested.Touch gestures, for example, can be tested directly on thedevice or even the simulator: The developer can simplyperform them on the fly and see whether the application re-sponds correctly. Note that we’re not talking about testingin the sense of doing user evaluations. Instead, the prob-lem lies in the creation process already, where such testingfor simply correct functionality has to precede handing theprototype out to users.

To properly illustrate the potential shortcomings of a sim- An example scenarioillustrating problemswith the currentsimulation

ple location-update simulation consider the following sce-nario: A location-based+ game emphasizing on area explo-ration and with a narrative tethered to real world placesrequires the player to visit certain specific spots to find vir-tual items. One such item is located in the front of a church,another on the same church’s side. For the narrative it isimportant in which order those items are found and ideallythere would be a time gap between the player finding them(i.e. they wouldn’t find them both at once).

Any developer familiar with such a situation will see theproblem: Depending on the size of the area around thechurch it might happen that the player is at the second lo-cation, the church’s side, but the mobile device’s location-aware technology might not deliver precise enough results,at first or at all, to make a safe distinction between the twolocations. This could be countered by for example only us-ing results with high enough accuracy values, but even thatis not reliable. By adopting COPING WITH UNCERTAINTY

and choosing to reveal these problems to the player the de-signer could solve this problem, for example the interfacecould display static noise until accuracy gets better, inform-ing the player that “something” has been found, but thegame is still in the process of “narrowing it down”.

This scenario is more elaborate than just reacting to a sim-ple location update with a correct coordinate. To see (dur-ing development) if the chosen UI elements and behaviorare feasible and, more importantly, even work at all, the de-velopers would need to implement the prototype and thenactually go to the desired locations, maybe even logging

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (126)

108 5 Design Frameworks

the location-tracking data alongside running the prototypeto see what exactly brings the interface to behave in whatway. It would be a lot easier if, for this simple functionalityand UI concept tests, the developer could just feed faked lo-cation updates into her prototype, like the simulator allowsto do for, e.g., pinching gestures.

Of course creating such a fake data stream of location-An avatar & mapbased approach forlocation simulation.

updates is a little more complex than creating touch ges-tures. Then again, it wouldn’t be that hard to move arounda kind of avatar on a map. We would suggest an applica-tion integrated into the development platform, for exam-ple XCode, that provides a map where the developer candrag around a marker, i.e. a simple avatar representing auser’s location. The resulting artificially created location-data would then be sent to the development device or thesimulator so the developer can see how her prototype be-haves.

Of course the proposed location-simulator would need ad-There are certaincriteria a

location-simulatorshould have.

ditional controls to cover the various parts of location-data.A map would be able to provide coordinates, but as statedabove accuracy etc. are also very important. Building ontop of how iOS works, i.e. what data a location update onthe platform actually consists of, the following criteria needto be considered in an application to simulate location up-dates:

1. Coordinates (latitude, longitude)

2. Altitude (and in some cases potentially the floor level)

3. Accuracy (horizontal and vertical)

4. Potentially a timestamp (for routes, see below)

The first point is already realized in the current way XCodeallows location-simulation, although in the explained rudi-mentary way only. Thus, the first improvement wouldbe the possibility to allow for additional “faking” of thelocation data structure (CLLocation). However, a properlocation-simulator should offer more. Instead of simplyrelying on a list containing the fake data that is blindly

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (127)

5.3 Implementation Tools 109

parsed, a complete UI to construct it and then send it tothe application to be tested would be desirable.

Figure 5.6 shows a sketch for such a UI. It would work in A design proposal fora simulator oremulator extension

the following way: The map on the left side works prettymuch like a standard map view in most similar applica-tions. The developer could zoom and pan it around to focuson the relevant region the tested (part of the) game proto-type takes place in. Double clicking would create a new lo-cation to be used for simulating location-updates later, rep-resented by a dot.

The complete data of such a “fake” location can be seenin the five upper right fields. This structure reflects thedata type used on iOS devices, CLLocation. Newly cre-ated locations would have the actual latitude, longitude,and altitude values from the real world location indicatedby this dot and have default values for accuracy, floor, andthe other fields. Changing latitude or longitude would thenof course also move the dot on the map around.

Note that the “Accuracy” value is also reflected on the mapby a surrounding ring. This allows to immediately seewhether two locations might overlap when taking into ac-count their accuracy.

The “Delay to next” and “Absolute Time” fields are notdirectly part of the resulting CLLocation objects that aresimulated in the game prototype, but work in conjunctionwith the locations marked as “Routed” in the table below.The idea here is that all locations marked as such are partof a route that can automatically be played back with the“Play route” on the bottom right (the “Stop route” buttonbecoming active while it runs and serving an obvious func-tion). The “Previous” and “Next” buttons allow for shiftingthe selection of a location to the previous or next accord-ing to the route (skipping over non-routed locations, whichwould need to be selected manually in the table or map).All locations part of a route are connected with a line in themap with the first location having a small arrow indicator.In the depicted image that is the top most location, named“Start quest” in the table. Note you can also select locationsdirectly on the map and that the dots there also reflect that

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (128)

110 5 Design Frameworks



































































(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (129)

5.3 Implementation Tools 111

(a full dot representing the current selection).

Locations that are not part of the route are colored in redon the map, but behave like routed ones except that forthem the “Delay to next”/“Absolute Time”, “Previous”,and “Next” buttons and fields are greyed out.

The “Simulate selected” button immediately sends a fakedlocation update to the game prototype, “Save route” and“Load route” allow to save the current set up to a file andload it from one respectively.

How the location-based prototype handles the location up-dates generated through this depends, of course, on how itis implemented. In many scenarios on iOS devices a del-egate would be informed of the new location and simplygo from there, but it is also possible that the program onlymonitors so-called “region changes”, i.e. specific delegatemethods are called if the device enters or leaves a certainregion (this is also called geofencing). This then doesn’tnecessarily involve using the faked location data explicitly.From the tested application’s point of view, there should beno difference between faked and real location updates, forevery purpose it should “think” the device it runs on wasactually at the location indicated by our location-simulationapplication.

It’s important to stress that we haven’t actually developed The proposedlocation-simulationapplication is only afirst idea.

anything like this for our own projects. The reason wasthat we underestimated the need for such a tool, given thatXCode does provide some form of location-simulation al-ready. At first we believed the effort to create a more elabo-rate tool wasn’t worth the benefit. Only through its painfullack during the various projects we were convinced other-wise.

Neither would the tool be a replacement for any low- It is not meant toreplace paperprototypes.

fidelity prototypes like the paper/flip book prototypes de-scribed above. It is meant to be used in later phases of de-velopment, when concrete technology is used besides or in-stead of simple paper. As we said earlier, location-basedgames, and location-based applications in general, mightrequire a shift to using a higher level of technology, i.e.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (130)

112 5 Design Frameworks

a concrete form of location-aware soft- and hardware, be-cause tracking a user’s location is hard to mock. However,one needs to be careful to then not move towards higher-fidelity prototypes too quickly. Keeping interfaces simpleand “paper like” would be better to have test users still fo-cus on high level concepts instead of concentrating on how,for example, the UI on a mobile device looks.

Besides making the developer’s life easier during imple-Thelocation-simulation

application couldalso be used for

Wizard of Oz likeprototypes.

mentation of a location-aware prototype software, the pro-posed location-simulation application could also be usedin test runs directly. This would also allow for reducing theconcrete UI on the mobile device, preventing too much fo-cus on that and stressing high level concepts. For example,an experimenter overlooking the test users could send lo-cation triggers to them even when the test is not done atthe final location the game is supposed to take place. Thiswould avoid having the players having to take care of op-erating parts of their prototype themselves, like flipping toa certain page of a flip book prototype for a given location.Instead, they would experience how it is if the device sud-denly informs them of having “found” something, an im-portant aspect that is not covered in simpler prototypes.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (131)


Chapter 6


This chapter lists the various location-based games we de- Our location-basedgame projects weredeveloped in parallelwith our designframeworks.

veloped during the course of this dissertation. In a way,they served as a form of evaluating the design conceptswe introduced in the previous chapters, but of coursethey at the same time inspired these concepts. Also, theywere started before all design paradigms were fleshed out,for example, the GroupAixplorer (see [Wermers, 2010],[Wermers et al., 2011], and chapter 6.2 — “GroupAix-plorer”) was completed before the pattern language ex-isted. Due to its nature that doesn’t mean that said patternlanguage had no influence on it, actually several patternswere in a way already adopted. Thus, most projects wereinfluenced by our design frameworks just as much as theyinfluenced them.

To emphasize this parallel development we will use the A common structurefor presenting theprojects to comparethem against relevantdesign concepts.

same structure to present each project:

• Project’s name followed by a general description

• The context and time-frame for the project

• Aspects (for example, patterns) the project influenced

• Aspects from our projects that were intentionallyadopted to validate them

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (132)

114 6 Evaluation

The projects will be presented in chronological order, ex-cept for Aachen Horror, the project that ran for thelongest time. It should be noted that this doesn’t mean thatsometimes newer projects influenced older ones. This hap-pened due to their different size; several times the idea fora bigger project was already there, but it started at a latertime because of available resources at the chair.

6.1 Aixplorer

Technically, the Aixplorer is not a game, but a location-The Aixplorer isnot a game, but a

tourist guide system.based multimedia guide for tourists. For the most part ithas been used as an indoor system in the city hall of Aachen(which is also a museum). Visitors would rent devicesand then stroll through the museum on their own with theguide offering context dependent information on the vari-ous exhibits. We list the system here, because for a lot of theother projects we were able to use it as a test and develop-ment platform. The location-tracking parts of the softwarewere implemented by the chair, so we could reuse thosein our location-based games. Also the devices themselvescould be used in our test runs, the museum allowed us tolend several of them for extended periods of time.

At the time of this writing, the Aixplorer is still in useFuture plans for theAixplorer in Aachen’s city hall, a second version has even been de-

ployed in another museum in Aachen, the Centre Charle-magne1. For the future it is planned that an umbrella appli-cation, potentially as a download for people’s own smart-phones, will function as a combined indoor/outdoor guidesystem connecting several museums.

Context and time-frame

For the location-based games presented in the following,Two versions of theAixplorer were

relevant for our work.two versions of the Aixplorer are relevant. The first oneran on iPhone 3G devices embedded in a custom casing; itis shown in figure 6.1a. Since the devices were constantlyin use they wore out and new hardware needed to be de-ployed in the city hall. We chose iPhone 4s for that pur-


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (133)

6.1 Aixplorer 115

Figure 6.1: Both versions of the Aixplorer. Left (a): Theversion that was used in Aachen’s city hall. Right (b): Thenew version that is used in the Centre Charlemagne.

pose and although the software wasn’t changed immedi-ately with that switch, the newer hardware allowed for ourother projects to make use of additional features (like Blu-tooth 4.0 technology). The custom casing didn’t fit on thenew iPhones, so they were clearly recognizable as such. Bynow, a new casing is in use, shown in figure 6.1b.

The original Aixplorer used wifi-tracking as approach Tracking technology.for location-awareness. The city hall was outfitted withseveral access points, even directional antenna were usedto create a different signal pattern for each room. We thenused a machine learning algorithm (using libSVM2) to beable to distinguish between each room in the two-storybuilding. Most rooms are approximately seven by sevenmeters and divided by rather thick walls, so the resultswere quite reliable.

The newer version of the Aixplorer and the one now


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (134)

116 6 Evaluation

Figure 6.2: The first Aixplorer’s UI flow: Left (a): Thewelcome screen with an introductory audio. Middle (b):The up to four topics that can be selected (here in the mu-seum’s foyer). Right (c): One topic is selected and audio &slideshow are played.

also deployed in the Centre Charlemagne uses Bluetooth4.0 proximity beacons (called “iBeacons”3) instead of WiFiaccess points, but under the hood the same machine learn-ing approach is used with those different radio signals.

Of course for our larger, outdoor systems, we also madeuse of the iOS APIs’ out of the box location framework forlocation-tracking, CoreLocation.

Since the multimedia guide was designed to basically be aThe originalAixplorer’s

interface and userconcept.

one-time usage application for a broad user base its inter-face is very simple. The language settings are performed bythe city hall’s staff, so the actual user’s don’t have to botherwith any controls for that. They are presented with a firstwelcome screen where they can play back an introductoryaudio message (see figure 6.2a). After that, the device willalways display a list of up to four buttons that changes de-pending on which room the visitor is in (see figure 6.2b).Clicking on any of these buttons presents the user with aslide show accompanied by an audio message explainingone of the exhibits of the room (see figure 6.2c). Note thatthere is no further information where exactly in the roomthe exhibit or the user herself is, due to the small size of


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (135)

6.1 Aixplorer 117

the room it was sufficient to simply provide an image fororientation.

The Aixplorer released in the Centre Charlemagne had The newerAixplorer’sinterface concept.

to use a different UI concept, because that museum isn’tas conveniently divided into separate rooms of relativelysmall size. Instead, it consists of a big entrance area fol-lowed by a large, triangular room. The middle of that tri-angle is constructionally and thematically different from apath around its walls, so the architecture softly guides vis-itors to walk around it along its outer sides, but that wayisn’t enforced. People can freely stroll through the entirearea. Thus, the UI shows a map that automatically pansto roughly the section the user is currently in (determinedwith the same algorithm used in the older Aixplorer).A marker indicating a more exact position was omitted,because the tracking isn’t precise enough to reliably placethat. For the city hall an updated version more similar tothat in the Centre Charlemagne is planned as of this writ-ing.

The entire project started in 2009 and is, as said, still run- The Aixplorer isstill in use.ning. This is worth mentioning because back then smart-

phones weren’t as widely spread as they are today, result-ing in people being less familiar with location-aware soft-ware, especially for indoor locations.

Influenced work

By spending time in the museum for maintenance and gen- The Aixplorer

influenced our laterworks a lot, but in anindirect way.

eral support we learned a lot of how people perceived thesystem’s functionality. Although we initially didn’t do alot of explicit research with the platform, those experiencesstrongly helped us during all of our other, gaming-focusedprojects. This can be concretely seen in several conceptsfound in the pattern language described in [Will, 2013]and in chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Language”. Since theAixplorer is not a game, we decided against listing it inany of the patterns’ inspiration sections; besides, the influ-ence was a lot more indirect than our later works and otheractual location-based games.

Nevertheless, the following patterns can be said to be foundin a prototypical way in the Aixplorer:

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (136)

118 6 Evaluation

• LOCATION AS CONTENT:The Aixplorer as a guide system offering context-aware information for a museum is strongly bound tothe Aachen city hall and builds on the actual meaningof its characteristics and exhibits.

• REACHABLE LOCATIONS:Since the Aachen city hall is not just a museum,but also still in use as a city hall, sometimes roomswere closed or access was otherwise temporarily ob-structed. This was part of why we did not, for exam-ple, enforce a certain order for the various points ofinterest and kept everything optional.

• LANDMARKS:Because the tracking wasn’t precise enough to figureout which exhibit the visitor would stand in front of,we used images on the device as landmark represen-tations for her to further orient herself.

• NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE:The city hall had only a very restricted WiFi infras-tructure for us to use, so we quickly learned that it isvery important to design with according care in thatregard.

• COPING WITH UNCERTAINTY:As said for the LANDMARKS, our tracking technologywas not always totally precise, so we had to makesure that even wrong tracking results would not dis-turb the visitors’ flow.

• CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER:The Aixplorer itself was designed as a single userexperience, but we quickly learned that most peoplevisit a museum in small groups. Our system wouldthen actually split these up, especially since the head-phones, in a way, physically isolated people. Our in-terest in designs better suited for multiple users wassparked by this, so all our following systems were cre-ated accordingly.

Besides patterns, our informal observations also motivatedthe creation of the GroupAixplorer, presented in [Wermers,

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (137)

6.2 GroupAixplorer 119

2010] and [Wermers et al., 2011]. As the name implies, wewanted to investigate ways to make the experience moresuitable for groups of people, but it was also our first stepinto location-based games as the GroupAixplorer wasa gamified version of the multimedia guide. Thus, theAixplorer also influenced Aachen Horror, the largestlocation-based game we had in mind pretty much from thestart to be developed on the “Aixplorer-platform”.

Otherwise, the fact that the Aixplorer allowed people tofreely follow their own path through the museum sparkedthe work of [Borggrewe, 2013]. With this we wanted to findout whether being in a group or not and using a guide sys-tem or not affect movement behavior.

Influencing work

Since the Aixplorer was pretty much the first thing usinglocation-aware technology we tackled, we couldn’t rely onown experiences with similar projects. However, a previ-ous doctorate student at the Media Computing Group haddone a similar project, the REXplorer (see [Ballagas et al.,2006] and [Ballagas et al., 2007]). So besides the usual re-lated work, we were able to rely on previous experiences atthe chair with a similar system more directly.

6.2 GroupAixplorer

The GroupAixplorerwas developed for the diploma the-sis of Martin Wermers, [2010], and later published as a casestudy in [Wermers et al., 2011]. The general game conceptwas that of a scavenger hunt for groups of up to five people.Several quests making use of the Aachen city hall’s exhibitsand historical aspects were designed, either in the form ofso-called interactive riddles involving device interaction orof so-called discussion quests focusing more on interactionbetween the players.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (138)

120 6 Evaluation

It was the first location-based game we actually imple-TheGroupAixplorer

was our first questoriented




mented and tried out, once the Aixplorerwas sufficientlystable and we had the experience and know-how to use itas a platform for further research. As such, the conceptstayed in the museum, the game’s content was still provid-ing information about various exhibits and the history ofthe place. All quests, i.e., tasks within the game were builton facts that were collected from museum guides and his-torians we had worked with during the development of theAixplorer.

Context and time-frame

Each quest had three audio files that could be found in theThe various steps tosolve a quest museum, an introduction, a task description, and a final


The first clip could be found by individual players, the ideahere was that they would split up to scout to find the vari-ous quests. This introduction always gave a hint where thequest’s actual objective was located, so players then had tolook for that once the quest was accepted. For technical rea-sons the GroupAixplorer only allowed one player, the“group leader”, to accept quests, other players were onlygiven a button to call that leader over (with a predefinedtext message, see below). However, as soon as a quest wasaccepted, all players were given the chance to listen to theintroductory audio, regardless of their whereabouts.

When a player found the actual task in the city hall, theywere supposed to call all missing players over. The groupleader would then start the task and an audio file would beplayed for all participants in sync; they all had to be presentfor this. Depending on whether the quest was an interactiveriddle or not, they then had to interact further with the de-vice, for example, they had to decode a number hidden ina painting and enter it on the screens of their devices tocomplete the quest. Contrary to that, the discussion questssimply encouraged (in their audio) to discuss a certain ex-hibit, for example, why a character in a painting had threehands. These quests were open and no device interactionwas necessary; once the group decided to have discussedenough, the group leader could press a button to play backthe final solution audio for everybody in sync.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (139)

6.2 GroupAixplorer 121

Since the game actively encouraged splitting up and scout TheGroupAixplorer’sCOMMUNICATION


the museum, yet each quest was supposed to provide ateam experience during its solution, the players neededsome means to easily communicate while being apart fromanother. The easiest and least obtrusive way seemed to bea simple messaging mechanism. Voice and/or video chatseemed unsuited for a museum, besides there were tech-nical limitations due to bad NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE.In the end, the system offered only pre-defined messages,which turned out to be sufficient as well as easy and quickto use.

Since it was designed for a diploma thesis, the Time and potentialfor a permanentmuseum installation.

GroupAixplorer’s development cycle was under sixmonths and we sadly did not have the resources to haveit set up permanently in the city hall. The overhead fordoing so would have required special staff to lend outand explain the game, which wasn’t available at the time.Instead, the game was only played during the actualevaluation phase in [Wermers, 2010]. Besides, we includedconcepts, like the group leader, that were likely not suitedfor a permanent set up. The rationale behind that was thatwe simply wished to see how those worked out, but therewere also technical limitations.

Influenced work

Like the regular Aixplorer offered a basic set of ex-perience for the pattern language presented in [Will,2013] and in chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Language”, theGroupAixplorer influenced several patterns as well.

In some cases there was a direct impact on the patterns; the Patterns directlyinfluencedsystem is listed under the Inspiration section of those:

• REACHABLE LOCATIONS:Besides the system being designed for a rented sys-tem bound to the museums opening times as men-tioned in the pattern itself, one of the quests lead play-ers into a part of the city hall (the council hall) thatoccasionally was unavailable (because it was used bythe city council). The system, or more precisely theactual runs, needed to be scheduled around that.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (140)

122 6 Evaluation

• CHANGE PERCEPTION OF REAL WORLD PHENOM-ENA:A big goal of the GroupAixplorer’s content was toprovide the players with information they would oth-erwise hardly get. It was made from specific anec-dotes obtained from local tour guides to better teachplayers how people in the past perceived variousthings about paintings or historical events.

• CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER:As stated earlier the GroupAixplorer was the firstimplemented location-based game we did and assuch was specifically designed to investigate groupbehavior. We also wanted to find ways to explicitlyprevent the “forced” splitting up of groups that weobserved in the Aixplorer.

• COMMUNICATION CHANNELS:The city hall’s characteristics and the game’s queststructure lead to us considering the possible ways todesign inter player communication during the gameand ultimately brought us to the insight that voiceor even video chat might not necessarily be alwayspreferable over simpler methods (see also above).

The following patterns were not directly influenced by thePatterns indirectlyinfluenced final system itself and thus, Christoph Will did not list them

in the respective Inspiration sections. However, our experi-ences during development and testing in general providedvaluable experience that is reflected in some of the patternsin a more informal way.

• LOCATION AS CONTENT:Obviously the GroupAixplorer is specifically de-signed for one location, the Aachen city hall. Its con-tent is bound to that museum and it incorporates thereal world artifacts found there. It is a location-based+

game as stated above.

• LANDMARKS:As an indoor game the GroupAixplorer obviouslydoesn’t use landmarks in the literal sense, but ituses the museum’s architecture like stucco as well as

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (141)

6.2 GroupAixplorer 123

paintings, etc. as explicit marks for the players to lookout for. Basically, this fulfills a similar purpose on asmaller scale, so it had an indirect influence on thelarger scale pattern. As mentioned in that pattern’sAnnotation in chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Language”it should probably be updated accordingly.

• EXPLORATION CENTRAL TO GAME:In its original version this pattern was focusedon outdoor games, so the only reason for theGroupAixplorer not to be listed in its Inspirationsection is that it was a smaller scale, indoor game.Nevertheless, it did have a certain influence, since af-ter all the GroupAixplorer is a game focusing verymuch on exploration, in its case of a museum.

• NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE:This pattern does not have a direct connection to theGroupAixplorer other than the latter was the firstproject that made us realize how important a func-tioning network structure is and how hard it still iseven these days to ensure a proper network connec-tion with roaming devices. The game itself doesn’tlend to be explicitly noted in the pattern, since we didnot conduct further research into this problematic as-pect during development besides solving the issueswe encountered.

In terms of projects that were influenced by theGroupAixplorer there is pretty much every other projectfrom the following sections. An exception would beiCatch, as it differed from the concept and was of asmaller scale designed during a seminar.

The biggest lesson we learned from the GroupAixplorer Reducing deviceinteraction was ageneral influence toall following projects.

for our other location-based games was to tone down theinteraction with the hardware responsible for the locationtracking. While this is reflected also in several of thepatterns (e.g., OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER, APPARENT

FRAME, IMMERSION, and others), the results from theGroupAixplorer evaluation lead us to keep that in mindfrom very early on. We were surprised that players ratedthe quests encouraging simple discussion amongst them

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (142)

124 6 Evaluation

higher than those that had a much more riddle-like char-acter, involving finding a concrete and correct answer thatcould be verified by the system. While this might also betrue for non-location-based games, we consider this espe-cially important now for our kind of games since it adds tothe impact a given location has on the players’ experience.It seems too much device interaction holds them from fullyappreciating a location as well as interaction with fellowplayers (potentially sharing that appreciation, especially ifthe game adopts LOCATION AS CONTENT).

It should also be said that we already had AachenGroupAixplorer

was from the start apreparation project

for Aachen Horror.

Horror as a much bigger game in mind when theGroupAixplorer was built. Right from the start we con-sidered it as a small-scale test to collect experience withlocation-based games.

One of the goals of the GroupAixplorer was to find aLessons learned formultimedia tourist

guides.way to prevent a system from isolating its users. Of coursepart of our solution to this was the entire quest mechanicenforcing interaction between the players and coming to-gether at various points in the museum, but this was alsoaccompanied by simply giving them mono-headphones, sothat even when listening to audio, they would not be to-tally acoustically cut off from the rest of their surroundings.The synchronized audio also seemed like a viable optionthat could be implemented in a tourist guide system. So farwe did not have the chance to do the latter, but at least themono-headphone idea was adopted by the newer versionsof the Aixplorer as of our recommendation.

Influencing work

As the name already implies, the Aixplorer had theAixplorer andREXplorer were the

strongest influenceon the project.

most direct influence on the project. Since we had quitea lot experience with the design of this multimedia touristguide and were familiar with its location, the Aachen cityhall, it seemed natural to gamify it into a location-based+

game. Also REXplorer was an important predecessorsince it was also a potentially CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER

location-based+ game.

As we said above the GroupAixplorer was specificallyTesting for AachenHorror meant to try out a first, smaller scaled location-based game

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (143)

6.3 iCatch 125

before we started with development of Aachen Horror.Naturally this also means the general idea for that largergame influenced the project, though only to a smallerdegree. While it was already clear we wanted AachenHorror to become a much longer game and even the genrewas partially decided, the ideas weren’t fleshed out inthe slightest and we didn’t realize concrete things in theGroupAixplorer just to test them for the bigger game.Nevertheless, the influence was there in both directions.

6.3 iCatch

The iCatch4 location-based* game is the smallest project iCatch is thesmallest project andstrongly differs fromour other games’concepts.

we did over the course of this work. Its general idea isthat of a tag game with scavenger hunting elements andteam mechanics. From that point of view it is also a CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER game, but some of the mechanicsactually have avoiding other players as a goal, effectivelyforcing players to not be co-located to win. It is the onlygame we designed so far that focuses on a much more rapidgame flow, similar to Savannah (see [Benford et al., 2005]).Our other games usually didn’t require fast movements orplanned player versus player tactics, but focused on a lo-cation’s cultural or social impact, relying on the places andnot the game mechanics to provide to the atmosphere.

Context and time-frame

iCatchwas part of a practical lab for students taking place The constraints ofthe lab limited theavailable time forimplementation.

in 2011/2012. Most students were relatively unfamiliarwith location-based games, so we had to spend some timeon teaching the basics. Additionally, the class’s aim was toalso teach a basic understanding of network programming,resulting in the time-frame reserved for the actual game be-ing more limited than in our other projects.

It should be noted that the game’s concepts were largely de- The projectnevertheless tried toexplore variousdesign ideas.

vised by the participating students. We only “set the stage”and introduced them to generic location-based ideas and


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (144)

126 6 Evaluation

methods like brainstorming and paper prototypes to itera-tively shape the idea of a scavenger hunt and tag-like game.

The result became a mechanic for two or more teams toiCatch is aboutcompeting teams compete for points and virtual money. Those could be

earned by either so-called “runners” or “hunters” respec-tively in each team, with a third role, a single “operator”per team, acting as supervisor and coordinator. “Runners”would be assigned by the “operator” to collect points fromrandomly appearing checkpoints within the play-field andbring them back to a (secret) base, while “hunters” wouldtry to stop enemy “runners” from doing so, earning the vir-tual money depending on the number of points that enemy“runner” was carrying.

The “operator” would actually not use a mobile device,The final interfaceconcepts for iCatch

so farbut instead coordinate their team using a map based in-terface running on a regular computer. This would showthe appearing checkpoints, the own team’s base as wellas all “runners” and “hunters” (enemy and own team).“Runners” would use a mobile device showing a map also,whereas “hunters” would only see an interface giving di-rections and distance to the next assigned enemy “runner”.Once they were close enough, they were given the optionto steal that “runner’s” points and convert them to virtualmoney.

The students developed this interface over various paperThe developmentprocess itself offeredinsights although thegame did not reach a

production level.

prototypes and conducted preliminary field tests to get afeeling for the gameplay before implementing any of theneeded functionality. This process gave us several insightsregarding what developers might overlook or underesti-mate when developing location-based games. They cameup with even more advanced ideas, for example a level-ing system for the teams or upgrades an “operator” couldbuy for the collected virtual money and distribute themamongst their team, but due to the scope of the project wewere unable to fully implement or explore these options.Other than a final presentation at the end of the class wedid not conduct any real user tests, so in the end the projectcan be seen as a case study showing relatively new devel-opers approaching the field of location-based games.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (145)

6.3 iCatch 127

Influenced work

As a practical lab project, iCatch had a rather indirect im- iCatch gave uspersonal experienceand insights forfollowing projects toproperly assesslocation-based gamespecific issues.

pact on our other projects, creating personal experience andanecdotal evidence rather than published results. How-ever, especially those personal experiences and seeing otherdesigners, in this case our students, face the same issueswith location-based software that we encountered in ourdesign sessions and brainstorms were very valuable. Worthmentioning is, for example, the pattern MINIMIZE SOCIAL

AWKWARDNESS, something we didn’t pay much attentionto until the students trying our the “hunter” roles in anearly prototype reported their own awkwardness of chas-ing after each other in a public setting (see also the Anno-tation section for that pattern in chapter 5.1 — “The Pat-tern Language”). The same experience was also incorpo-rated into the pattern ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS, asis mentioned in its Annotation section as well.

As said earlier, iCatch is also our only project not predom- It also is our onlyproject focusing onPOSITION AS INPUT.

inantly adopting the LOCATION AS CONTENT pattern butit* counter part. The reason for this may be the fact that isis not tied at all to the Aixplorer guide system, which is,although not a game, in a way very centered around the ac-tual meaning of locations and thus related to the LOCATION

AS CONTENT pattern.

A more technical aspect for the game design was realizing Technical lessonslearned from thegame

the importance of tackling roaming problems. ChristophWill also collected this in the NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE

and COPING WITH UNCERTAINTY patterns later, but thegame development showed us how special the demandsin this regard are for game applications on mobile devices.This wasn’t immediately obvious, as for the lab we had tomake do with only WiFi, our mobile devices didn’t haveSIM cards to be used in the cellular network. So at firstwe thought that in our later projects we would be able totackle these problems with connecting our hardware plat-form (mostly iPhones) to the cellphone network, but whenwe saw that this doesn’t always yield in better results wehad to fall back on lessons we learned in iCatch.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (146)

128 6 Evaluation

Influencing work

The practical lab was, as stated above, also aiming to teachThe Aixplorer wasthe only influencing

project.more technical skills to the students, like network program-ming. Because of this we did not extensively build uponprevious research, besides introducing the Aixplorer, theparticipants were not required to read through specific re-lated work. For us, it was especially interesting to see howpeople not yet very familiar with the concept of location-based games would adapt to it and which design ideas theycould bring to the area.

6.4 Movement analysis of museum visi-tors

The work of Sebastian Borggrewe, “Movement analy-We wanted to seehow museum visitorsmove as a means of

comparison tolocation-based


sis of visitors using location-aware guides in museums”,[Borggrewe, 2013], is not about designing a location-basedgame, as the title implies. We decided to include it hereanyways, because it was conducted in parallel to the designof mLoG and had a similar goal in terms of understandingmovement behavior. Our original observations from theAixplorer, which had influenced the GroupAixploreras well as mLoG, were simply informal observations wemade while working in the city hall. This made it hard toproperly refer to them when explaining why we did thingsthe way we did in our games. Thus, Sebastian Borggrewe’stask was to properly track visitors in the museum and tryto uncover any movement patterns.

Context and time-frame

The master’s thesis was done over a course of six monthsWe wanted to trackpeople with and

without theAixplorer.

and largely focused on obtaining reliable, exact trackingdata from the city hall. A problem was that the Aixplorerwas only able to distinguish between the various roomswith its tracking algorithm and even that was, in rare casesincorrect for a few seconds. Besides, we wanted to analyzethe movement of people not using the guide system as wellto see whether they moved differently. Another compari-son was meant to be done between people visiting the mu-seum in a group and those who came alone, but only four

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (147)

6.4 Movement analysis of museum visitors 129

of the participants came alone (all using the Aixplorersystem), so we could not make any statistically reliable con-clusions in that regard.

The final approach to properly track people, especially A video analysisapproach waschosen to obtainreliable tracking data.

those without the guide system, was a video analysis. Sincethe city hall in Aachen is not that big but has high ceilings,we were able to mount several cameras in the rooms, exceptfor the staircase and the council hall. The resulting videoswere then hand annotated on a special iPad application tomark the visitors’ movement paths. Relying on markersplaced on the rooms’ floors we were then able to translatethe path coordinates to a floor plan of the building.

In compliance with the museum’s and city’s privacy poli- Privacy concernsand camera failurehindered dataaggregation.

cies we were required to not just ask each participant forpermission to be filmed, but also had to immediately stopany recordings should another visitor enter the museumand decline permission. A large sign had to be put up to letpeople entering the museum know about the experiment,too. Additionally, the cameras turned out to have a faultyfirmware, resulting in the loss of several film files.

A full discussion of the resulting heat maps and paths that Concerning ourgame projectsexisting assumptionswere verified.

were gained from the video analysis, see [Borggrewe, 2013].regarding the impact on our game systems, we saw ourassumptions about group behavior verified. It appearedthat people in groups tended to stick together. Only largergroups (seven people and up) seemed to split up and formsub-groups that would then behave like their smaller coun-terparts. Individuals did sometimes walk ahead, but wouldthen either wait for the rest of the group or even go backto places they had already seen to stick with their peers.This observation matched the one we had seen during theGroupAixplorer tests and reminded us of an “amoeba”-like movement, the faster people in a group went on aheadwhile the main “body” of the group would then follow,like an amoeba would send out protrusions or “arms” firstbefore moving to a new position. We believe that at leastfor exploratory scenarios this pattern appears, with visibil-ity between group members defining how far individualsmight go ahead to new areas.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (148)

130 6 Evaluation

Influenced work

All in all, the work by [Borggrewe, 2013] can be seen as amore formal approach to verify assumptions that we madewhen designing the GroupAixplorer. Because of this, itsimpact on the location-based games presented here is littleand similar to that of the Aixplorer.

Influencing work

As stated above, the general idea was to verify ideas thathad already impacted our games, so from a practical pointof view the most influence on the project were our informalobservations from administrating the Aixplorer systemin the city hall. The games we already had designed or thatwere queued up or in the middle of being implemented mo-tivated it, but a concrete influence from them was not given.

6.5 mLoG

mLoG was a game developed by Carl Huch for his diplomamLoG continued theGroupAixplorer

by moving theexperience outdoors.

thesis “Strategies and Movement Patterns for City-WideLocation-Based Games” (see [Huch, 2013]). It was the log-ical continuation of the GroupAixplorer in that it relo-cated the playing field to an outdoor area. Although thequest approach was kept and the game’s content was not astightly bound to the various locations’ cultural or social rel-evance, it still predominantly adopted LOCATION AS CON-TENT and was in the end a location-based+ game. Adaptingit to a different area would be possible without changingthe game’s experience, but that would mean additional im-plementation effort.

Context and time-frame

As explained above the game was developed as part of Mr.The game waswritten in parallel to

the pattern language.Huch’s diploma thesis, i.e. it was developed and evalu-ated in approximately six months. It built upon the find-ings from the GroupAixplorer as well as from our gen-eral past experience and since Christoph Will wrote his pat-tern language (see chapter 5.1 — “The Pattern Language”and [Will, 2013]) at the same time so there was quite a bit of“cross-pollination” between the two projects, too.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (149)

6.5 mLoG 131

Nevertheless, mLoG’s design process included extensive mLoG had anextensive prototypingphase.

prototyping, similar to the GroupAixplorer. We decidedto keep the general quest approach, i.e. have certain tasksthat the players would need to accomplish for winning thegame. However, the “edutainment” aspect was reduced,meaning that the game would still follow the local themeof “Charlemagne” often encountered in Aachen, but theactual gameplay would not include actual historic facts toteach the players. Instead, the plot in mLoG would refer tothe historic figure, but fabricate a clearly fictional story toembed the various tasks in. Theoretically, a different plotor story could serve this purpose as well.

We had already developed the GroupAixplorer with Our goal was tofurther analyze howplayers would move.

player movement in mind. Since it was thematically closerto a tourist guide and we had observed museum visitorstypically coming in groups, it had been designed to encour-age players to split up and come together again. Indeed, theGroupAixplorer showed that this specific group move-ment was well received by the players. With mLoG, wewanted to look at how exactly players would move andwhat aspects of the game could potentially lead to a spe-cific way of group movement.

In its final implementation, mLoG consisted of three dif- Two of the game’sthree total tasks werelocation-based in thestrict sense.

ferent tasks for a four player team, so it adopted the CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER in a collaborative instead of com-petitive way. We will only give a rough overview of thegameplay here, for a full explanation of how it workedplease see [Huch, 2013]. The first task required the playersto scour a certain area, the Katschhof in Aachen, for “recipepieces”, i.e. for several virtual items relevant to the game’splot. The second task would then have the players visit sev-eral virtual “traders” to exchange a set of goods to anotherset of target goods. Unlike for the first task, players couldsee the locations of these traders (not what trader it was,though) and Mr. Huch tried to map them to real world lo-cations that were similar in theme (an “herb trader” waslocated near a pharmacy and so on). The last task was a“mixing game” without ties to any location; it served as asatisfying finish to the game’s narrative.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (150)

132 6 Evaluation

Both location-based quests in mLoG are pretty muchThese first two taskslater lead to creatingthe categories “area

exploration” and“route planning”.

archetypes for the first two categories for area usage we de-scribed in chapter 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”. At the time,however, we hadn’t realized those categories yet, as a mat-ter of fact, the evaluation of mLoG later gave us that idea.However, we did intentionally include both tasks as verydifferent, to see whether people would behave differently,movement-wise.

The interesting thing about this was that players appar-Player movement didnot follow an


ently did not just adopt the most efficient way to move asa group. Both tasks were designed in a way that wouldautomatically yield in a different strategy, if efficiency wasthe main objective for the players. When looking for thevirtual objects, for example, it would have been best to di-vide the play field in distinct areas and split up accordingly.The other task could have been solved with a slightly sim-ilar, but different approach: First split up and scout thevarious traders to figure out what could be traded where,then figure out the route between relevant traders and dothe exchanges. Instead of this, players more or less ran-domly scouted the area during the first part of the gameand while they did mostly split up completely, they didnot necessarily cover the place in the best possible way.They would occasionally revisit certain parts of cross pathswith other players. During the second part of the game, itseemed players were reluctant to even go out completelyon their own, most of the times they preferred to stay inteams of two. There was also not a specific distinction be-tween scouting the traders and then doing the exchange,the sub-teams of players would instead simply “risk it” anddo trades while they were at a specific trader.

The above observations are of a qualitative nature. Geo-Movement kindswere hard to

measure andconfounding

variables preventedquantifiable results.

sociograms helped us with visualizing how the playersmoved and especially how they split up over time, butwe did not find a way to mathematically distinguish be-tween the kind of movement in each quest. After all, mLoGwas also meant to be an enjoyable game, so for the sakeof a good narrative and engaging, non-repetetive game-play the different parts of the game used different areas(the first quest the Katschhof and the second the nearbyKramerstraße). This introduced several confounding vari-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (151)

6.5 mLoG 133

ables (size and topology of the areas, visibility betweenplayers, maximum distance between them, etc.) to the tasksand while we do believe that in the end it was for the mostpart the difference of the tasks themselves that lead to thedifferent movement, it’s hard to say what exactly was partof each task and what was a confounding variable. Therewas no other approach to this, however, because as we ex-plained before we started without even knowing what tolook for. In the end, we consider the project a great success,since it lead us to the concept of categorizing movement fortasks and to the tool of geo-sociograms as a means to pro-vide an at-a-glance overview of player movement.

Influenced work

The most notable influence is of course the concept of geo- Geo-Sociogramswere a direct resultof our observationsin mLoG.

sociograms, explained in chapter 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”and previously published in [Herkenrath et al., 2014]. Weused them to visualize the movement patterns in the sixevaluation sessions and saw that they apparently dis-played a different structure for both quests. As statedabove, this ultimately also lead to out categorizations of“area exploration” and “route planning” for location-basedgames. Other than that, mLoG is the direct predeces-sor of mLoG2, presented in Vyshantha Simha’s master’sthesis “Movement Patterns in Location-based MultiplayerGames”, [Simha, 2014]. We intended to deepen our un-derstanding of geo-sociograms and these categories furtherwith that work, see further below for that.

Additionally, the work was conducted in parallel to mLoG was developedin parallel to thepattern language.

Christoph Will’s work (see [Will, 2013] and chapter 5.1 —“The Pattern Language”), so several of the patterns wereeither influenced by mLoG or vice versa. Since mLoG wasn’tfinished at the time it is not listed as Inspiration for anypatterns. This is also the case because the influence oftenwas of a more general nature and in the form of informaldiscussions between the authors.

Nevertheless, we saw things that would eventually be ad- Some observationsduring mLoG

gameplay surprisedus.

dressed in patterns that we hadn’t thought of before evalu-ating mLoG. For example, the pattern EPHEMERAL MAGIC

CIRCLE was not yet conceived and thus mLoG wasn’t inten-tionally designed to encourage players to behave in such a

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (152)

134 6 Evaluation

way, we saw them form the described “circle” often. Thefact that they were reluctant to completely split up in thesecond quest can be said to also relate to that.

Influencing work

Even though the patterns weren’t written down duringmost of mLoG’s development, concepts covered by severalof them were also known to us, so we wanted to includethose in the game to see how they could work out. We willlist them in the following by referring to the according pat-terns for easier readability.

• LOCATION AS CONTENT:Like most of our games, mLoG treats the data receivedfrom its location-aware technology (iOS’s CoreLoca-tion) setting a focus on locations, the movement itselfdoes not play much role in the game mechanics. Asa continuation of the GroupAixplorer we stuck tothe game mechanics adopting this approach.

• LOCATION GRANULARITY:Part of the challenge in designing the first two questswas to find a balance between enough points of in-terest to be searched or visited to make the game in-teresting and fitting them all into the available areawithout introducing overlapping due to bad trackingdata. The chosen areas provided relatively high accu-racy values, but it was still an issue, for example thenumber of virtual items in the first quest couldn’t belarger as to not clutter the Katschhof too much.

• OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER:Right from the start it was clear that players wouldwalk around in the open. The chosen areas were de-liberately in a pedestrian zone to avoid players get-ting into trouble with traffic, etc. Besides, the loca-tion offered a fitting atmosphere for the game’s nar-rative (the Aachen city hall was part of the residencyof Charlemagne, who was used as the virtual charac-ter tasking the players with the game’s quests).

• LANDMARKS:Especially the second quest made use of this, if maybe

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (153)

6.5 mLoG 135

not in as strict a sense as the pattern implies. As men-tioned above, the various virtual traders were locatednear real world stores fitting to their profession.

• EXPLORATION CENTRAL TO GAME:In both location-based quests it was central to find out“what is where”.

• MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS:Unlike the GroupAixplorer, players would be act-ing in a completely public space. Inside the museumit was relatively common for people to see others in-teract with a location-tracking device (regular visi-tors could rent the Aixplorer even during the eval-uation runs of the GroupAixplorer). mLoG, how-ever, was played outside and onlookers could easilysee that “something” was going on. One passerbyactively inquired if he could take part in the game,having immediately understood what mLoG was. Be-cause of that, the game did not require the players toperform things they might feel uncomfortable doingin public, like chasing around or doing elaborate ges-tures with the devices.

• CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER:Since the GroupAixplorer was a cooperative mul-tiplayer game as well and mLoG was meant to be aconceptual successor it was only logical to keep thisconcept as part of it.

• COMMUNICATION CHANNELS:Quite a bit of work was put into offering a more elab-orate way for players to communicate once they werefarer away from each other. Since the game would beplayed over a bigger area, simply asking somebody tocome over seemed insufficient. Depending on whatneeded to be said this could have been a waste of ef-fort considering the increasing walking distances. Forthat reason mLoG got a chat system instead of just thepre-set text message snippets that were used in theGroupAixplorer.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (154)

136 6 Evaluation

As explained above, the main influence regarding projectsTheGroupAixplorer

had the mostsignificant influence

of all our earlierprojects.

was of course the GroupAixplorer. Logically, theAixplorer also played a role, but since mLoG conceptu-ally left an “edutainment” approach behind the influenceof actual historical facts is less prominent than it was in itspredecessor.

6.6 mLoG2

With the mLoG2 game we aimed to expand on the find-The projectcontinued right

where mLoG ended.ings we made when testing mLoG. For this purpose Vyshan-tha Simha expanded the software in his master’s the-sis “Movement Patterns in Location-based MultiplayerGames”, [Simha, 2014]. One of the biggest problems wesaw in the evaluation of the original mLoG was that thetwo different location-based tasks were completed in dif-fering areas, raising the question whether the observed dif-ferences in movement behavior were due to that or due tothe varying nature of the quests.

Context and time-frame

As mentioned the project was undertaken as part of a mas-mLoG2 built directlyon the code of its

predecessor, so theinitial prototyping

phase was shorter.

ter’s thesis, so it was again conducted over roughly sixmonths. Since we wanted to address very specific issuesin mLoG the plan was to directly work with the source codefrom that project. The goal was to relocate the gameplayto a different area and use the same play field for all of thelocation-based tasks. mLoG’s third task was stripped fromthe game, as was most of its narrative. This left the “areaexploration” and “route planning” tasks, both to be playedin the same play field and with as little difference other thantheir individual specifics as possible.

When stripping the quests from everything but their coreA new task wasadded to cover the

third category ofarea-usage.

concept and redesigning the software accordingly it be-came clear that the mentioned categories were not the onlypossible ways to use an area in a location-based game. As aresult we decided to add another task to mLoG2 that wouldcover what we had previously not thought of. “Area cover-age”, as explained in chapter 5.2 — “Geo-Sociograms”. In

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (155)

6.6 mLoG2 137

the context of the game that meant to have players place so-called “guards” that would cover a certain radius of spacein the play field. Additionally, several markers were dis-tributed over the field beforehand, and the goal was to in-clude as many of these as possible with the area definedby the “guards”. To complete the task successfully, a cer-tain threshold of those pre-distributed markers needed tobe achieved.

Of course this new task and the original “route planning” Real world hints weregiven as neededusing small flags.

task (the one that demanded players trade goods withseveral virtual traders) needed visible markers in the realworld to denote where a point to protect or a trader was.Leaving those out and relying on virtual markers to beseen on the mobile device was not an option, because wewanted to stick with using LOCATION AS CONTENT forthose tasks. The locations would admittedly not really haveany real-world related content since we used abstract flags,but stripping the game of the needed interaction with thereal world (looking around for orientation, mentally con-necting the virtual map with the surroundings, etc.) toomuch would have resulted in a game completely differentfrom mLoG. The result would have been a probably ratherdull location-based game that uses POSITION AS INPUT asa mere means to move a marker on a screen.

We decided to attach small Bluetooth senders to each flag so To increase trackingresults, Bluetoothbeacons were usedtogether with iOS’sCoreLocation (GPS).

that the used iPhones would easily register coming close tothem. This eliminated the problem of only relying on GPSand thus having to place the flags very exactly to avoid adrift between the device tracking and the real world coor-dinates.

Another thing that was changed in mLoG2 compared to Communicationchannels werewidened to includevoice chat.

mLoG referred to the COMMUNICATION CHANNELS pat-tern. Since the play field became potentially larger (at leastcompared to the area used for the “area exploration” questin mLoG) we wanted to provide the players with a voicechat system instead of just a text based messaging func-tionality. To avoid wasting time on the relatively elaborateimplementation of such a feature, we simply gave radioequipment (i.e. in-ear receivers and wearable senders) tothe players.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (156)

138 6 Evaluation

A major problem for mLoG2 was our intention to use theArea selection wasdifficult. same area for all three tasks in the game. While the orig-

inal mLoG used a pedestrian zone in the center of Aachenthat added to the game’s atmosphere, it also brought sev-eral confounding variables to the game, for example a higharchitectural complexity, bystanders obscuring the view ofthings, and a varying quality of mapping between realworld shops and their counterpart traders in the tradingtask. For mLoG2 we thus needed a field large enough forus to do the tasks in (due to GPS accuracy of +/- 5 me-ters at best it needed to be quite large to hold all traders,etc.) that was accessible and relatively even in its topology(i.e. no obscuring buildings or the like). Our first choice,the Kennedy park in Aachen, turned out to be suitablefrom its general properties, but unfortunately the neighbor-hood was problematic. Our placed flags and the Bluetoothsenders were vandalized during our first experiments, evenalthough we brought additional staff to watch over them.The area turned out to be too big to be able to constantlyhave an eye on every single marker. In the end we wereforced to compromise on the location and chose anotherplay field, we moved to a park between Kirchraterstraßeand Pariserring in Aachen (see also [Simha, 2014, pp. 50]).

The result of this organizational overhead was a relativelyThese problemsreduced the number

of test groups wecould handle.

low number of test players we could fit in the project’s timeframe. However, we could show that there, again, seemedto be a different movement strategy involved in solving thedifferent tasks. Surprisingly, the the sub-grouping patternwe saw in mLoG’s trading quests did not occur.

The graphs of the geo-sociograms themselves were notA classificationalgorithm to verifydifferences in the

geo-sociograms wasused.

as easy to analyze with the plain eye, which is why weadopted a classification algorithm (a support vector ma-chine, or SVM) to try and see whether the differences wesaw were in fact relevant. This showed us that there was adifference between the “area exploration” and “route plan-ning” tasks as well as between the “area exploration” andthe “area coverage” tasks. Of course this approach has itsproblems due to the mentioned low number of trials wecould do. A part of the data had to be taken to train theSVM, so even less data would then be tested for a differenceaccording to that trained classification model (for a full de-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (157)

6.6 mLoG2 139

scription of the approach please see [Simha, 2014, pp. 72]).Still, we believe the results indicate at least a high proba-bility that certain tasks lead to specific patterns in players’movement.

Influenced work

Since mLoG2 was designed as a second iteration of mLoG mLoG2 put thegeo-sociogram ideato the test.

its principal influence is similar. The concept of geo-sociograms was tested as a kind of evaluation tool in its testruns and proved to be of significant use. Most notably is ofcourse the extension of the area usage categories by “areacoverage”, a way to use the available area in a location-based game we hadn’t previously thought of.

Due to mLoG2 omitting an elaborate prototyping phase No new patternswere written basedon mLoG2, but theirusefulness can beseen as furtherverified.

and instead pretty much directly extending its predeces-sor we did not conceive any new patterns. However, thisalso means we can see the patterns that are adopted byboth games as having been further verified. For example,EPHEMERAL MAGIC CIRCLE can be seen as, again, occur-ring naturally, i.e. without us having consciously workedtowards the game lending itself to this phenomenon. Pat-terns like LOCATION AS CONTENT and LANDMARKS werenot strictly in the game anymore (since the relevant pointsof interest in the game did not really incorporate any as-pects of the real world and our flag-markers were notgiven, culturally meaningful characteristics of the land-scape) were in a way abstracted. Still, it would be easyto change that in a real, non-prototypical game by, for ex-ample, weaving real world meanings of a location into theexploration quest and connecting the traders to real worldlocations hinting at their in-game role like mLoG did.

Even the bad experience we made with the heavy vandal- Even negativeaspects turned out tobe reflected in apattern.

ism in the Kennedy Park can be pointed out as one aspectof the ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS. While this is ofcourse a bad thing, the problematic neighborhood could beseen as a local “custom” that we underestimated as poten-tial influence on our game. In fact, we knew the KennedyPark might be a questionable area, but did not expect thatmuch hostility (one or two “casualties” in terms of flags orBluetooth senders would have been no big issue, but con-stant and willful destruction turned out to be too much).

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (158)

140 6 Evaluation

Influencing work

As stated above, mLoG2 was a second iteration of mLoG,As successor ofmLoG the same

patterns wereadopted by mLoG2

so the same patterns were adopted in its design. Dueto a more formal setup though, LOCATION AS CONTENT,OTHER CONTEXT OF PLAYER, and LANDMARKS were onlyincluded in an abstract manner. These patterns requirethe use of a place’s semantic meaning to be somehow in-cluded in the game, usually by weaving it into the narra-tive. Since we intentionally stripped out any narrative toeliminate the confounding influence a specific point of in-terest might have (for example because it was perceived asmore attractive to go to), mLoG is a bad example to show-case these patterns. Its predecessor, however, shows howthat change could be easily reverted.

6.7 Aachen Horror

Aachen Horror was the biggest location-based+ CO-Aachen Horror

game is the largestproject so far.

LOCATED MULTIPLAYER game prototype we built so far.Other than heavily relying on location-aware technologyit roots in classic (as opposed to electronic) role-playinggames (for an easy explanation of the term see for exam-ple Wikipedia’s article5 on it). This means that its appealis meant to come from an interesting narrative for the mostpart, not from its game mechanics.

Due to the relative complexity of the game and the fact weThe followingparagraphs will be

finer structured thanfor the other projectsto better explain the


did not yet publish anything about it (for the reasons seebelow) the following subsections will be further divided,outlining the various aspects of the game, including its plot.

Context and time-frame

The first ideas for a location-based game running in smart-Aachen Horror isalso the oldest of our

location-basedgames in regards to

the general idea.

phones came up in 2009 when the Aixplorer was devel-oped. Due to the guide system and other projects, work onAachen Horror did not progress continually or planned,but the general concept hasn’t changed from those firstthoughts. The first notable progress wasn’t made until 2012

5https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing game

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (159)

6.7 Aachen Horror 141

when we organized the project’s budget (which was partof the Aixplorer’s EU funding), acquired an author forthe game’s plot and held a workshop to gather first designideas for story, mechanics, etc. Over the next three years,due to other projects again with interruptions, the gamewas prototyped and developed.

Interestingly, the motivation wasn’t sparked from the Problematic aspectsof role-playinggames lead to thegame’s conception.

Aixplorer’s location-aware aspects only, but also frompersonal experience with traditional pen & paper role-playing games. These kinds of games are usually rela-tively time-consuming and require a group of players toregularly schedule sessions to play. This can be difficultto plan around people’s working hours, especially includ-ing the overhead of meeting in one place. The so-called“game master” required in most traditional pen & paperrole-playing games has an even higher overhead since sheis required to plan the session, i.e. the played scenario.Since most people have smartphones, i.e. mobile devices,the initial idea for Aachen Horror was to “synchronize”people’s normal days and the fictional days their role-playavatars experience.

Using computers to run the game and thus effectively elim- We wanted to createsomething differentfrom other computerrole-playing games.

inating a game master (who usually plays non-player char-acters and enforces any rules) is would also reduce thisoverhead; this approach is not new. There are also com-puter games called role-playing games, but there’s oftenquite a difference in the concept. As said, the non-playercharacters are played by the game master, i.e. a human(in so-called LARP6s there can even be several humans ful-filling the role of side-characters, or background actors).While digital technology can easily present a fictional char-acter with adequate multimedia, the interaction betweensuch a character and the players is limited by the com-puter’s inability to really react like a human (in a wayan “AI-complete” problem). Many computer role-playinggames thus rely on just offering pre-defined interactionmethods in these cases or focus on more action-orientedmechanics such as fighting. Story or plot is often just con-veyed in a more cinematic manner through video clips andsimilar means. From the start we wished to make Aachen

6https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live action role-playing game

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (160)

142 6 Evaluation

Horror different in that we strove to provide as close anexperience to pen & paper role-playing games as possible.We wanted to have as much IMMERSION in it as we couldmanage (although this was a while before the pattern waswritten, the term was of course already known to us).

This goal would influence Aachen Horror from the startSeveral constraintsfor the game resulted

from this intention.and also define several constraints on the game mechanicsand genre. First of all it was clear that we would need anarrative scenario that could be played along through sev-eral “paths”, i.e. the plot needed to have a general outlinethat would unfold depending on the choices players wouldmake. Second, our plan to quite literally merge the players’avatars movement with their own movement through thereal world meant that the genre of the game would needto fit to a modern city for the most part. Otherwise, so wefeared, we would demand too much from the players’ abil-ity to suspend their disbelief, emphasizing the APPARENT

FRAME too much and hindering IMMERSION (see also [Ben-ford et al., 2006]).

The second point also meant that, unlike in pen & paperCharacter role-playwould be limited as

well.role-playing games, players would basically have to “playthemselves”. A plot set in a modern city that also adaptsto players’ movement, potentially even if it’s not even re-lated to the game alone or at all (for example on their wayto work) would not provide a means to fully immerse inrole-playing any sort of character. Although this is a diver-sion from traditional forms of role-play (where it is often amajor aspect to display a character or respectively a person-ality different from one’s own) we believe the experience isstill comparable. “Pretending” to actually be in a fictionalsituation and act accordingly is the same, whether takinginto account how a fictional character would act or simplyacting on one’s own, normal decision process.

A fantasy or far-future science fiction narrative would notWe decided on amystic, slightly scary

genre with a strongconnection to the city

and its real history.

meet these demands, especially the second. This meant wehad to construct a plot playing more or less in the presentcity of Aachen, but it would not prohibit any fictional or su-pernatural aspects at all. Having this option would allowus to construct believable excuses around some technicaldifficulties later (see below), so in the end we decided to

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (161)

6.7 Aachen Horror 143

choose a horror or mystery themed genre for the game. Wewanted a feeling comparable to serious, but slightly darkstories, like for example found in TV shows like “X Files”or the short stories of H. P. Lovecraft. A classic pen & pa-per role-playing in that genre is “Call of Cthulhu” a sys-tem based on the short story by H. P. Lovecraft of the samename. There is also a similar board game with this set-ting called “Arkham Horror” (Arkham is a fictional city inLovecraft’s stories), which is where Aachen Horror gotthe Inspiration for its name.

Although we had run several role-playing sessions in the We hired aprofessional writerfor the plot.

past, some also with self-written scenarios, we decided toopt for a professional writer familiar in that field, especiallysince we did not just want a convincing narrative, but alsoa proper inclusion of real historic events if possible. Aftercontacting several candidates with the help of game pub-lisher Pegasus Spiele7 Carsten Schmitt accepted to workwith us. The plot of Aachen Horror was thus written byhim; he also did the necessary research for fitting historicalaspects hinted at in the game. Progress on this was done it-eratively, thankfully Mr. Schmitt was willing to revise ideasconstantly with us, so he would not include things that re-sulted in mechanics we wouldn’t be able to properly imple-ment in accordance with our patterns and intentions.

Interface development in the traditional sense happened Once we arrived atthe point of needingproper multimediafiles in the game, wehired moreprofessionals for that,too.

relatively late; we focused on what players would have todo around the city. Instead, we simply decided, in consulta-tion with Mr. Schmitt, what the interface would be neededto do, not yet deciding on how any graphical representationwould look like. Eventually, of course, we needed a realinterface, so we outsourced the necessary design to Peıra8.They were also tasked with creating the actual audio for thegame, including atmospheric background sounds as wellas the dialog for our non-player characters (see below).

Since we aimed for a high IMMERSION we wanted to make Interaction withcharacters.the game as realistic as possible. This didn’t just mean

that the supernatural aspects in our narrative had to be be-lievable and consistent in themselves, but we also wanted


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (162)

144 6 Evaluation

to avoid common problems computer games involving acomplex narrative often suffer from: Interaction with non-player characters. As explained above this is a tricky partand in terms of the experience for the players often thebiggest difference between a computer role-playing gameand a pen & paper role-playing game. Designing a gameon a mobile device, i.e. a computer, we of course could notovercome that restriction. Any interaction would be lim-ited to players “talking” to the characters by simply provid-ing pre-selected options. To make this believable, we con-structed the narrative in a way that gave an explanation forthis limit. As will be described below, all non-player char-acters would be “ghosts” trapped in a kind of “parallel di-mension”. Players were given a device, called “ARIADNE”(really iPhones) that allowed them to perceive this “paralleldimension” and hear the ghosts. However, we told playersthat since the devices weren’t originally expected to be usedin that way, “receiving” was a lot better suited than “send-ing”, i.e. although they would be able to listen to what theghosts told them, they could only send back very rudimen-tary signals. Effectively, they could only produce simpletones for the ghosts to hear. Most non-player characterswould then understand it and offer a simple convention foranswering them, like “Please beep once if you agree”.

The plot of Aachen Horror

The plot of Aachen Horror is principally comparable toWe needed toprevent players from

finding out the plotbeforehand.

a crime story, albeit one with supernatural and mystic as-pects. This meant that its appeal relied greatly on surpriseand secrecy. As one mechanic in the game would be thatplayers had to research information using every day meanslike search engines (see below) it was vital to not spoil theplot by making it accessible to people online. For this workthat means we can’t point to an available version of thescript for reference (and it would be too large for the ap-pendix, too). Instead, we will provide a detailed overviewof the various tasks players had to solve to win AachenHorror and hope this thesis won’t spoil the fun for even-tual future players.

To make it easier for the reader to differentiate betweenSpecial formatting forthe following sections the various locations, characters, and events we will format

their names in the following specific way. Character names

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (163)

6.7 Aachen Horror 145

(or short descriptions) will be in sans serif font, real worldlocations will be slanted in addition, and event names that weused as references in our script will be in sans serif, boldfont.

As is typical for role-playing games, the story in Aachen The true core of ourbackground storyHorror contains a number of events that took place be-

fore the point at which the players get involved in thegame. In our case this ties into real historical events re-volving around Charlemagne, the Carolingians, and theirpredecessors, the Merovingians. The true historic factsare that the royal line of the Merovingians ended whentheir majordomo servants (holding the offices of “mayorof the palace”), the Carolingians, de facto already leadingthe Franks, fully took over the kingdom in the 8th cen-tury. The last Merovingian king and his son were placedin a monastery. It’s important for our story to note that theMerovingians claimed to be descendants of an old sea godor monster.

Even today there are open questions about these historic Our “believable”fabrication ofadditional eventsafter the end of theMerovingians.

events, which allowed us to make up a believable storyinvolving the last Merovingian (believable in so far as astory with supernatural concepts can be believable in thefirst place). In the world of our game it continues like this:The last Merovingian’s son, Theoderich, had a child whichwas raised in secret by a monk from the monastery. Thischild became a student under Alcuin of York, the actual his-toric figure, leader scholar and teacher at the Carolingiancourt. Unfortunately Theoderich’s son learned of his pastand studied ancient lore to transform himself into a mon-ster, something possible due to his (in our game world ac-tually true) monstrous heritage. Eventually he took on thename Merowech and succeeded with the ritual, in spite of Al-cuin trying to intervene. Alcuin then performed another ritualto banish the so-called Quinotaurus into a “parallel dimen-sion”.

We call this supernatural world “labyrinth”, simply be- The paralleldimension “labyrinth”cause it holds the Quinotaurus prisoner similar to the Greek

mythology of the Minotaur on Crete. Of course when wesay it’s a “parallel dimension” we mean it in the com-mon, non-scientific way that is often found in fiction. The

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (164)

146 6 Evaluation

labyrinth is a dark place where not only the last Merovin-gian is trapped, but also other “lost souls” who got caughtaccidentally in it and are doomed to stay in this purgatory.Some of them have gotten used to it and almost enjoy livingin it while others suffer and have almost gone insane. Ad-ditionally there are immaterial beasts roaming this worldwhich we call the Hounds. For 1300 years the Quinotaurus hastried to escape and slowly the barrier between his prisonand the real world crumbles.

The first (fictional) person in modern times finding outProf. Dr. Theo Seußand the events

immediately beforethe players enter the


about the labyrinth is Prof. Dr. Theo Seuß, a professor forcommunications engineering at RWTH. More as a hobby,he built the ARIADNE devices, originally to disprove theexistence of “Tesla waves”. Surprised, he found out thathe could detect signals from an invisible plane and evenfrom sentient beings living in it. Afraid to be called insanehe didn’t immediately report his findings and instead sentseveral backup ARIADNE devices to random students forthe case that something happened to him (an admittedlycliched but common plot device). Of course he then van-ished and the students, our players got their devices withan explaining letter (which is actually a physical printoutthey get), suggesting them to try out the ARIADNE at themarket place in Aachen.

At this point the actual gameplay starts, players are nowFirst steps andmeeting the Hounds supposed to investigate the supernatural events surround-

ing the disappearance of Prof. Seuß, the labyrinth, and theQuinotaurus/Merovech. If they follow the advice in the letterthey will be able to find Prof. Seuß trapped and panicked inthe labyrinth, waiting for them at the market place. To talkto him they will need to fend off the Hounds (for the actualgame mechanics see the section below). This will be a com-mon thing throughout the game, so it is vital for the playersto get used to doing it. From the professor they learn that hewas somehow trapped in the labyrinth by a monster (theQuinotaurus, of course) and that he needs their help to get outagain and stop the monster from escaping. He also givesthem hints where to look next, which basically also servesto introduce a typical pattern of the game.

These following steps concern two locations not far fromThe Guilty Hero andthe Nameless

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (165)

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the market place, one at the Ehrenmal and one at a nearby for-mer bunker from World War II. The players meet two ghoststhere, a soldier at the Ehrenmal who killed a teenager un-der martial law and his victim at the bunker . The soldier,we called him the Guilty Hero in the script, is guilt riddenand asks the players to ask the initially nameless teenagerfor forgiveness. Both ghosts are bound to their respectivelocation and can’t move within the labyrinth. By mediatingbetween the two the players help them to gain at least somedegree of redemption and peace. As a reward, they get ahint for where to go next and a method to calm down theHounds later in the game. How exactly players can decipherthis hint is described under game mechanics below. Woveninto the dialog of the Guilty Hero are several other allusionsto the game’s plot which the players may or may not un-derstand; perhaps even just after they progress far enoughand think back. The setup between the Guilty Hero and theNameless is based on true historical facts: Two teenage boyswere shot by the Wehrmacht at the end of World War II nearthe bunker , a plaque there commemorates this tragedy. Wedid not use the real boys’ names out of respect, intendinginstead to raise awareness of this dark historic fact in theplayers (see also the annotation for CHANGE PERCEPTION

OF REAL WORLD PHENOMENA in chapter 5.1 — “The Pat-tern Language”).

Because of this mechanism of hints and subtle mentioning Mandatory & optionaleventsit is difficult to define an exact path that players will follow.

So to give an overview of the plot we will instead point outthe major tasks they have to solve to win the game. Some ofthese stations must be found and visited, although not nec-essarily in a certain order. Others were optional, not strictlynecessary to finish the game, but providing additional in-formation and opening up different or even better ways tosolve the mystery.

At the Alkuin-Realschule the players find an echo of Alcuin, pre- The overall taskconsisted of threeobjectives.

senting them with a letter that is read to them. This explainsthe background to them and leads them to the Katschhof inAachen where they will learn what to do to keep the Quino-taurus trapped in the labyrinth. To succeed with this, threemajor objectives needed to be achieved:

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (166)

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1. Find a suitable location for the ritual. This wouldbe the Langer Turm and to figure this out the playersneeded to visit the Marschiertor .

2. Learn the melody to be played during the ritual. Thiswould be taught by a lost soul at the location whereAlcuin himself performed the first ritual, on the Lous-berg.

3. Find a soul as a necessary ingredient of the rit-ual. This soul would basically be bound to the newlabyrinth (see also below).

Naturally the various hints to these locations were hiddenin the dialog again and players have free control over whereto go first. If they, for example, do not completely under-stand a hint, but assume it has to do with the Langer Turmand the Lousberg, then blindly decide to go to the Langer Turmfirst, they will find themselves unable to do anything there.They have to learn the melody on the Lousberg first. Withall requirements met, players can visit the Langer Turm andperform the ritual, winning the game. The tower is actu-ally a student dorm and since the players have to enter thebuilding to perform the ritual, they have to contact its res-idents to arrange access. The dorm has a room that can berented for festivities and the students living in the towerwere informed by us beforehand to avoid any confusion,see also the game mechanics below. A special aspect of thethree requirements is the last one, the soul. In a potentiallyunexpected revelation it turns out that Prof. Seuß is actuallyalready dead, although he is unaware of this himself. If theplayers figure this out in one of the optional tasks (see be-low), he also learns about his fate and willingly participatesin the ritual to get revenge on his murderer, the Quinotaurus.If the players do not figure this out, they still need to in-clude his soul in the ritual (he basically is “sucked in” byaccident), enabling them to win, but leaving a maybe bitteraftertaste behind.

As mentioned above, several experiences are optional forSide tasks andoptional hints the players to find. Their main purpose is to enhance the

atmosphere and increase IMMERSION, giving the narrativemore depth. However, they can have impact on the main

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (167)

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storyline, i.e. the outcome of the game. Most notably play-ers can learn that their original motivation to rescue Prof.Seuß is impossible to achieve. To do that, they need to in-vestigate the main train station in Aachen, where they thenfind a sort of “echo” of Prof. Seuß’s death. This is admit-tedly hard to find, as nothing in the game actually requiresthe players to go there, but there are several hints implyingthat the professor is already dead. In his first dialog with theplayers he tells them that on his way to the train station hereceived a strong signal with his ARIADNE device. Severalother characters also hint at him being dead, including theGuilty Hero. The following meetings were optional, but ei-ther hinted at what was going on or the background of thegame. We gave each event a name in the script to be easilyidentified, but of course these names were never told to theplayers.

• The train station: See above. Once the players witnessthe professor’s death he approaches them and automat-ically remembers.

• Merowech’s mother: Players can randomly meet themother of the Quinotaurus, who roams the labyrinth,grieving over her son’s and her dynasty’s demise.This doesn’t help directly and serves to emphasize thetragic aspects of the story.

• Allow me, name’s Whisperer: One lost soul is simplycalled the Whisperer. He is a mocking trickster, actu-ally enjoying his life in the labyrinth. In his first ap-pearance (happening only after the players have al-ready solved the problem of the Guilty Hero and hisnameless victim and not done anything else for eighthours) he hints at Prof. Seuß being dead and at theAlkuin-Realschule.

• Oh, show me the girls: Only accessible after the play-ers met the Whisperer, this event takes place near theAntoniusstraße (a formerly famous red light district inAachen). The Whisperer suggests a bargain: If the play-ers lure away The Pimp and the Hounds long enough forhim to visit “his girl” (dubbed The whor*), he’ll givethem a hint. Should they choose to do so and succeed,he gives them a phone number of all things. With this

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (168)

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they can actually call the Langer Turm, so basically ithints to the importance of the location.

• Stone of the Goddess: Located on the Lousberg near theplace where the players learn the melody used in thefinal ritual, the stone is simply a location where theycan recharge their ARIADNE devices (see game me-chanics below).

• Belvedere: Located on the Lousberg as well, this inter-esting looking building (a former water tower, nowa cafe) is a red herring, i.e. in the game’s context aplace that looks relevant, but actually isn’t. Playershave nothing to gain here and will instead simply beattacked by an ongoing pack of Hounds.

• So I’m dead?: This isn’t a location, but a scene that’s au-tomatically triggered after the players found out thatProf. Seuß died at the train station (see above).

• Update from Theo: Like the previous event, this is nottriggered by going to a specific location, but by thegame’s other events. If the players have not found outabout Prof. Seuß’s fate but are close to the game’s finale(i.e. they met the first two main objectives, locationand melody) it occurs on its own (once the playersturn their devices on). Prof. Seuß urges the players on,telling them the labyrinth might crumble soon and heteaches them the method to call him to them. Fromthen on, players will be able to do so during the finale(which is actually the only point in the game whenProf. Seuß can help them).

• Filler dialog for Theo: Again, this is not location- butevent-triggered. If the players call Prof. Seuß (afterthey have learned to do so) somewhere else than inthe Langer Turm (during the finale) he informs themthat he can’t help them at this moment. To avoidtoo much repetition we included several fitting au-dio files from which one is selected randomly. Un-fortunately, this is pretty close to the way other com-puter role-playing games treat these circ*mstancesand tends to be immediately recognized by the play-ers as meaning “this is a dead end in the plot”, but wecouldn’t avoid it in this case.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (169)

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• Granusturm: Like the stone of the goddess this is a lo-cation to recharge the ARIADNE devices.

The grand finale of Aachen Horror takes place at the The last locationLanger Turm, an old tower from the 14th century. As men-tioned above, the tower serves as a student dormitory thesedays, i.e. several people live there as permanent residents.To finance necessary repairs of the building, they rent alarge room for festivities on the ground floor. Thus, theplayers are supposed to use that room for their ritual. Thetricky part about this is that we asked the tower residentsto pretend not to know anything of the game to keep it re-alistic. Otherwise the players would have immediately fig-ured out that the location was important to the game, evenif they hadn’t yet arrived at the point where they can per-form the ritual. Obviously we arranged payment for theroom beforehand; we simply asked the residents to tell theplayers that for their case they wouldn’t be charged (the rit-ual would not take as long as the usual events the room isused for).

Once the players had secured access to the tower, they The actual finale andpossible outcomescould perform the ritual to rebuild the labyrinth and win

the game. This takes place in the evening and at least fourplayers needed to be present. The ritual consists of draw-ing a symbol on the ground (which we did not test forand assumed players would simply do), standing aroundit and then using the ARIADNE devices to play the melodylearned on the Lousberg. During the process the Quinotaurusand the Hounds show up and try to stop the players. They doso by interrupting the person currently playing the melody,but since all players are protected by the symbol (and in-advertently form a EPHEMERAL MAGIC CIRCLE) this is allthey can do. A different player then has to take over play-ing the melody to continue the ritual. Should the playersbe too slow with that too often, the ritual will fail and theylose the game. Otherwise, the ritual will succeed after awhile and they will win. The players also need to call Prof.Seuß before or during the ritual, he encourages them andwarns about imminent attacks from the Quinotaurus. In theend, the ritual and thus the entire game has three possibleoutcomes:

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (170)

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• The sacrificial lamb: This occurs if the players succeedwith the ritual but did never figure out that Prof. Seußis dead and beyond rescue from the labyrinth. Theysave the world from the Quinotaurus, but have to livewith the fact they doomed the poor professor to stayin the purgatory and guard the monster, his murderer.His last words accuse the players and he swears re-venge on them.

• Theo the hero: If the players succeed with the ritualand Prof. Seuß knows that he is dead, his stance on theissue is completely different. Effectively the outcomeis the same for the players, but his last words are onesof praise. He shows understanding that the playerscould not rescue him and is glad he was at least ableto help keep the Quinotaurus imprisoned, at least untilsomeone else will have to take his place in the, hope-fully, far future.

• The failure: In case they do not manage to success-fully complete the ritual, the Quinotaurus will destroythe labyrinth and escape the very moment the playersfail. They can hear how he destroys Prof. Seuß, then heshouts out how now the world will have to bow tohim (this being the only time he actually speaks). Theplayers lost the game.

Game mechanics

Naturally, the details of the plot evolved over the entireLimited testing due tofunding problems time the project was conducted. For example, letting Prof.

Seuß die was not part of the story from the beginning. Thesame is true for the mechanics, since they would have tofit to the plot. We had to figure out what was possible todo and adapt plot ideas accordingly, but at the same timeit was important to inform our author of potential gamemechanics so he could use them as inspiration for storyideas. From that point of view we had several iterationsover these technical aspects of the game, even before weimplemented any prototypes in software. For example, theidea of the ARIADNE devices having a “charge” (see be-low) was slightly changed several times. A downside ofthis was that we could only start to test with real users rela-tively late into the project. While the individual scenes and

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (171)

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their relevant mechanics were implemented and tested byus to ensure technical functionality, finding a group of play-ers willing and able to participate in such a long-term gamewas harder than we expected. Unfortunately, the fundingof the project ran out before we were able to have a groupof people play the game all at once, so our testing regard-ing the entire game, especially its atmosphere and general“feel”, was severely limited. The following sections will de-scribe the game mechanics as they are intended and imple-mented, but it is important to keep in mind that they wereonly tested on a more individual basis.

A big part of the gameplay consists of understanding hints Not all gamemechanics refer tothe interface.

to figure out what to do next. Aachen Horror basicallyhas no distinguishable interface for the most part. The ARI-ADNE devices the players get are rooted in the game’s nar-rative and do not have any “meta” controls, i.e. every con-trol only serves a functionality (if at all, see below) in thegame’s own pseudo-reality. Since according to the plot Prof.Seuß built the devices to scan for the weird, alien signals,there’s no “hint” or “help” button or any kind of on screenexplanation. In fact, we designed the devices with an inten-tionally bad usability, because in the story, he simply builtthem as prototypes.

Figure 6.3 shows what the ARIADNE user interface looks The ARIADNE userinterfacelike. The style was deliberately different from a standard

iOS application since they players were supposed to pre-tend that it is not really a smartphone, but a hand-built pro-totype device made by Prof. Seuß. The numbered elementsmarked with the overlay have the following functionality:

(1) On/Off-Switch: This does not turn the game (i.e. theapplication) on or off, but rather the (pretended) ARI-ADNE device. If it is in the “Off” position, no signalsfrom the labyrinth can be heard, including the Hounds,lost souls, or background noise. However, this alsomeans the devices won’t lose the virtual “charge” thatis needed to stay “connected” to the parallel dimen-sion. If players enter a special region in the labyrinthin this state, an alarm noise is played and the indica-tor (4) blinks to denote they should turn the switch to“On”.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (172)

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1 2 3 4





Figure 6.3: Left: a plain image of the ARIADNE UI; Right: the same image with anoverlay identifying the controls, see the text for a full description.

(2) Log-Button: Originally we intended to provide thedevice with a (virtual) “printer”, similar to an old-fashioned stock market ticker. This would technicallyhave violated our “no meta UI” paradigm, but sincemost information to the players is given as transitiveaudio (dialog from lost souls) we thought it necessaryto offer them a way to save it to re-read later in casethey had trouble. Due to the funding for the projectending and limited time we didn’t implement it in theend, but decided to leave the button in as a “dead end”(Prof. Seuß simply did not connect it to a meaningfulfeature).

(3) The “Charge”-Indicator: Once the ARIADNE is turnedon and players can thus interact with the labyrinth, thisgauge constantly goes down. Only at special places,for example the Granusturm, players would be able to“recharge” the ARIADNE. Attacking Hounds or even the

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (173)

6.7 Aachen Horror 155

Quinotaurus would deplete this energy further and morequickly.

(4) The alarm signal: As explained above, this lights up(and an audio signal would be played as well) onceplayers enter a game relevant region, even if the ADRI-ADNE is turned off.

(5) The “Tone-Modulator” slider: If the ARIADNE isturned on (1) and at least one channel is selected (7) thisslider produces a tone “in the labyrinth”. The higherthe slider goes, the higher is the pitch of that tone (alsoaudible for the players through their headphones ofcourse). This is used to either lure away the Hounds or tosend rudimentary signals to lost souls in the labyrinth(as mentioned above this provides a reason for the lim-ited communication within the game’s reality).

(6) Oscilloscope mode switch: This switch changes be-tween displaying a map on the oscilloscope screen (10)or the regular oscilloscope view that visualizes soundsfrom the labyrinth (including the tone produced by (5)).

(7) The channel selectors: These switches basically enable(5) to work. If both are off, the slider does nothing, ifat least one is on, it produces a varying pitch tone. Thebase pitch is defined by the channel and there are threemodes: only channel 1 on, only channel 2 on or bothchannels on.

(8) Preset buttons: These two buttons were originallyplanned to act as “recorder buttons”. Players wouldbe able to press and hold them while the device wasturned on and was receiving a signal (for example atone modulation produced with the slider) and thenlater replay the same signal with a simple press. Thisturned out to be too complex so we compromised thatimportant sounds (like the melody used in the final rit-ual) would be automatically recorded and playable.

(9) The camera button: This toggle button (intentionallynot in the form of a switch to illustrate the prototypecharacter of the device) would switch the oscilloscopescreen (10) to a view of the iPhone’s camera. We orig-inally had the idea to use that to check for the cor-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (174)

156 6 Evaluation

rect symbol drawn by the players during the final rit-ual, but then decided against it (following one of thedesign guidelines we had already established with theGroupAixplorer).

(10) The oscilloscope: Depending on the switches (6) and(9) this would show either a map, the camera’s view, oran actual oscilloscope connected to the audio played bythe device (be it a tone produced with the slider, a lostsoul, or regular background noise).

Besides this visible interface and the controls, the ARI-The players’perception whenusing ARIADNE

ADNE rely heavily on audio. According to the plot, theytransform signals from the labyrinth into sounds, so nat-urally a big part of the interface and thus the applicationdesign is centered around audio. Once the device is turnedon with (1), players will always at least hear a “backgroundnoise” from the labyrinth. There are two sets of audio forthis, both conveying a mystic, dark, and slightly threaten-ing atmosphere. The first is used in the city and mimics asubterranean dungeon with water droplets and echoes re-flected from the walls of long hallways. Over that sighingand mourning can be heard, but there are no distinguish-able voices and everything is slightly distorted. From timeto time, the Quinotaurus can be heard striding and grumblingthreateningly through the labyrinth’s distance. The otherset is suited for a more rural environment like the Lous-berg (with fewer buildings and trees instead). Sounds likeeerily blowing winds and rustling vegetation replace thedungeon-like audio and the occasional crow or unknownanimal can be heard in an ominous way. Specific sceneshave their own audio, of course, but sometimes the back-ground sounds are still audible. Sounds produced by theplayers with the slider (5) are also mixed directly into theaudio-scene.

Basically, all interaction except switching the ARIADNE onGeneral usage tocommunicate with

charactersand off is done with the slider (5). Players typically use asingle, short “beep” (i.e. turning any channel combinationon and then moving the slider up and down again) to signala lost soul within the labyrinth. In all cases this is treatedas a “keep going” signal by the ghosts, so a given scenecontinues (typically the character will then explain what is

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (175)

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going on). If the players want to provide negative feedback(i.e. they do not wish to deal with the character), they cansimply ignore him or her.

Besides this, the main interaction is fighting the Hounds. In Fighting the Houndsmany cases, these ghost-animals try to keep players frominteracting with a lost soul, for example in the first scenewith Prof. Seuß, they attack the players and him (thoughit is unspecified whether they can actually hurt him, hedoesn’t intend to stay next to them to find out). If the play-ers stay near the Hounds for too long, their ARIADNE chargeis quickly depleted, preventing them from doing anythingin the labyrinth. However, there is a tactic (explained byProf. Seuß in the first scene) to counter that. The Hounds ap-parently seem to react especially violently towards a highpitched noise, which is exactly what the players can pro-duce with their ARIADNE (by selecting any channel andkeeping the slider up constantly). A player doing that willbe the preferred target of the Hounds, so she can lure themaway from the rest of the group. Technically, of course, theHounds don’t really have a location, they’re simply repre-sented by distorted, loud, and angry barfing of dogs onthe devices. The volume depends on a complex points sys-tem and can be decreased by walking (giving the illusion ofwalking away from the Hounds). Producing a high pitch, onthe other hand increases the number of points (as does anylabyrinth interaction, even just switching the ARIADNE onas long as there is no “preferred target” player; the sliderjust gives a lot more points), so the volume increases, i.e.the Hounds stay close. In the end, one player usually has tolure away the beasts so that the rest can interact with thelost soul of the scene. This forces players to collaborate as ateam, since the luring player will later have to be informedabout what was learned from the character in question andwhat needs to be done next.

As mentioned above, this information about where to go Deciphering hintswithout ARIADNEnext after a specific scene is usually only hinted at by

the various characters. These hints in the game are non-obvious, players need to research to understand them. Forexample, the Guilty Hero tells them that it was the scholar ofCharlemagne who imprisoned “him” (i.e. the Quinotaurus)in the labyrinth and that they should investigate the “lo-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (176)

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cations where [that scholar] is still remembered”. This isa hint to the Alkuin-Realschule (an actual school in Aachen’sAlkuinstraße), but the players have to decipher that ontheir own; i.e. to find out who the scholar of Charlemagneis they have to rely on sources outside the game (e.g. on-line). Such a concept is not common in games, so beforethe game started, we told players to always act “realistic”when finding hints. Of course, we couldn’t give away toomuch information, so this instruction had to stay vague,but the few tests we were able to conduct showed that theidea worked. Players were able to figure out they could usesearch engines and the like to translate the given hints andget the name of the new location. The example above andthe hint leading to the Katschhof worked just fine. The finaleat the Langer Turm is probably a bit more problematic, since,as described above, it involves not just obtaining informa-tion from outside the game, but actual interaction with by-standers (as said the residents of the tower were asked topretend not to know about the game). Several scenarios arepossible:

• Players might suspect the residents know somethingand thus try to coax more information from them.

• Players might simply tell the residents that theyneeded the party room for a game and explain theentire issue, assuming the people living in the towerknow nothing about it.

• Players might even try to stay completely “in game”and not tell the residents anything, renting the roomwithout further commenting on it.

How players would approach this is one of the open ques-tions of Aachen Horror.

Influenced work

Since Aachen Horror was the longest running project,Early, rough ideasinspired other

projects.basically existing parallel to all others, it had a signifi-cant influence on them all. However, during the begin-ning it was not as well defined, neither plot nor concretegame mechanics were decided in detail. This was ac-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (177)

6.7 Aachen Horror 159

tually advantageous for our other games like, for exam-ple, the GroupAixplorer, because concepts we didn’tinclude in Aachen Horror in the end could be adaptedto those games in a different form. The quests in theGroupAixplorer are an example for this. They were alot more educational and relied on very different game me-chanics than their equivalent in Aachen Horror wouldbecome, but the idea was “sparked” by the latter.

The most notable influence, however, would be the rele- Patterns werestrongly influencedby Aachen Horror

and vice versa.

vance for the pattern language by [Will, 2013], because thegrowing complexity of our plans for Aachen Horror wasa big part of the motivation for the language. We wantedto catch our experiences and collect the knowledge aboutlocation-based games in a more formal way. As with mostof the other games we designed, this lead to a two-sidedrelationship: The patterns, in a way, influenced AachenHorror just as the game itself influenced the patterns. Ofcourse, since it was far from done at that point, Mr. Willcollected other games in the various patterns’ Inspirationsections backing up the described concepts. Pinning downspecific patterns would result in the following list:













(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (178)

160 6 Evaluation





Patterns marked with a * were not explicitly mentionedin their Annotation sections, but their relevance should beclear in the context of Aachen Horror.

As can be seen in the patterns, Aachen Horror played aOther projects weremotivated by Aachen

Horror.significant role in our entire research about location-basedgames. Thus, the various other games we made can be seenas “spin-offs”, in a way. Often, we wanted to test out con-cepts for Aachen Horror in them, since the larger projectwas not ready yet or simply too big to easily adapt it fornew concepts. For example, every location-based gamewe initiated so far was designed as a CO-LOCATED MUL-TIPLAYER game, since we wanted to collect as much ex-perience with this type as possible. While single playergames can also be location-based, having more than oneplayer didn’t just seem more interesting, it was also impor-tant for Aachen Horror to familiarize ourselves with asmany different ways to do that as we could.

Of course the game also resulted in more general findingsGeneral lessons welearned that are not connected to the other projects directly. For

example, we saw that the result we deducted from theGroupAixplorer about the importance of player-playerinteraction being more important than player-device inter-action verified in Aachen Horror as well. Many times webacktracked with interaction concepts, remembering thatalmost all scenes already had several players involved whowould discuss with each other and interact in the contextof the game’s narrative. Also, players’ ability and willing-ness to go beyond the content provided by the game alonewhen deciphering hints is a valuable lesson for game de-signers. This is especially important to consider during de-sign if a game is already utilizing a smartphone (i.e. givesaccess to the “regular Internet”). Unfortunately we werenot able to properly use our geo-sociograms on a scale cov-ering the entire Aachen Horror due to our limited test-

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (179)

6.7 Aachen Horror 161

ing (see above). So far it seemed players were a lot lesswilling to approach scenes (for example the ones involvingthe Guilty Hero and the Nameless) while being split up in sub-groups, but we only have our own, informal observationsfor that. This hesitation might be due to the long-term as-pect of the game and the relative high effort needed to goto places. Players might deem a scene “too important” tomiss out on it. On the one hand this is a good thing, sinceit hints at a big interest in the game’s narrative and, poten-tially, its atmosphere, on the other hand that means it can’tbe played casually alongside a regular day as we intended.The overhead planning for meeting up, which we initiallywanted to lessen by using a mobile device and its location-based technology, would then still be part of the game.

Influencing work

As said in the previous section, the project spanned all our Aachen Horror

was source as wellas result of otherproject’sexperiences.

other games, meaning that it is, again, hard to distinguishbetween what it was influenced by, and what it influenceditself. The biggest influence that all other games had onAachen Horror was experience. As we explained before,we “tried out” ideas in smaller games that were then in-directly used in Aachen Horror. Good examples of thatare the patterns MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS andIMMERSION (or AUGMENTED REALITY). We wanted to cre-ate games that “suck in” the players and give them a funexperience, but don’t make them feel awkward. At first, webelieved this to mean designing interesting interactions onthe device (see also chapter 6.2 — “GroupAixplorer”), butwe quickly learned this can be uncomfortable when donein a public setting. In the end, Aachen Horror did not in-clude much beyond audio as a means to create an immer-sive atmosphere, the interaction staying mainly with walk-ing around (as is done when, for example, luring away theHounds). The ARIADNE interface itself is, thus, pretty sim-ple. A similar approach was tested in mLoG and mLoG2,where the on-device interface only consisted of standardcontrols that only fulfilled very minor tasks for the gamemechanics. Most was achieved by the players movement(in all quests). To be honest, we were sometimes surprisedthat this was still perceived as a fun game concept by ourvarious test players.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (180)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (181)


Chapter 7

Summary and futurework

This work has presented several design tools and exampleprojects for the field of location-based gaming. The ap-proach we used is very hands-on and oriented for practi-cal use, i.e. game designers will probably find the mostbenefit in it. Since location-based games are not a widelyspread kind of entertainment (yet) compared to other com-puter games, the basis for definite and certain scientifictheories is thin and it is hard to judge their relevance forany location-based games being developed in the future.Games in general are mostly meant to be played for enjoy-ment and are a form of entertainment, so which ones arethe most “important” ones will always be a matter of so-ciety’s “general taste”, something that is hard to predict.Because of this we believe our work’s focus on providingmostly practical guidelines for development is best suitedat present. In the future, with a broader basis of existinglocation-based games that have not just been developed forresearch projects in the first place, a more thorough scien-tific analysis seems more adequate.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (182)

164 7 Summary and future work

7.1 Summary and contributions

Obviously, that doesn’t mean that this work doesn’t alsointroduce new insights into location-based games from amore scientific perspective.

In chapter 1 — “Introduction” we highlighted how inter-connectivity of digital devices and then their emerging abil-ity to sense a user’s location closes a loop in the history ofgames in general; in a way they return to having movementas a central physical element of play.

Chapter 2 — “Development Challenges” then discusses thetopic from a developer’s perspective. Our own experiencesmade us realize that this is especially important, since alot of the common problems tend to get overlooked, eventhough they seem to be obvious in hindsight.

We proposed a strict definition for the terms “location-aware technology” and “location-based game” in chapter3 — “Location-Based Games: Fundamentals”, the latterbeing further dividable into location-based+ and location-based* games. This makes it easier to categorize thesegames and discuss them, especially since the we tried tostick close to the colloquial understanding of the term“game”.

Chapter 4 — “Related work” lists all foreign contributionsto the field of location-based games that were relevant forour thesis and the various game projects we conducted. Ina way, many of the proposed concepts by other authors canbe regarded as having been tested in our location-basedgames, hopefully extending their insights and verifyingtheir work.

The next chapter, 5 — “Design Frameworks”, presents thetheoretical basis we built with and for our various pro-totype games. This constitutes the one part of our maincontribution. The annotated and revised pattern language(first published in [Will, 2013]) offers a practical guide forlocation-based games and is a tool that can be either usedto develop them, or analyze existing ones. Geo-sociograms

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (183)

7.2 Future work 165

at the moment are more suited for such analysis and pro-vide a means to easily research player movement behav-ior in location-based games. With them we were also ableto extend the “Relevance of Place Dimension” proposedby [Reid, 2008]. Lastly, we introduced a practice orientedtool for the actual implementation process for location-based games (and by extension for any application involv-ing location-aware technology).

Lastly, in chapter 6 — “Evaluation”, we listed all thelocation-based games we advised during developmentover the course of this thesis. They basically served as case-studies and test grounds for our proposed design methodsand patterns, while at the same time being a great inspira-tion to figure out and define new concepts for our designframeworks.

7.2 Future work

The aforementioned practical character of this work meansthat it leaves some open ends for more theoretical research.Especially the geo-sociograms warrant an expansion. So farwe mainly used them as a visualization tool and roughlycategorized our location-based games or their subtasks ac-cording to various patterns we saw in their geo-sociograms.It would be even more useful to have an automated, math-ematically sound way to do so. Of course this would prob-ably also mean that a lot more and different location-basedgames needed to be analyzed with geo-sociograms. Sofar we haven’t yet proven that there is a causal link be-tween certain geo-sociograms, i.e., certain movement pat-terns, and any kinds or categories of location-based gametasks (like the categories we propose). In fact it seems ques-tionable whether such a causality can be shown. However,for practical reasons a statistical correlation would serve thesame benefit in terms of enabling game designers to planahead in their location-based games, i.e., plan for specificmovement behavior. This would require collecting a largeamount of geo-sociograms over as many location-basedgames (categorized accordingly) as possible, something notfeasible with the current number of real, non-prototypical

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (184)

166 7 Summary and future work

games that exist at the moment.

Developing the implementation tools, as described in chap-ter 5 — “Design Frameworks”, is probably not that worth-while for the research community, as it is likely that the in-creasing amount of applications using location-aware tech-nology (not just games) will yield in the creation of fittingtools as part of the common, commercially available devel-opment environments in the long run anyways. It shouldbe noted, however, that short term projects might still ben-efit from investing time and resources into this creation, tohone the design of these tools on the one hand and sim-ply to avoid running into similar problems we sometimesfaced.

Lastly, the pattern language itself is meant to be an evolv-ing framework, so we hope that future researchers will con-tribute to it. Since its first publication we already adaptedseveral of the patterns, as is visible in the Annotations sec-tions. It should be noted that most of our own location-based games focus strongly on cooperative multiplayer me-chanics (i.e., adapt CO-LOCATED MULTIPLAYER) and areof the location-based+ kind (mostly adapting LOCATION

AS CONTENT). Because of this we see great potential ex-tending the framework with regards to games divertingfrom this. Although we are confident that patterns suchas POSITION AS INPUT cover location-based* games quitewell, there might be more patterns specific for those games.Also, some of the existing other patterns might be furtheraltered to better include location-based* games.

Apart from follow-up research based on this work we be-lieve it would be really worthwhile to further developAachen Horror. As explained before, the end of its fund-ing and the complexity of running user tests put a stop tothe project. However, we think its concept, plot and gen-eral value as an entertaining, rich game warrants furthereffort and development. It has the potential to become asuccessful game, maybe even with the potential to be com-mercially sustainable for the city of Aachen or some main-tainer. A lot of our resources were already spent on it, andthe base, including its multimedia content, is already thereand it would be a shame to just leave it at that.

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (185)


Appendix A

Aachen Horror Artwork

Since our largest location-based game Aachen Horror re-lies heavily on audio it turned out to be quite difficult to ex-plain to people joining the development team or becomingotherwise involved with it. This was especially true for itsatmosphere and “feeling”. Simply playing the, actually of-ten quite eerily sounding, audio wasn’t an option in manycases, especially if we wanted to avoid spoiling the plot.

Because of this we had several graphic artworks made thatwere based on the plot. We used these in presentations,printouts and so on to convey the tone of Aachen Horrorto people. Although these works of art do not bear anyscientific importance for this work, we think it’s adequateto present them here, so this appendix simply showcasesthe images.

Like the ARIADNE user interface graphics and the game’saudio they were produced by Peıra1.


(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (186)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (187)




















(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (188)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (189)





















(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (190)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (191)























(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (192)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (193)


































(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (194)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (195)

























(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (196)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (197)



















(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (198)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (199)





















(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (200)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (201)




















(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (202)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (203)














(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (204)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (205)













(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (206)

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (207)



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(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (211)



Aachen Horror, 140abstraction, degree of, 7Aixplorer, 114alternate reality game, 21APPARENT FRAME pattern, 76ARG, see alternate reality gameAUGMENTED REALITY pattern, 86AUTHENTIC ACTIVITY pattern, 83



EPHEMERAL MAGIC CIRCLE pattern, 67ETHICAL AND LEGAL PROBLEMS pattern, 62evolution of multiplayer games, 2EXPLORATION CENTRAL TO GAME pattern, 56

future work, 165–166

game- exertion game, 5- location-based game, 11- location-based* game, 13- location-based+ game, 12- mobile game, 3, 10- real world game, 9

Geo-sociogram, 96GroupAixplorer, 119

iBeacon, 116iCatch, 125IMMERSION pattern, 80

LANDMARKS pattern, 50

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games· Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (212)

194 Index

LARP, see live-action role-playlive-action role-play, 21LOCATION AS CONTENT pattern, 35LOCATION GRANULARITY pattern, 38location-aware technology, 11location-based game, see gamelocation-based* game, see gamelocation-based+ game, see gameLocation-tracking simulator, 105

- UI proposal, 109

MINIMIZE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS pattern, 64mLoG, 130mLoG2, 136

NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE pattern, 70non-player character, 78NPC, see non-player character


paper prototypes, 103pattern format, 27Pattern Language, 27PLAYER CONFUSION pattern, 59player-initiated input, 6PONG, 2POSITION AS INPUT pattern, 32POSITION VS. LOCATION pattern, 29

REACHABLE LOCATIONS pattern, 41Relevance of Place Dimension, 101

- Extended, 101role-playing game, 140RPG, see role-playing game

UI, see user interfaceuser interface, 72

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Typeset June 12, 2016

(PDF) Designing Location-Based Games · Forster, Carl Friedrich Huch, Stefan Ivanov, Dennis Kehrig, Kerstin Kreutz, Den-nis Lewandowski, Vyshantha Simha, Sarah Theres Volkel, Martin Wermers, - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)


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