Sigma Notation - Sigma Symbol Math | Summation Notation (2024)

Sigma notation is used to write a very long sum (of elements) in a very concise manner. It is NOT used for writing any sum, rather it is the more convenient way of writing the sum of elements that follow a pattern. Sigma notation is referred to as a function as it does a job of adding terms.

Let us learn more about sigma notation along with how to write it using sigma symbol. Let us see the useful formulas that are related to summation.

1.What is Sigma Notation?
2.Sigma Symbol Math
3.How to Write Sigma Notation?
4.How to Expand Summation Notation?
5.Properties of Sigma Notation
6.Sigma Notation Formulas
7.FAQs on Sigma Notation

What is Sigma Notation?

Sigma notation is the most easiest way of writing a very large sum of elements of a sequence in a simple manner. We know that a sequence is a collection of terms that follow a pattern and sigma notation is used to represent the sum of such elements. This is also known as summation notation as it represents a sum. The terms that are being added in sigma notation are called "summands" or "addends". For example, if we want to write the sum 2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 50 (i.e., the sum of the first 25 even natural numbers) then we can write this sum easily using the sigma notation as \(\sum_{i=1}^{25}\) 2i. This is read as "sigma/summation of 2i where i goes from 1 to 25". Writing the sum using the summation notation was possible because the numbers 2, 4, 6, ..., 50 were following a pattern (or) they belong to the sequence {2i} \(_{i=1}^{25}\). In this notation,

  • ∑ is the symbol that is pronounced as "sigma".
  • "i" is called the index of summation
  • 1 is the first value of n
  • 25 is the last value of n.

When we expand the above sigma notation \(\sum_{i=1}^{25}\) 2i, we get 2(1) + 2(2) + .... + 2(25) = 2 + 4 + ... + 50 and we got the actual sum back. We can always cross check our sigma notation by expanding it. In general, the summation notation used to represent the sum of elements of a sequence {ai}\(_{i=1}^{n}\) looks as follows:

Sigma Notation - Sigma Symbol Math | Summation Notation (1)

Sigma Symbol Math

As we have seen in the last section, thesigma symbolin math is ∑ which is pronounced as "sigma". This is one of the Greek alphabets. This sigma symbol is also known as "capital sigma". The summation notation written using the sigma symbol is also known as a "series" as it denotes a sum.

Sigma Notation - Sigma Symbol Math | Summation Notation (2)

How to Write Sigma Notation?

From the above example, you might already have got an idea about how to write the sigma notation. Here are the steps in detail for writing the sum of terms as summation notation.

  • Find the general term of the terms of the sum.
    If the sequence of terms is arithmetic / geometric then we can use the general term formula of the respective sequences. If not, we will find the general formula by investigation and observation.
  • Select some alphabet (preferably a lowercase letter) to be the index. The usual letters we chose for the index of summation is "i" or "k".
  • Observe the sequence and decide the first value and last value of the index.
  • Finally, use the sigma symbol to write the sigma notation.

Note that the sigma notation is used to write a sum only when the terms of the sum follow a pattern. Any random sum, say 2 + 3 + 7 + 25 + 51, cannot be written using the sigma as we cannot find a general term in this case. Here is an example.

Example: Write the sigma notation for 16 + 25 + 36 + 49 + .... + 100.


It is clear that the sequence {16, 25, 36, 49, ... , 100} is neither arithmetic nor geometric. So we will just observe the terms. We can clearly see that the sequence can be written as squares, i.e., {42, 52, 62, 72, ...., 102}. If we take the index to be "i", then it is pretty clear that i goes from 4 to 10. Thus, the summation notation for the given sum is \(\sum_{i=4}^{10}\) i2.

How to Expand Summation Notation?

Expanding the summation notation is just the opposite process of writing it. Here are the steps for writing the same.

  • Substitute every value of the index (starting from the first to last and increasing it by 1 every time) in the general term.
  • Place a plus symbol between all such terms obtained from the last step.

Example: Let us consider the same sigma notation that we got in the last section \(\sum_{i=4}^{10}\) i2. Let us expand it by substituting the values of "i" to be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, one by one in the general term i2. Then we get 42 + 52 + 62 + 72 + 82 + 92 + 102 which is same as 16 + 25 + 36 + 49 + 64 + 81 + 100.

Expanding the sigma notation helps us to verify whether we have written the notation correctly.

Properties of Sigma Notation

  • If there is a constant that is a multiple in the general term, then we can write it out of the notation. i.e., \(\sum_{i={1}}^{n} k a_{i}=k \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i}\), where 'k' is a constant.
  • The summation notation can be split along the addition or subtraction. i.e.,
    \(\sum_{i={1}}^{n}\left(a_{i} \pm b_{i}\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i} \pm \sum_{i={1}}^{n} b_{i}\)
  • The sigma notation cannot be split along the multiplication or division. i.e.,
    \(\sum_{i={1}}^{n}\left(a_{i} b_{i}\right) \neq \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i} \sum_{i={1}}^{n} b_{i}\)
    \(\sum_{i={1}}^{n}\dfrac{a_{i}}{ b_{i}} \neq \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i}}{\sum_{i={1}}^{n} b_{i}}\)
  • \(\sum_{i={1}}^{n} 1\) = 1 + 1 + 1 + ... + 1 (n times) = n.
  • \(\sum_{i={1}}^{n} 0\) = 0 + 0 + ... + 0 (n times) = 0.

Sigma Notation Formulas

Though all summations cannot be simplified using some formulas, there are some formulas derived to simplify some famous summation notations. These formulas are very helpful to find the sum of natural numbers, sum of squares of natural numbers, sum of cubes of natural numbers, sum of even numbers, sum of odd numbers, etc. Here is the list of sigma notation formulas:

Sigma Notation - Sigma Symbol Math | Summation Notation (3)

☛ Related Topics:

  • Summation Calculator
  • Infinite Series Calculator
  • Sum of Arithmetic Sequence Calculator
  • Geometric Sequence Calculator

FAQs on Sigma Notation

What is Summation Notation?

The summation notation is useful to write the sum of a few or more terms that follow a specific pattern. This is written using a Greek letter called "sigma" and is written as ∑. For example, the sum 3 + 5 + 7 + ... + 21 can be wriiten using the summation notation as \(\sum_{i={1}}^{10}\) (2i + 1). Here, 2i + 1 is the general term of the arithmetic sequence 3, 5, 7, ..., 21.

What is Sigma Symbol in Math?

Sigma symbol is math is a Greek alphabet called "∑" and is read as "sigma". It looks like capital E in the English alphabet. The Sigma symbol is also known as the summation symbol. It is used to write the sum of elements of a sequence.

How Do You Write Sigma Notation Step by Step?

  • Identify the general term (ai) that represents every term of the given sum.
  • Identify the lowest value (k) that the general term can take.
  • Identify the highest value (h) that the general term can take.
  • Then write the sigma notation as\(\sum_{i=k}^h\) (ai)

For example, we can write 1 + (1/2) + (1/3) + .... + (1/100) as the sigma notation\(\sum_{i=1}^{100}\) (1/i).

What is Sigma Notation Used For?

Sigma notation is just the other way of writing a series. A series is the sum of elements of a sequence. For example, 1 + 8 + 27 + ... + 1000 can be written using sigma notation as \(\sum_{i={1}}^{10}\) i3, as the elements are the cubes of natural numbers from 1 to 10.

How Do You Find Sigma in Math?

To find the sigma in math, we either expand it and find the sum manually or we apply summation formulas to simplify it. For example, \(\sum_{i=1}^5\) i = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15.

    What is Sigma Notation Formula?

    Though formulas are not available to find any type of sigma notations, there are some popular formulas that are helpful to evaluate the summations:

    • \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} i\) = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = \(\dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}\)
    • \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} i^{2}\) = 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2 = \(\dfrac{n(n+1)(2 n+1)}{6}\)
    • \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} i^{3}\) = 13 + 23 + 33 + ... + n3 = \(\dfrac{n^{2}(n+1)^{2}}{4}\)
    • \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\) 2 i = 2 + 4 + 6 + ... (n numbers) = n (n + 1)
    • \(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\) (2 i +1) = 1 + 3 + 5 + .... (n numbers) = n2

    What are the Properties of Summation Notation?

    Here are some important properties of sigma notation:

    • The sigma symbol can be distributed with respect to addition/subtraction but it cannot be distributed with respect to multiplication/division.
    • If any constant is multiple in the general term, then it can be written outside the sigma symbol.

    How Do You Evaluate Sigma Notation?

    To evaluate the sigma notation, just substitute each value of index (from its minimum value to maximum value) with increment of 1 each time into the general term and add all the resultant terms. For example,\(\sum_{i=1}^{5}\) (i2+ 1) = (12+ 1) + (22+ 1) + (32+ 1) + (42+ 1) + (52+ 1).

    Sigma Notation - Sigma Symbol Math | Summation Notation (2024)


    Sigma Notation - Sigma Symbol Math | Summation Notation? ›

    We can describe sums with multiple terms using the sigma operator, Σ. Learn how to evaluate sums written this way. Summation notation (or sigma notation) allows us to write a long sum in a single expression.

    What does ∑ mean in math? ›

    Simple sum

    This symbol is generally accompanied by an index that varies to encompass all terms that must be considered in the sum. For example, the sum of first whole numbers can be represented in the following manner: 1 2 3 ⋯. More generally, the expression ∑ represents the sum of n terms ⋯. .

    What is the mathematical notation for sigma? ›

    The symbol Σ (capital sigma) is often used as shorthand notation to indicate the sum of a number of similar terms. Sigma notation is used extensively in statistics. For example, suppose we weigh five children. We will denote their weights by x1, x2, x3, x4 and x5.

    What is the Σ? ›

    Sigma (/ˈsɪɡmə/ SIG-mə; uppercase Σ, lowercase σ, lowercase in word-final position ς; Greek: σίγμα) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 200. In general mathematics, uppercase Σ is used as an operator for summation.

    What is the symbol for sigma i 1 to n? ›

    Here, ∑ni=1 ∑ i = 1 n represents the sum of the terms of the sequence from the 1st term to the nth term and it is read as "sigma i is equal to 1 to n".

    What does ∑ * mean? ›

    The symbol ∑ indicates summation and is used as a shorthand notation for the sum of terms that follow a pattern.

    What letter is ∑? ›

    It's the Greek letter sigma, and usually signifies summation. It's another way of writing a sum, for example instead of writing 12 + 22 + 32 you could write ∑(n2 ), where the first value of n (1 in this case) goes below the sigma and the last value (3) goes above.

    How to calculate σ? ›

    The equation for finding standard deviation is σ=√[Σ(x-x̄)²/n]. To find it, square the difference of each value of the dataset and the mean and add up all those values. Then divide by the total number of values, and take the square root.

    What is σ value? ›

    A sigma value is a description of how far a sample or point of data is away from its mean, expressed in standard deviations usually with the Greek letter σ or lower case s. A data point with a higher sigma value will have a higher standard deviation, meaning it is further away from the mean.

    What σ represents? ›

    The symbol 'σ' represents the population standard deviation. The term 'sqrt' used in this statistical formula denotes square root. The term 'Σ ( Xi – μ )2' used in the statistical formula represents the sum of the squared deviations of the scores from their population mean.

    What does n ∑ mean? ›

    This is called “summation notation” or “sigma notation”. Here's an example. n∑k=1k3(1) Here's what it means in words. For each whole value of k starting with 1 and going up through n, sum the values of k3.

    Is sigma notation calculus? ›

    Summation notation (or sigma notation) allows us to write a long sum in a single expression. While summation notation has many uses throughout math (and specifically calculus), we want to focus on how we can use it to write Riemann sums.

    What is the ∑ in English? ›

    As we have seen in the last section, the sigma symbol in math is ∑ which is pronounced as "sigma". This is one of the Greek alphabets. This sigma symbol is also known as "capital sigma". The summation notation written using the sigma symbol is also known as a "series" as it denotes a sum.

    What is ∑ symbolizes in Excel? ›

    In the Field List in Power View, some number fields have a Sigma ∑ symbol next to them. They are aggregates, meaning they will be summed or averaged, for example.

    What is ∑ in programming? ›

    A sigma (∑) is a Summation operator. It evaluates a certain expression many times, with slightly different variables, and returns the sum of all those expressions. You may want to look at the enumerate function, and beware precision problems.


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