Was Madeleine seen after Sunday? (2024)

Posted by HiDeHo

RE:People that saw Madeleine during the holiday
(Date Posted:26/09/2015 1:05 PM)


I just sat by the pool and read my book, sort of waiting for the tennis lesson and Kate, Kate was there and we sat together and had you know, chatted a bit, erm and then I think Diane might have been there as well, remember chatting to Kate cos we were talking about schools and that sort of thing, erm and holidays, erm and then I thinkit must have been at about ten thirty, Madeleine and E**a and their sort of group came to have a tennis lesson as part of their crèche activities,erm and Kate didn’t have her camera and Jane was there then as well and Jane took some photos of both Madeleine and E**a, that’s one, that poster of Madeleine with the tennis b*lls, that sort of pictures”. 00.51
00.51.21 1578 “That was taken on the”?
Reply “Yeah that was that morning”.
Reply “Yeah,
erm so we sort of watched them have their tennis lesson, erm and there were a few other parents there, sort of taking photos and that sort of thing, erm and then they headed back off to crèche and then Matt came up from the beach and we had our tennis lesson at eleven with Dan,

How many occasions did you see Madeleine on the Thursday”?
Reply “Erm I think just really at, when she was doing the tennis, having her tennis lessons, as part of her activities, erm”.
1578 “

Is that the last time you saw her”?
Reply “I think that was the last time I saw her yeah”.

“I think you’ve already covered this one,when was the last time you saw Madeleine”?
Reply “Ermit was when she was having a tennis lesson, in the morning yeah, about probably between ten thirty and eleven on the morning of the third of May”.
00.41.13 1578 “At the tennis courts”?
Reply “Yes at the tennis courts”.
1578 “Any particular court”?
Reply “Erm it was the one, if you were standing facing the courts,it’s the one on the left I think”.
1578 “Got your exhibit here, number 101, are they the tennis courts”?
ReplyYes, it was,it was that one, there are only two courts there”.
1578 Okay”.
Reply So it would have been this one here, where the children were”.
1578 “What’s that one there and what is that”?
Reply “Erm that’s the, I think that’s probably, well the outside bit of the, of the crèche overlooked the tennis courts and so maybe that’s that, that’s not quite sort of accurate I don’t think that, that diagram, the crèche was here and there’s an outside area here and the indoor, in, inside of it there”.

NOTE: Madeleine's tennis lesson was on Tuesday
Was the last time Rachael saw Madeleine on TUESDAY?

Why did Rachael claim the mini tennis was on Court 1 when the police quizzed her on it?
Tennis records show it was court 2

Jane Tanner
Madeleine, how much of Madeleine did you see?”
Reply “Not that much reallybecause only really because she didn’t come to breakfast, sowe saw the other children at breakfast and their lunch, but because they tended to have breakfast and lunch separately,the only time I really saw her was at, erm, after high tea when we were playing in the play area, was the main times that I probably saw her during the week”.
4078 “And how would you describe Madeleine?”
Reply “Very, she was very lively, a very lively, happy, a happy little girl really. Because,
probably a bit of,we were almost a bit worried how Exxxx and Madeleine would get
on, becauseExxxx’s quite shy and sensitiveand Madeleine’s very, erm, I don’t know
whether you can call a child vivacious, but, you know, sort of very, erm, outgoing

and. But, I mean, they did, they got on and they had a whale of a time. But, yeah,
very, very lively, chatty, a chatty little girl. I mean, to be honest, I know Madeleine
probably less well than I know Kate and Gerry, because often, with Kate and Gerry,
we saw them, it was like at fortieth birthday parties and that sort of thing. So,
Madeleine herself, I wouldn’t say as, I didn’t know her as a little girl, whereas, you
know, the other children, Millie and the other ones, you know, I saw very regularly”.

4078 “So your impressions of Madeleine is that she is confident, happy?”
Reply “Umm”.
4078 “Intelligent?”
Reply “Yeah, very, yeah, you know, very”.
4078 “Andis there anything about her that would make her stand out from the rest of the
children in that group?”
Reply “I think just the factshe is very outgoing, you know. As I say, Exxxx, in her nature, is a
bit more, you know, quiet and, erm, a bit more probably reserved. Well, again, I
don’t know whether you’d call a child reserved, but more, you know, not quite so”.
4078 “Hangs back and sees what is going on?”

Reply “Yeah, she’s, yeah, whereas, I think Madeleine would be, she would always be in the
centre, anything that was going on she would be, I don’t mean to say the ring-leader,
but she would be at the centre of it, so”.

02.45 4078 “I don’t want to put words in your mouth and I don’t want to ask inappropriate
questions either”.
Reply “No, just ask”.
4078 “How you described Madeleine, up to what point was she sort of the leader, if you
like, was she verging on the, because some children can be downright annoying”.
Reply “Yeah”.
4078 “When they’re over confident?”
Reply “No, again, I think this is what I was almost wondering, whether, withExxxx being sort
of the stand-back type,
whether, but, no, she wasn’t like that at all, she was just”.
4078 “In a nice way?”
Reply “Just happy. In a nice way, yeah. No, she wasn’t, erm, she wasn’t a brat, no, I mean,
that’s you could describe, she wasn’t, no, bratty or sort of, I can’t remember the word
I’m trying to look for, precocious”.
4078 “Yeah”.
Reply “No, she was just very, and she was obviously, you know, they were enjoying
themselves, they were running around screaming, you know, sort of chasing them
round the play area, you know.

That’s my main memory of Madeleine from the
holiday, is in the play area, you know, we were sort of chasing them around and, you
know, just being, just running around, quite happy”.
4078 “Just fun?”
Reply “Yeah, yeah”.
NOTE: JT seems to describe two very different personalities between her child and Madeleine and was concerned about how they would get along.

Ella is shy and many witneses claim the child they believed to be'Madeleine' was

On the Wednesday me, Rachael and Kate watched Exxxx and
Madeleine having their tennis lesson”.
4078 “Yeah”.
Reply “But then
on the Thursday another group of children came down for their tennis
lesson and that’s when Russell and this other person was there with the video camera.
Because just going backwards, I’m thinking Russell dropped Exxxx off and then came
to watch us finishing our tennis lesson with Exx, because Exx didn’t go to the Kids
Club. And after our tennis lesson that day another group of children came down for
their tennis lesson, so”.
07.19 4078 “Not Madeleine?”
Reply “
Not Madeleine and Exxxx, no, another group. And we sort of just watched them
starting and that’s when the conversation with this other person with the video
camera, because he was taking pictures of his daughter”.
4078 “Are you sure that it was his daughter?”
Reply “I’m absolutely. It definitely was his daughter, yes, yeah”.
4078 “So it was not sort of a stranger we have got with a video camera?”
Reply “No, no, I think he was actually on our flight out, so we had actually spoken to him
during the week. So, no, he was definitely, he was definitely a guest who had his
daughter there. But, yeah, I got that wrong. And that makes more sense because I
was thinking the day before I would have gone off to play, to do the same, whereas
that day, after the tennis lesson, I didn’t do any other activity, for want of, yeah, so.
Does that make sense?”
4078 “Yeah, it does,
but just to clarify though, that on the Wednesday, when you saw
Madeleine and Exxxx had her tennis lesson, do you remember if Russell was there
Reply “I don’t remember if he was there, but I don’t’ think so”.
4078 “But on the Thursday he was there”.
Reply “He was definitely there”.
4078 “Watching Madeleine and Exxxx”.
Reply “
It was the other, it was other part of the, it was the same age group but it was the
other half of the group that were having their tennis lesson”.
8.19 4078 “Okay”.
Reply “No, I thought when I was saying that, that it didn’t sound quite fright, so, yeah”.
4078 “Okay”.
Reply “So, yeah, so we had, erm,
the tennis lesson finished, so I’ve had that conversation
about ‘Isn’t it awful you can’t watch your daughter’, blah, blah, blah, ‘You can’t film
your own daughter’. And then we walked down to the beach with Exx.
So I think,
erm, I think we walked down, no, Dave and Fi were already down there and, no, we
met. Hang on. Sorry, I’m just trying to think.
4078 “There is no problem, just in your own time. Was this your first beach visit by the
Reply “It was with the children, yeah, with Exx, yeah. And, again, that sounds odd, but
we’d just moved to Devon, so I think we’d been to the beach quite a lot, so normally
when, if we’d gone on holiday we’d have been like straight to the beach, but because
we’d, because we were by the beach”.
4078 “Not so much”.
Reply “Yeah, I don’t think we’d sort of, we hadn’t sort of thought of going before. Erm,
you know, walking down to the beach,
so Russell, me and Exx walked down to the
I don’t know, I don’t know what Kate did then (inaudible) but I don’t know
where Kate went at that point, but she didn’t come to the beach with us. Erm, we, I
think we met Dave and Fi coming back, because they’d had their second, I think
they’d had their second sailing lesson, erm, which Russell should have gone to but he
didn’t because of looking after Exx, because I’d paid for the tennis lesson but he
hadn’t paid for the sailing lesson we thought I’d do the tennis lesson”.
4078 “Because it was paid?”
Reply “Yeah, erm, I think
we met Dave and Fi coming back and they said they’d seen
Madeleine and Exxxx on a boat, because they’d taken the kids sailing that morning, so
they said ‘Oh we’ve seen Madeleine and Exxxx on a boat down there’.
So then we
went down to the beach, erm, andRussell took out a kayakand I sat and just played

on the beach with Exx at that point. And we saw, erm, they’d come off the boat and

we saw Exxxx and Madeleine and the rest of the group, they were just, erm, they’d just
come off the boat and they were getting ready to walk back up to the, erm, tut, the
Kids Club, so”.
10.30 4078 “What was the weather like at that time when you remember seeing Madeleine on the
beach then?”
Reply “Erm, I think that day was a bit nicer actually. I think, I’m trying to,
I’ve got pictures
of Exxxx, of Exx, that’s about the first day I took pictures actually
, and I’ve got
pictures of Exx and I’m trying to remember what she was wearing. It was a tee-shirt,
so I don’t think it was, it wasn’t as, I think it was actually getting a bit nicer, it wasn’t
as cold. No, yeah, because the Thursday was actually probably one of the first nice
days, which is why I think we had gone later in the day, we took all the kids down to
the beach because it was actually nicer weather. So, yeah, the Thursday was
probably the first day I think the sun had more come out in the day”.
4078 “When you were there with Exx and
you had seen Madeleine and Exxxx sort of getting
ready to go back to the Kids Club
, were there many other people around?”
Reply “Erm, not many, erm, phew, you know, I mean, I can remember sitting in a big space,
you know, you weren’t like jammed in, there was a big space before any of the
And, again, I’ve racked my brains to think if I could if there was anybody
there that was, and I can’t think of any, noticing anybody, noticing anybody odd at
that point. Erm, there was mainly just, as I say, there was the kids there and there
was the people that run the activities on the beach. But, erm, you know, there were
other people but nothing, you know, nobody, nobody that stood out completely”.
4078 “Okay. Go on then”.
Reply “Yeah, so erm, so, yeah, Russ took the, took the kayak out for a bit and then came
back and then we just sat, I think we just stayed then on the beach and waited to,
because Exxxx, and then waited ‘til sort of half twelve to go and pick Exxxx up for lunch,
erm. So we walked back via the Kids Club and then back up for lunch. And
I think
that day was the day we had lunch in our apartment with just Matt and Rachael and

not Dave and Fi.

I think, I think because they’d done the sailing early, I think they
might have picked up their kids a bit earlier and given them lunch, you know,
beforehand. I can’t remember why we didn’t, but it was just the four of us and the
kids there that day. Erm, so, yeah, we just went back and had lunch in the apartment.
And then G***e and Exx, took them to have a, have a nap.


Erm, so Russ took back, took Exxxx
back to the Kids Club and Matt listened for Exx while Russ took Exxxx. Matt, Matt
sort of was listening for Exx and G***e while Russ took Exxxx back to the, back to the
Kids Club”.
13.41 4078 “Right”.
Reply “Erm, and I think we played ‘til about, phew, half two, because I think, I’m not sure
if this is going to be another question that you are going to ask, butI think that was
the last time that I saw Madeleine, because Kate and Gerry brought the kids, all the
kids down to the play area to, they would have their lunch before they took them
back to the Kids Club, and I think that was about two, quarter past two’ish, and I can
remember Madeleine shouting things to us on the tennis court, you know, and I can
remember Gerry sort of going ‘Oh good shot’ or whatever. And I think that would
have been the last time that I personally, you know, I personally saw Madeleine.
Erm, and I think they then left, I say times, I’m not sure, but I know, I think it was
probably, the Kids Club had already gone back in, because I could hear, the Kids
Club was right by the court, so, and I can remember thinking ‘Oh they’ve not gone
straight back in’. Then they took the twins up to the Kids Club and I presume
Madeleine back to the, to the other one, because then Kate and Gerry, I think we saw
them, I can’t remember for exactly, but I think we saw them when we come back,
because they’d booked a, erm, a private tennis lesson, just the two of them, that

afternoon, and I think, I don’t, I can’t remember whether we saw them coming back
before me and Rachael finished or whether we saw them doing that when we then
went down to the beach, but I remember seeing Kate and Gerry coming back to have
their, have their private tennis lesson.

So anywayme and Rachaelprobably knocked
up for about any hour maybe or probably a bit less than an hour,
NOTE: Last time JT saw Madeleine was when she was playig tennis with Rachael and yet Rachael claims the last time she saw Madeleine was when she was playing mini tennis on Thursday BUT Madeleine played on Tuesday.


We have a list of witnesses who saw Madeleine during week.

Some can be eliminated as, IMO, they seem to have been mistaken (red)

Many of the others (in my opinion,) are questionable and may have been mistaken or were not specific about seeing Madeleine.

Which of the witnesses can be considered as a confirmed 'sighting' of Madeleine during the holiday and were not confused?

Fátima María Serafim da Silva Espada is, in my opinion, a credible witness that saw Madeleine on Sunday

The picture distributed was of a younger Madeleine and may have confused some of the witnesses into thinking it was a younger child or another tapas child as can be compared in pictures on this page...

http://madeleinemccann.aimoo.com/Discre ... 80252.html

and here...

http://madeleinemccann.aimoo.com/The-Ho ... 75595.html

[size=23]1) - Catriona Baker
2) - Cecilia Dias Firmino -
3) - Charlotte Pennington
4) - Elisa Dias Romao -
5) - Emma Wilding -
6) - Georgina Jackson -
7) - Jeronimo Salcedes - Tapas Barman
8) - Maria M A Jose - Tapas Cook
9) - Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira -
10) -Fátima María Serafim da Silva Espada(5A Cleaner's daughter) -
11) - Luisa Ana de Noronha de Azevedo Coutinho ( Receptionist)
12) - Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira (Cleaning Staff)

Non Specific comments:-
Bridget O'Donnell
Jeremy (Jes/Jez) Wilkins
Stephen Carpenter
Daniel Stuk
Not in Files
Miguel Matias, manager of the beach-side Paraíso restaurant - Was mistaken and saw one of the other tapas children damcing with her dady pven by th the CCTV footage.
Alice Stanley & Chris Unsworth- Took children sailing May 3rd - Apparently no statements from them


http://madeleinemccann.aimoo.com/Discre ... 80252.html

1) -Catriona Baker


- last saw MBM before 6 pm on 3rd May, when collected by Kate - Credibility of witness not confirmed (questionable creche records and invitation and trip to Rothley in November after which her Rogatory statement has many 'issues' imo
- may have changed her original statement 3 times during Rog interview)

2) -Cecilia Dias Firmino-


She says that her job is to receive guests at the entrance to the Millenium restaurant and check whether they have to pay for breakfast or whether this is included in their package. She works from 07.00 to 12.00 from Tuesdays to Saturdays. She says that she only attends to guests at breakfast time except on Wednesdays when there is Barbecue Night at the restaurant and when she welcomes guests for dinner, working from 18.00 to 22.00.

When asked, she says that due to her work she knows most of the guests given that most of them visit the Millenium as it is the only restaurant that serves breakfast.

When asked, she says thatshe knows the parents, the siblings and Madeleine. She received them for breakfast on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, she does not know whether they went for breakfast on Sunday or Monday, as these were her days off.

She says that breakfast was served between 08.00 and 10.00 and that theMcCanns would arrive between 08.00 and 09.00.

She says that the McCanns appeared to be a normal family and that the relation between the members of the family was very good.Madeleine appeared to be very attached to her father and was always clinging on to him. Given her public relations function she was always very nice to the guests and would get involved with the children, saying thatMadeleine was very shy and did not respond to her.She says that the only contact she had with guests was at the entrance to the Millenium restaurant, she did not have a view of the tables or the Buffet area

- saw MBM at breakfast when she worked on Tue, Wed & thurs, but does not specify exactly when seen (Note: conflicting evidence on where breakfast was taken by the family, and when) - Possibly mistaken identity as McCanns did not go to breakfast during the week when she was working

3) -Charlotte Pennington


• Has been in Portugalsince April 28th, the day upon which she began working for the Ocean Club tourist Complex in Luz, Lagos, and where she is employed as a child educator. Her work contract was completed in the U.K. with MarkWarner;
• The witness clarifies that between the19th of April and the 04th of May 2007she worked with a group of children staying in the aforementioned complex between the ages of 4 months and one year of age (the Baby Club);
• The witness further clarifies that the BabyClub group was divided in three sub-groups, with each group composed of two babies, so that each group had a different infant educator allocated to it;
• With relation to the facts of the investigation, the witness states that in the course of her work,she came across Madeleine McCann many times, explaining that, even though she [Madeleine] did not belong to her [Pennington’s] group, this was normal, asthe physical space where the children groups are located is contiguous;
• The witness clarifies that Madeleine was registered with the ‘MiniClub’, a group with children between 3 and 4 years of age. The principal space where the children from MiniClub and BabyClub are situated is in the same building as the Ocean Club complex reception and this is why the witness had personal contact with the identified child. However, she clarifies thatit was normal during “siesta”-- understood to be between the hours of 09H00 and 10H30 and 14H30 and 15H00, at the exact time that children are brought into the crèche by their parents—when the children under her guard are asleep, that she would participate with the children and the activities in the MiniClub;
• Witness states that on two different days,Sunday, 29th of April 2007, and on Thursday, 03rd of May 2007,she had direct contact with Madeleine McCann, telling her stories and speaking with her.
• Witness states that asshe was an intelligent child, timid at first contact, and who later felt more comfortable, was a child who conversed normally for her age, and was of a calm demeanour. She adds that it was usual for Madeleine to be called “Maddy”, as this is how she [Madeleine] presented herself to the witness;

- told MBM stories and talked to her on 3rd May - Credibility of witness not confirmed (Claims to have seen the twins in their cot and yet early statement says she did not enter apartment.)

She arrived April 28th (but claims to have worked from April 19th?) and on the first day of working with the babies, she leaves them asleep and reads to Maddie?

4) -Elisa Dias Romao-


The witness works at the Luz Ocean Club, on contract. Her functions include attending to the reception area of the Garden Club (where the Millenium restaurant is found).

This is the second period in which she has worked for the LOC, always in the same role.

Her days off are Sundays and Mondays.

Regarding the investigation, the witness states that she became aware of the same, on Friday. That morning, when she showed up for work, she heard talk that a British child had disappeared the night prior and that since then no one knows of her whereabouts.

With relation to the other elements gathered afterwards, the witness confirms that she became aware of them via the media and other talk between the guests and colleagues.

She firmly believes that no one knows precisely how everything happened.

Regarding the group linked to the couple and the missing child and her two siblings,she only became aware afterwards that Madeleine’s siblings were twins. The witness remembers seeing them in the Garden Club, near the pool and the Tapas restaurant.
They appeared a normal family, as did the entire group. She did not notice any strange or suspicious details.

When questioned, the witness clarifies that she worked at the Garden Club reception (NOTE: Millenium?) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, at a time covering the lunch hour.She remembers seeing the couple with their children as they had to pass the reception to leave the area. She next saw them head in the direction of the apartment where the witness believes they had lunch.

She believes that they left always between 12H30 and 13H00.

Around 14H00 the couple would return around 14H00, in fact, most of the couples would return their children to the crèche around this time. She does not know if the three McCann children were together given their different ages.

When questioned, the witness states that the parents would spend the majority of the time inside the Garden Club, in activities such as playing tennis, as they were a group of four couples (the reservation was always made for 9 adults). They would only all meet together for dinner.

The couple would only leave the Garden Club after the children’s tea, which was served by the nannies in that area around 17H00/18H00.

It was only after this period that they would leave with the children in the direction of their respective apartments.

Questioned, states that she was left with the notion that the four couples always took their children when they went out or that they (the children) never left the area without their parents.

Her normal working day was from 09.00 – 17.00 and thereforeshe was never present when the group was dining.

Her working day was normal that day and she did not see anything of interest to the investigation.

On this same dayat around 17H30, she remembers that she left the reception to collect her earnings and she does not remember having seen Madeleine or her parents enter or in the interior of the TAPAS.

- saw MBM every lunchtime, worked Tue, Wed & Thurs - Confusing statement but claims this -On this same day at around 17H30, she remembers that she left the reception to collect her earnings and she does not remember having seen Madeleine or her parents enter or in the interior of the TAPAS.

Did she work at Millenium or Tapas?

5) -Emma Wilding-


When questioned she states that she knows Madelede’s (sic) parents becausealthough Madeleine is not in her group, she frequently speaks to her parents, and finds their concerns and interests normal and typical of parents.

When questioned she states that there are parents that leave their respective children during the whole day and every day at the clubs, and that this is normal within British culture.With respect to Madeleine, she states that she spent most of her time at the Mini Club.The children began arriving at 0900 until 1230 when their respective parents collected them for lunch, and returned at 1430 until 1645 when the Infants’ teachers took the children to eat something appropriate for their age at the Tapas restaurant. Most of the parents met their respective children here, and the children then remained in their parents’ care.

When questioned she states thaton May 3, 2007 it was the father that took Madeleine, as was customary, between 0900 and 0930; she remembers that she just said “hello” to him, because as Madelede (sic) did not belong to her group she did not talk to him very much.

She only noticed Madeleine and not her father,(?)and nothing seemed abnormal or unusual.

She is not sure whether during the morning Madeleine’s group had outdoor activities, mainly at the pool;( MINI SAIL?) she does remember that around 1230 Madelew’s (sic) father went to fetch her for lunch.

When questioned, she states thaton Wednesday May 2, her group and Madeleine’s group went to the beach, but she is not sure if Madeleine was in the group or not,and does not remember having seen anybody specifically taking direct and close-up photographs of the children.

She remembers thatduring the afternoon of May 3 Madeleine was at the Mini Club, but she does not remember at what time she arrived, and if on that day Madeleine accompanied the other children at 1645 as was customary.

She is alsonot sure whether her parents joined her during the snack, as was customary.

During this period of time she did not notice anybody or anything out of the ordinary, as her attention was wholly focused on the children.

That night, at around 2200 she learned that Madeleine had disappeared, and together with her colleagues she helped look for her.

As regards Madeleine,she did not spent much time with her because she was not in her group; she did not know her well, but Madeleine appeared to be somewhat shy, this was noticeable the first days.Since she met her, she noticed nothing abnormal in any aspect that would point to Madeleine being a child that was out of the ordinary.

She only noticed Madeleine and not her father, and nothing seemed abnormal or unusual. ?

she does remember that around 1230 Madelew’s (sic) father went to fetch her for lunch. (Kate went with Fiona to pick her up)

When questioned, she states that on Wednesday May 2, her group and Madeleine’s group went to the beach, but she is not sure if Madeleine was in the group or not, (Olympics Grass time coloured beige on Activity sheet but no 'beach trip shown)

Was Emma mistaken about the trip to the beach on Wednesday Who accompanied Catriona on the mini sail?

Did they go on Thursday as the creche activity sheet suggested because of rain on Wednesday?

Why did she not remember seeing Madeleine?

Too many children or was Madeleine missing from the group?

6) -Georgina Jackson-


She relates it was one of the preferred activities of the McCann couple in that they had several lessons throughout the days and up to the date of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, it being thatthe child also had a class, on Tuesday, 1 May(10-11h00), that class [in which]she was among a group of childrenwas conducted by the deponent.

- gave MBM a tennis lesson with other children on Tue 1st May , 10-11am. - After being shown the younger picture, can it be taken for granted that she would remember Madeleine actually being in the group or did she 'presume' or did she respond 'among a group of children' because the records showed this was Madeleine's group?
7) -Jeronimo Salcedes- Tapas Barman


-He saw the missing Madelaine, for the last time, yesterday at 16.45h next to the restaurant; ?

In spite of having already observed many photos of Madeleine he claims that he could not state with any certainty that he had seen her at any moment, the same goes for whom he now knows to be her twin siblings. The specifics of his work do not leave him with much time to focus his attention on the children that were around, although as he has stated previously he worked with children of Madeleine’s approximate age for almost four years.

Since Madeleine’s disappearance,I have seen her picture many times in the media, but I cannot honestly affirm that I remember seeing her in person before the disappearancefrom the Ocean Club. There were many children and I never paid much attention to any of them.

8) -Maria M A Jose- Tapas Cook


after seeing pictures of the missing child on television, that she realised who the girl was, referring to her as Madeleine (the name used by the journalists) remembering only at that moment that she had seen her during the meals provided to the children at the crèche, and which take place at the restaurant where she works andduring arrivals at the crèche where Madeleine spent the day, located immediately next to the restaurant.the last time she saw Madeleine was at approximately 16.30 on 3rd May 2007 when she was having dinner with the other children in their part of the restaurant, as she did each day of that week

Another example of mistakenly thinking that one of the other tapas children was Madeleine?

She claims the child went to the creche next to the tapas, Madeleine's creche was near Millenium

- saw MBM 4.30pm on 3rd May, having tea at the restaurant. - Was probably mistaken and may have seen Lilly at the creche next to the Tapas Madeleine went to the creche by reception 10 minutes away.
10) -Fátima María Serafim da Silva Espada(Cleaner) -


She states that this took place on Sunday 29th April, just before she finished her morning work shift (13.30) as she had the afternoon off that day. At about 13.15 she went to help her mother, who was cleaning apartment I of the same block (5) situated on the first floor.She clearly remembers seeing the girl accompanied by her siblings and mother leave their apartment (5 A) and walk to the stairs leading to the floor above. She was very close to them at a distance of about 1 metre, observing their movements for a few moments because she was charmed by them.Madeleine led the way with a plate (perhaps plastic) in her hand bearing a piece of bread. As regards the clothes she was wearing she only remembers a skirt but cannot recall its description. She noted, because she thought them nice, the type of shoes she was wearing, tennis shoes, light in colour she thinks, which had little lights along the soles,which lit up each time she stepped on the ground. Her siblings followed behind her, wearing the same king of shoes and each holding a piece of bread in their hands, their mother followed behind them without holding their hands. She seems to remember that the mother was also carrying a plate. Moments afterwards, perhaps the time it took to close the apartment door, the father came out and also headed to the apartment upstairs. When asked, she does not remember whether the father pulled the door closed or locked it with a key.

After she chatted to her mother about there being many children in the apartments, she had the idea that the family in 5H were friends of Madeleine’s family who were staying in 5 A.

She never cleaned any of these apartments referred to as they were allocated to her mother. Her mother never mentioned anything strange to her, either before or after the girl’s disappearance that could be related to the disappearance. The only comment she remembered concerned the clutter in the apartments, mainly clothing which was left all around the place. She thinks that her mother cleaned the apartments in that block on Monday and Wednesday (02-05).

In my opinion this is a really credible sighting of Madeleine. On Sunday afternoon as they were leaving the apartment to join the Paynes for lunch with bread in her hands and shoes that lit up

11) -Luisa Ana de Noronha de Azevedo Coutinho( Receptionist)http://themaddiecasefiles.com/post186.html#p186

She remembers thaton Sunday 29th April one of the elements of the group arrived with the child Madeleine McCann, she does not know his name and can only say that he was male and tall and thinand that he approached her to request a booking for the whole group, for the whole week and always at 20.30.

When questioned,she confirms that the man was not the father of the girl but one of the members of the group whom was often seen in his company.

The man justified his request by saying that the group had many small children whom they would leave alone when they went to dine. She said that at intervals some two parents would go to the apartments to see if everything was OK.

The deponent made some comments about the request, saying that the Tapas received many requests and that MW only had a quota of 20 per day, but upon the insistence of the guest she managed to make the bookings requested.

She confirms that it was possible to see the apartment from the restaurant, including the window of the sitting room.

ROB made arrangements on Sunday. Could this have been his daughter Ella, who is similar in appearance to Madeleine and was not (apparently) at the creche on Sunday morning when the booking should have been made.?

12) -Paula Cristina da Costa Vieira(Cleaning Staff- Millenium)


The witness works at the Luz Ocean Club, on contract. Her functions include attending to the reception area of the Garden Club (where the Millenium restaurant is found).

This is the second period in which she has worked for the LOC, always in the same role.

Her days off are Sundays and Mondays.

Regarding the investigation, the witness states that she became aware of the same, on Friday. That morning, when she showed up for work, she heard talk that a British child had disappeared the night prior and that since then no one knows of her whereabouts.

With relation to the other elements gathered afterwards, the witness confirms that she became aware of them via the media and other talk between the guests and colleagues.

She firmly believes that no one knows precisely how everything happened.

Regarding the group linked to the couple and the missing child and her two siblings,she only became aware afterwards that Madeleine’s siblings were twins. The witness remembers seeing them in the Garden Club, near the pool and the Tapas restaurant.

They appeared a normal family, as did the entire group. She did not notice any strange or suspicious details.

When questioned, the witness clarifies that she worked at the Garden Club reception on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, at a time covering the lunch hour. She remembers seeing the couple with their children as they had to pass the reception to leave the area. She next saw them head in the direction of the apartment where the witness believes they had lunch.

She believes that they left always between 12H30 and 13H00.

Around 14H00 the couple would return around 14H00, in fact, most of the couples would return their children to the crèche around this time. She does not know if the three McCann children were together given their different ages.

When questioned, the witness states that the parents would spend the majority of the time inside the Garden Club, in activities such as playing tennis, as they were a group of four couples (the reservation was always made for 9 adults). They would only all meet together for dinner.

The couple would only leave the Garden Club after the children’s tea, which was served by the nannies in that area around 17H00/18H00.

It was only after this period that they would leave with the children in the direction of their respective apartments.Questioned, states that she was left with the notion that the four couples always took their children when they went out or that they (the children) never left the area without their parents.

Her normal working day was from 09.00 – 17.00 and thereforeshe was never present when the group was dining.Her working day was normal that day and she did not see anything of interest to the investigation.

On this same day at around 17H30, she remembers that she left the reception to collect her earnings and she does not remember having seen Madeleine or her parents enter or in the interior of the TAPAS.
She returned to the reception around 19H00 and finished work shortly afterwards. She became aware of the disappearance the next day (Friday) via a colleague.

Did she work at Tapas or Millenium?

Other Witnesses - they gave no specifics

Bridget O'Donnell- alluded to Madeleine being in the tennis 'all pink and pretty' but was no Madeleine's mini tennis group
Jeremy (Jes/Jez) Wilkins
Stephen Carpenter
Daniel Stuk
Not in Files
Miguel Matias,manager of the beach-side Paraíso restaurant - Was mistaken and saw one of the other tapas children damcing with her dady pven by th the CCTV footage.
Alice Stanley & Chris Unsworth- Took children sailing May 3rd - Apparently only unofficial statements from them[/size]

Was Madeleine seen after Sunday? (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.