Making Money in a Recession - Peter Boolkah (2024)

If you’re worried about what your financial situation will look like in a year—or even just the next few months- then it’s reasonable to be concerned. The key is starting preparations now so that when there is an economic downturn, we can take care of our money and survive easily with these tips for make money in a recession, from my best ever recessionary guide!

How to Make Money During a Recession – Peter Boolkah

Making money during a recession may seem like a daunting task, but it is possible. There are plenty of opportunities out there for those who are willing to look for them.

One way to make money during a recession is to start your own business. This can be a great opportunity to get ahead while others are struggling. There are many successful businesses that started during recessions, so don’t let the current economic climate discourage you.

Another way to make money during a recession is to invest in stocks and shares. Although the stock market can be volatile during economic downturns, there are still chances to make money if you know what you’re doing. Many people have made a fortune by investing in stocks during a recession.

So don’t be discouraged if you’re struggling to make ends meet during a recession. There are still opportunities out there for those who are willing to look for them. With a bit of creativity and perseverance, you can make money during a recession.

Build 12 to 24 Month Emergency Fund

When it comes to financial preparedness, one of the most important things you can do is to build up an emergency fund. This will give you the money you need to weather any economic storms that come your way.

During a recession, businesses often go bankrupt not because they are unprofitable, but because they don’t have enough working capital. By having a strong emergency fund, you can make sure that your business has the money it needs to keep going during tough times.

Building up an emergency fund takes time and discipline, but it is worth it in the long run. Start by setting aside a few hundred dollars each month and gradually increasing the amount as your financial situation allows. With a solid emergency fund in place, you can rest assured that you will be able to weather any economic storms that come your way.

10% of revenue is a good rule of thumb for available cash in a business.

Protect Your Earnings First

The earnings you’ve worked so hard for are your most important asset. In tough economic times, it’s more important than ever to protect your earnings. Here are some tips to help you weather the storm:

  • Save money: Invest in yourself by saving a portion of your earnings each month. This will give you a cushion to fall back on if you lose your job or encounter financial difficulties.
  • Create a budget: Know where your money is going and make sure you’re living within your means. This will help you stay out of debt and keep your finances under control.
  • Invest in yourself: Learning new skills or getting additional education can help you stay employed and earn more money. This investment will pay off in the long run.
  • Be prepared: Having an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses will help you avoid financial crisis. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

By following these tips, you can protect your earnings and weather any economic storm.

Boost Your Savings

In these difficult economic times, it’s more important than ever to boost your savings. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

1. Make a budget and stick to it. This will help you keep track of your spending and make sure that you’re putting enough money into savings.

2. Cut back on unnecessary expenses. Take a close look at your spending habits and see where you can cut back, even by a little bit. Every little bit helps!

3. Automate your savings. Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account so that you’re less likely to spend the money.

4. Invest in yourself. One of the best ways to save money is to invest in yourself. Take courses, learn new skills, and keep your resume up-to-date.

5. Live below your means. One of the best ways to boost your savings is to simply live below your means. Spend less than you make and put the extra money into savings.

By following these tips, you can recession-proof your finances and boost your savings. These difficult times won’t last forever, but your savings will!

Minimize High-Interest Debt

If you’re carrying high-interest debt, now is the time to start paying it down. With interest rates low, you can save money by transferring your balance to a lower-interest credit card. And with the extra cash you free up, you can start chipping away at your principal balance.

high-interest debt can be a real burden, especially during tough economic times. But by taking some proactive steps, you can get your debt under control and keep your finances on track.

So if you’re carrying high-interest debt, what can you do to minimize the damage?

One option is to transfer your balance to a lower-interest credit card. Many cards offer introductory rates of 0% for 12 months or more, which can give you some breathing room to pay down your debt. Just be sure to read the fine print before you sign up, as some cards charge high fees for balance transfers.

Another option is to simply start making larger payments on your debt. The sooner you can pay off your high-interest debt, the less interest you’ll ultimately have to pay. So even if you can only afford to make a small dent in your balance each month, it’s still worth doing.

Of course, the best way to avoid high-interest debt is to not incur it in the first place. But if you’re already in a hole, the steps above can help you get out of it and get your finances back on track.

House Hack

If you’re looking for a way to get ahead financially, house hacking is a great option. By definition, house hacking is when you purchase a property and live in it while renting out the other units. This can be an effective way to build equity, reduce your living expenses, and generate income all at the same time.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering house hacking during a recession. First, remember that recessions don’t last forever. While there may be some short-term challenges, house prices will eventually rebound and you’ll be in a good position to sell or refinance your property at a profit. Second, don’t overstretch yourself financially. Make sure you have enough cash reserves to cover any unexpected expenses, such as repairs or vacancy. Finally, don’t be afraid to negotiate. With so many properties on the market, sellers are often willing to accept lower offers.

Keep Your Credit Accounts Active

Keeping your credit accounts active during a recession is important for several reasons.

First, it shows lenders that you are still using and managing your credit responsibly. This can help you maintain a good credit score, which is important for accessing credit at favorable rates in the future.

Additionally, active credit accounts can help you rebuild your credit after a recessionary period.

Finally, having active credit accounts can give you peace of mind knowing that you have access to credit if you need it. So, if you’re thinking about closing any of your credit accounts, reconsider doing so during a recession.

Invest in Recession-Proof Industries

There’s no doubt that we’re in the midst of an economic downturn. But does that mean that all industries are suffering? Absolutely not. In fact, there are some industries that are actually thriving in this climate.

So, what makes an industry recession-proof? There are a few key factors:

  • Necessity: People will always need certain products and services, no matter what the economy is doing. Think food, healthcare, and energy.
  • Countercyclicality: Some industries actually do better when the economy is struggling. For example, businesses that provide bargain deals or those that facilitate remote work tend to do well during recessions.
  • Resilience: Some industries are just naturally more resistant to economic fluctuations. Think basic industries like agriculture or mining.

So, if you’re looking to invest in industries that will weather the current economic storm, keep these factors in mind. And check out some of the examples below for more ideas.

Examples of recession-proof industries:

  • Healthcare
  • Food and beverage
  • Energy
  • Agriculture
  • Mining
  • Technology
  • Discount retail
  • Online education
  • Remote work solutions

Create Additional Sources of Income

In these tough economic times, it’s more important than ever to have a reliable income source. And while holding down two or three jobs may seem like the only option, starting a side hustle can be a great way to supplement your income and ease the financial burden.

There are plenty of opportunities out there for those with the entrepreneurial spirit. Whether it’s starting a small business, freelance writing or becoming a consultant, there are many ways to make extra money. And with the cost of living on the rise, having a few extra income streams can make all the difference.

So if you’re looking for ways to ease your financial stress, consider starting a side hustle. It could be just the thing you need to get through these tough times.

Sell Your stuff

Are you feeling the pinch of the recession? Looking to make some extra cash? Why not sell stuff you no longer need on eBay?

You can declutter your home and earn some money at the same time – it’s a win-win! Just create an account, list your items and start earning.

So what are you waiting for? Start selling today!

Enhance Your Market Value

In today’s economy, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re doing everything you can to enhance your market value. One way to do this is to continuously update and improve your skillset. Not only will this make you more attractive to potential employers, but it will also help you command a higher salary. So if you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, make sure you’re always learning and expanding your skillset.

This way when the economy resets your wages will not go down like many peoples will because your adding more value and therefore worth more to the organisation.

Use Dollar-Cost Averaging

Dollar-cost averaging is a technique that can be used to mitigate the effects of market volatility, especially during periods of economic recession.

The basic idea behind dollar-cost averaging is to spread your investment into equal increments over a period of time. By buying more when prices are low and fewer when prices are high, you can reduce the overall cost of your investment.

Dollar-cost averaging does not guarantee profits or protect against losses in a down market, but it can help smooth out the ups and downs of the market and make investing less stressful.

If you’re thinking about using dollar-cost averaging, be sure to consult with a financial advisor to see if it’s right for you.

Max Out Your 401(k) Contributions

If you’re like most people, the recent recession has taken a toll on your finances. 401(k)s and pension plans have been hit hard, and many people are worried about their retirement security.

But there’s one silver lining to the current economic situation: now is a great time to max out your 401(k) or pension contributions.

What does that mean? It means you should contribute as much money as possible to your retirement savings plan. If you have a 401(k), that means contributing the maximum amount allowed each year ($18,000 for 2018). If you have a pension plan, it means making the largest possible contribution to your pension fund.

Why is this a good idea? Because when the stock market is down, your retirement savings have a chance to grow much faster.

Of course, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your investments is always a good idea. But if you’re looking for a way to make the most of the current economic situation, maxing out your 401(k) or pension contributions is a great place to start.

Buy Investment Properties

The current economic situation is difficult, but property investors can still make a profit. In the long term, property values tend to go up, so investing now can help you weather the current downturn and come out ahead in the future.

Of course, you need to be prepared to hold onto your property for at least ten years or more to see the full benefit. But if you’re patient and ride out the current recession, you can come out ahead of the pack. So don’t give up on your investment property dreams just yet!

Take Advantage of Lower Interest Rates

The current recession has caused interest rates to drop, making it a great time to refinance your mortgage or home loan. By taking advantage of lower interest rates, you can save money each month on your payments. This extra cash can be used to pay down debt, build up savings, or make other investments.

Now is the time to take advantage of low interest rates and improve your financial situation. If you have been considering refinancing, now is the time to act. Contact your lender today and see how much you could save.

Three Systems of Investing

There are three systems of investing: active, passive, and index. Active investing involves picking stocks or other assets that you believe will outperform the market. Passive investing means investing in a broad range of assets that track a benchmark, such as the S&P 500. Index investing is a type of passive investing that specifically tracks a stock market index.

Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Active investing requires more research and time commitment, but it can offer greater potential rewards. Passive investing is simpler and often less expensive, but it may not provide the same upside as active investing. Index investing offers a happy medium between the two, offering diversification while still giving you the opportunity to outperform the market.

The best system for you will depend on your investing goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. If you’re patient and willing to do the research, active investing could be a good fit. If you want a hands-off approach or don’t have the time to commit to active investing, passive investing may be a better option. And if you’re looking for somewhere in the middle, index investing could be a good choice. Whichever system you choose, make sure it aligns with your investing goals so that you can maximize your chances of success.

Cash is Trash

Severino says that cash is trash and must be seen that way when businesses are preparing to ride out high inflation and unstable economic times. Look after your revenue, save and invest in hard assets which you can build upon or borrow against to invest in more hard assets. Grow your portfolio and protect your revenue. Building your revenue means growing your business. If you need help with that, we can help you.
Get in touch with me, and if you want to hear more from Simon Severino, CEO of Strategy Sprints head over to my podcast 3 Strategies to Help You Tackle Inflation – The Transition Guy.


Riding out the inflation storm

Businesses are navigating difficult economic times currently and the experts tell us things are going to get more difficult. What is happening globally is a cyclical process. We are told a global recession is on the way. Typically that means a depreciation in capital assets and an even bigger hike in the cost of living. History tells us we may see water and food shortages and there will be an impact on businesses. Preparation is the key to riding this storm.

Go low in cash terms

In a recession money is the first thing to depreciate. However, there are always areas of growth. On my Transition Guy podcast I featured Simon Severino, CEO of Strategy Sprints. He told me that he is investing in tech stocks like Google, Tesla and Amazon as well as dividend stocks, like Canadian National Resources, Enbridge, and fertilizers companies, because he assumes that there will be a food and water shortage. He points out that in the gold rush, people who made the most money were not the people looking for gold but the people who were selling picks and shovels because there was such high demand. In terms of constructing a portfolio, he ensures in times of global economic instability he has only 1% cash. Find an asset which is limited in supply, but high in demand.


How do you make money in a recession?

There are a number of ways to make money in a recession, and many people have found success using one or more of these methods. Some popular methods include starting a business, investing in stocks or mutual funds, or working from home.

Starting a business can be a great way to make money in a recession, as long as you have a good idea and the ability to execute it well. Many successful businesses have been started during economic downturns, so this is definitely an option to consider if you’re looking to make money.

Investing in stocks or mutual funds can also be a great way to make money in a recession. While the stock market may be volatile during times of economic turmoil, there are always opportunities for those who are willing to take the risk. If you’re cautious and do your research, investing in the stock market can be a great way to make money.

Finally, working from home can also be a great way to make money in a recession. With technology becoming more and more advanced, there are more opportunities than ever before to work from home and make a good income. If you have the right skills and motivation, working from home can be a great way to make money in a recession.

Is it good to have cash during a recession?

While it’s always good to have cash on hand, during a recession it becomes even more important. Cash allows you to take advantage of opportunities that may come up, such as discounted prices on assets or investments. It also gives you the flexibility to weather a period of inflation without seeing your purchasing power drastically reduce.

Of course, there are downsides to holding too much cash. If inflation is high, your cash will lose value quickly. And if the recession is prolonged, you may miss out on potential gains in other investments. But overall, having some cash on hand is a good way to protect yourself during an economic downturn.

What investments do well in a recession?

When it comes to recession-proofing your portfolio, there are certain investments that tend to do well.

Commodities like gold and silver tend to be popular during periods of economic uncertainty, as they are seen as a safe haven for investors. Gold in particular has a long history of being used as a store of value, and its price often goes up when other asset prices are falling.

Other recession-proof investments include government bonds and cash. Government bonds are considered to be among the safest investments around, as they are backed by the full faith and credit of the government issuing them. Cash is also a safe investment in times of recession, as it is not subject to the same volatility as stocks and other assets.

Of course, no investment is completely recession-proof, and all investments come with some degree of risk. However, by diversifying your portfolio and including a mix of recession-resistant investments, you can help to protect yourself from the worst of a downturn.

What businesses do well in a recession?

In a recession, businesses that do well are typically those that provide essential goods and services, or those that offer discounts and value-added services. Businesses that cater to luxury items and non-essential services tend to suffer in a recession.

Some businesses that do well in a recession include grocery stores, discount retailers, and home improvement stores. These businesses provide essential goods and services that people need even when they are cutting back on spending. Other businesses that can do well in a recession include banks and financial service providers, as people still need to access credit and manage their finances during tough economic times. Finally, businesses that offer deep discounts or added value-such as loyalty business programs or special sales-can also be successful during a recession, as people are looking for ways to save money.

While no business is recession-proof, these are some of the businesses that have a better chance of weathering an economic downturn. By understanding what businesses do well in a recession, you can be better prepared to survive tough times.

Remember failing to learn is learning to fail.

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Peter Boolkah

Business Coach at The Transition Guy

Hi, I’m Peter Boolkah, business coach, blogger, speaker, and podcast host. Since 2005 I have been coaching businesses across the globe, ranging from solo entrepreneurs to executive management teams at large organisations. My clients choose to work with me because of my proven, no-nonsense approach to scaling businesses.Through getting great results with my clients I was inducted into the coaching Hall of Fame in 2013. If you are interested in coaching with me, or just passionate about business and want to chat you can book a call with me on my website or connect with me on my relevant social media channels.

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Making Money in a Recession - Peter Boolkah (2024)


Making Money in a Recession - Peter Boolkah? ›

Historically, the industries considered to be the most defensive and better placed to fare reasonably during recessions are utilities, health care, and consumer staples.

Who makes the most money during a recession? ›

Historically, the industries considered to be the most defensive and better placed to fare reasonably during recessions are utilities, health care, and consumer staples.

How to use a recession to get rich? ›

Recessions can also push you to reexamine your finances, develop passive income streams, and consult financial advisers to make sure your assets are safe.
  1. Cut living expenses. ...
  2. Build an emergency fund. ...
  3. Develop new skills. ...
  4. Speak with a financial adviser. ...
  5. Create passive income sources. ...
  6. Start a business. ...
  7. Consumer staples. ...
  8. Bonds.
Jan 5, 2024

Who profits most in a recession? ›

  • Healthcare Providers.
  • Financial Advisors and Economists.
  • Auto Repair and Maintenance.
  • Home Maintenance Stores.
  • Home Staging Experts.
  • Rental Agents and Property Management Companies.
  • Grocery Stores.
  • Bargain and Discount Stores.

Is there money to be made in a recession? ›

What businesses are profitable in a recession? Many investors turn to stocks in companies that sell consumer staples like health care, food and beverages, and personal hygiene products. These businesses typically remain profitable during recessions and their share prices tend to better resist stock market sell-offs.

Who got rich during the recession? ›

When the market rebounded, Getty was a rich man, thanks to his action when the economy appeared to be at its worst. The same thing happened to people like Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, and Carl Icahn during the Great Recession of 2008. Each zigged when the rest of the world zagged.

Why do recessions make the most millionaires? ›

Why? Well, as the recession negatively affects businesses, some Americans will inevitably lose their jobs or have their hours reduced. Unfortunately, this will force some families to downsize into less expensive properties (like multi-family units), increasing their demand and subsequent value.

What is the best asset during a recession? ›

Still, here are seven types of investments that could position your portfolio for resilience if recession is on your mind:
  • Defensive sector stocks and funds.
  • Dividend-paying large-cap stocks.
  • Government bonds and top-rated corporate bonds.
  • Treasury bonds.
  • Gold.
  • Real estate.
  • Cash and cash equivalents.
Nov 30, 2023

What not to do in a recession? ›

When the economy is in a recession, financial risks increase, including the risk of default, business failure, job losses, and bankruptcy. Avoid becoming a co-signer on a loan, taking out an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), or taking on new debt.

Is it better to have cash or property in a recession? ›

Cash. Cash is an important asset when it comes to a recession. After all, if you do end up in a situation where you need to pull from your assets, it helps to have a dedicated emergency fund to fall back on, especially if you experience a layoff.

What gets cheaper during a recession? ›

Because a decline in disposable income affects prices, the prices of essentials, such as food and utilities, often stay the same. In contrast, things considered to be wants instead of needs, such as travel and entertainment, may be more likely to get cheaper.

Who is safest during a recession? ›

10 recession-proof fields
  1. Health care. Medical professionals tend to be essential, and within health care, there are roles for just about every education and experience level. ...
  2. Public safety. ...
  3. Education. ...
  4. Law. ...
  5. Finance. ...
  6. Mental health. ...
  7. Utilities. ...
  8. Trade.
Dec 1, 2023

What jobs get cut first in a recession? ›

Recessions cause people to lose jobs in lots of different industries. During the Great Recession, the unemployment rate hit 10%. Construction and manufacturing often have to cut back on jobs more than other industries, but tech companies can also get hit by layoffs.

How to get wealthy during a recession? ›

5 Things to Invest in When a Recession Hits
  1. Focus on Reliable Dividend Stocks. Investing in dividend stocks can be a great way to generate passive income. ...
  2. Consider Buying Real Estate.
  3. Purchase Precious Metal Investments.
  4. “Invest” in Yourself. ...
  5. Are We Currently in a Recession? ...
  6. Bottom Line.
  7. Tips for Smart Investing.
May 31, 2024

What food to buy during a recession? ›

store-brand oatmeal, for example — you give yourself the opportunity to not only save money, but also get more nutrition per dollar. Shopping for whole foods and staples instead of prepared foods and convenience items can save you money, but you'll need to be prepared to spend more time in the kitchen.

What income is recession proof? ›

Buy a Rental Property. Investing in rental properties can be an excellent source of passive income. Even during a recession, people still need a place to live. By purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out, you can generate a steady stream of income.

Who benefits the most from a recession? ›

In a recession, the rate of inflation tends to fall. This is because unemployment rises moderating wage inflation. Also with falling demand, firms respond by cutting prices. This fall in inflation can benefit those on fixed incomes or cash savings.

Who does best in a recession? ›

Financial advisors and accountants are recession proof businesses because they offer essential services that individuals and businesses need, regardless of the economic conditions. For example, during a recession, people and businesses may face financial challenges such as budgeting, debt management, and tax planning.

Who made money during Great Recession? ›

Warren Buffett, business magnate and investor

He purchased $8 million in preferred stock from Goldman Sachs and General Electric combined at 10% interest rates. He also bought convertible preferred shares in Swiss Re and Dow Chemical. By 2011, Buffett had made $10 million from the 2008 financial crisis.


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