The Neenah Daily Times from Neenah, Wisconsin (2024)

"For Charity Suffereth Long." Messrs. D. B. Lewis, Mrs. T.

L. 'I yflLE MJk Jl'. urniture. "WW Many Hew and mm Miss Frankie Burnhans, of Appleton, is guest of Miss Cora Lansing. Mr.

and Mrs. John West, Oshkosh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Conant yesterday.

Mrs. Al. Wieckert, Appleton, is guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.

F. Wieckert. Miss Carrie Dodge arrived home last evening from State Uni we lnviTe your inspecuon. Parlor Suits Book Cases Side Boards Parlor Cabinets Combination China Cases Extension Tables Odd Pieces Book Case-desk Library Couches Dining Chairs Parlor Tables Bed Room Suits Hall Stands Music cabinets Chiffoniers Hall Glasses Sewing Tables Folding Tables Hall chairs Fancy Rockers Brass Iron Beds Umbrella Stands Onyx Tables Old Furniture Repaired and Be-covered. A large line of Domestic and Imported Furniture coverings carried in stock.

If you are repairing your Furniture, write for samples of Coverings, Cords, Gimps and Fringe. WILL MATCH ANYTHING. We Pay Freight 200 miles from Milwaukee. lot tow Ites! Air. WjP I RPVJ7D mm lf i-IL A 1 jft Jtt 'AW.

-w 'W" m. 1. li- 'f -9y 462 464 ASTOMISmiAIG. BARGAINS in CLOTIWC AVING purchased the largest stock jof ready made clothing ever brought to Neenah, we are in position to give our trade the best bargains ev er wered 'in any city in the state. Men's Black Clay Suits frock or former price 8 they go at this great sale for $16.

Men's Blacjs and Blue Cheviot Suits frock or sack, former price they go at this great sale for $11.25. Men's fine all wool Cassimere suits in all the latest designs, just the thing for a business man; -the former prices on these suits (in 20 patterns) were $14.50 to 16. 0C; they now. go for a ten dollar bill. Men's Black Clav sack or frock, double-stitched edge, former price $16; they go att his sale for $10.25 Men's Black Clay (square cut sack only) former price $1 6.75; they go, now for $11.25.

1,000 other just such bargains as the above in Mens suits. We have added to our stock an elegant line of Children's suits from age 2 i to 8 years, at from $1.50 to $5, and also a line of Fauntleroy waists to match. wag jt WM 7l v. no it. Original Designs for tne Spring trade.

One and a Half BhKks north of Chapman's Dry Qoftdg Co. Milwaukee Street, MILWAUKEE. WIS. 1 iSiQlil till Wall Paper! The largest, finest and best selected stock in the Twin Cities. Picture moulding to match' our paper.

Curtains and Cuitain Cloth in a variety of shades. "It will pay you to get our prices before you buy. See our patent adjustable Shade Hanger. We use no We take pleas- ure in showing our fine line of goods. E.

P. Harsh, DRUGGIST. CANNED GOODS ir. Fresh Packed-1894. Now is your time to lay i in a supply, and we will give you rare bargains.

Neudeck keeps best assortment at lowest prices in Neenan of Candies, Fruits, Nuts HEADQUARTERS FOB TEAS AND COFFEES. TELEPHONE 134. Mo' BIeudeck. DR. W.

F- GARY (Successor to Dr. Meeker) DENTIST Best work: Keonall prices: Pnln lemm m.n poMHiltle. Opposite P. Neenah EflflYROYAL PILLS sf, always reliable, ladics ask km- vntctettera Mint Din-A mend Brand in Ked and Gold BieullioV mm Blue ril.hoo. Take Jr no other.

iiSiw titrtu and imitation. At Druggist, or Ml ttimooial ana KeUef for tjtdlea, htfr. br rt. Utley and Lewis Moulton left this afternoon to attend the Universa-list convention in Oshkosh. The Appleton doctors claim they will lose money by the visit of the "Two Johns" to the opera house, in that city on Thursday night, June 13th, as the Company makes their audience laugh so they grow fat.

Go and hear them. Messrs. A. W. Kellogg, M.

L. Campbell and Frank Mace are in Milwaukee to-day, representatives of Kane Lodge No. 61, A. F. and A.

of this city, in Grand Lodge. Mr. Mace goes as proxy for delegate Henry Young. On the county board standing committees, our two cities wrere pretty well favored. Huxley is chairman of the finance committee: Schoetz of general accounts, while Hilton is finance and public buildings; schoetz on illegal assess ments; Van Middlesworth on roads and bridges; Clausen on insane and justice and constable accounts; Huxley on printing.

A couple of ingenious Indians near Seymour, pasted together two of the advertising" dodgers of a clothier, which show on one side a fac simile of a confederate $10 bill, and passed the bogus note to a small shop keeper in Seymour. They were arrested as soon as the trick was discovered, and are; now awaiting trial. In justice McCabe's court to day, state vs. Dan S. Marsh, for assault and-battery on John old man, prisoner fined $7.49 in all, in default of which he went to jail 20 days at hard labor.

Messrs. John J. Mclntyre, President, D. C. Dunlap, secretary, of-the Terminal Railway, and post master John Baer, of Appleton, dined at Kussell to-day.

They are in the city in the interests of the new line of railway between Nee nah and Green Bay. Better Times Coming, Henry Clews, who is supposed to know more about financial matters than all the rest of the world put tog-ether, says: "The readiness with which new investments are now taken is plain evidence of a broad and positive revival of credit. That recovery means a reinforce ment of all the forces of industry and enterpris and the beginning of another decade of universal prosperity." A TRUE STORY Last month I cleared, after Davlnc all ex penses. 8236.38: the month before $186.86 and lave at the same time attended to my regu lar business. 1 believe anyone, anywnere.

can do as well, as I have not a particularly good location ana not mucn experience. When you have an article that every family wants, it is very easy selling it. It seems strange that a good, cheap dish washer was never beiore piacea on tne market, witn the Perfection, which sells for $6, you can wash and dry the dishes for a family in two minutes, without putting the hanas in water. As soon as people see the washer work, they want one. and that is why so much money can be made so quickly.

For full particulars address The Perfection Mfg Vo. Station Ensrlewood. 111. I feel convinced that any lady or gentleman, in any location, can make $5 to $10 a day, as every, family will very soon have a tnsn wasner. xry it ana puuiisn your experience for the oenent or otners.

autE is. Local Readers. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others.

Lee uream maae now every day in all flavors and by dish, quart or gallon, at brEO. s. When Baby was alck, we gare her Caatorla. When she was a Child, she cried for When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria v.

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cactoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. WWPm4 Z4''m 91-84 t-Go to H. F.

Smith Son for a fine Trout outfit. 69- DISCOVCRCR OF The Excelsior Hai Tonic. BALD HEADS COVERED. For the first time in the history of the world a discovery Is made that restores gray hair to its natural color without dye. "Mm.

Yale, that most wonderful woman chemist and great scientist, is the discoverer. The Excelsior Hair Tonic is the remedy. MmeYale has placed it on the market for the benefit of the public, and guarantees It will restore the natural color back to the hair, no matter how long it has been gray. The cure is permanent every way. It willalso stop falling hair in from hours to one week.

Itrestores the hair on bald heads and creates a luxuriant growth. It Is a guaranteed cure for every ailment of the hair or scalp. The whole world bows down to Mine. Yale's discovery and to her great skill as a chemist which has never been equaled by man or woman. The Excelsior Hair Tonic holds complete sway over the human hair.

There are no ailments which-the hair heir to that it cannot cure. Beware of imitations. See that everybottle is labeled "Mme. M. Yale's Excelsior Hair Tonic.

Guaranteed to Restore Gray Hair without Dye." Price I per bottle; 6 for $5. "Smb. n. yale. town tair; Happenings Throughout the Ci ty, County and State.

Daily Times Telephone No. 104. THE WEATHER. Light showers to-night, nesday fair and warmer. Wed- -The Savings, Bank.

Lost. On Saturday nignt, a black Ostrich bow. Finder please leave this office. 98-3 you think about the Silver question, that Carlberg takes at par. don't forget silver dollars 99-2 David R.

Davis left for Chicago on business last night. Thos. J. Baird is in Milwaukee, attending Masonic Grand Lodge. John R.

Davis is on a business visit to Phillips. Lyal Pinkerton, Menasha, left for Glenwood last -Mrs. Geo. Bisby, of Milwaukee, is in the city. Mr.

H. H. Clausen is in Milwau kee on business to-day. Jarber's home grown peas, at M. A.

SOKLEY'S. Ths Norwegians of Madison wil build a new $6,000 church. City Clerk T. T. Moult on is in Oshkosh this afternoon on business.

Charles Loderstrom of Florence was drowned while out boating, Sunday. Theodore Schend's dwelling in Kenosha was burned Monday morn-ingLoss $700. The nights of Maccabees of Green Bay celebrated their annual Decoration day on Sunday. Miss Stella Roberts Is home from the Misses Smeads school at Toledo. The Misses Maud Cook Hattie Smith are home from at Elmira, N.

Y. The Misses Hattie and Nellie Schnabel, of Centralia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.

Leutenegger. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krueger, Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Jacobs, Mrs. D.

W. and others, are in Oshkosh to-day, attending the Univer-salist State Convention. Mrs. Geo. Wunderley, of Elm- hurst, formerly Miss Minnie Moss, is in the city, a guest of Mrsi Wm.

T. Ward. IBarbers' home rrown oeas to day at NEUDECK'S. has been some years since the styles- in men's wear were so at tractive and sensible as they are tnis season. The cloth ing sold by Alex Billstein is from the great Chicago house that sets tne pace tor apparel over this entire land.

3 L. Webber. When in need of anything- that pertains to paint remember that name. It stands for the best the market affords in Ready Mixed Paints, Linseed oil, House and coach varnish, wall paper, You know the name, My store is the Blue Front 128 E. Wis.

Ave. 76 A Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has prov ed to be the verv best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urgre all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial.

In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by eiviner the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases loner resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Kimberly Jiiiwers- Lfug Store; tIce; 2ream bv the dish, quart or gallon "very dav at Robinson sj Han Lly Hair Esstorei St0IIIiei1 fnd school J. a her day the at is at of 200 yds nice, nobby Wash Silks at only 29c worth 40c. 100 doz Ladies and Children's Jersey Vests, at 5, 10, 15 and 25c each.

20 doz. Men's Balbrigan and Jersey Shirts and Drawers at 25 and 50c each. 100 Ladies' Summer Corsets at 50c each. 20 doz Ladies Hand Wrappers at $1.00 in light and dark colorings. 200 pieces of Ladies Muslin Underwear in Skirts, Drawers, Gowns and Covers from 25c up.

m. HP Pit ffff HI am mm mm mm am mv WLJk ml uu mamm By J. N. Stone. Druggists say that their sales of Hood's Sarsaparilla exceed those of all others.

There is no substitute for Hood's, A SUDDEN DEATH And a Sensation In Center. Town of I A peculiar case is affording much gossip in town of Center -near Appleton. It appears that Franklin S. Stoddard, aged 35 years and a son of the widow of the late Ed-Wolcott, went to live with Alexander Preston, and turned over to Preston an insurance policy of $1,000 in consideration of which he (Stoddard) was to be kept by Preston during his life. On Sunday Preston went visiting and on that evening Stoddard died, "suffering from terrible pains in his stomach." The case is being investigated by a 1 coroner's jury, who meet at Mack-ville on Thursday.

TOie whole affair has an appearance of mystery about it. mm Makes Sot WHITE ola Prop-, Boataa, U.S. A. The Menasha High School Commencement is on Thursday night, June 13, at Germania opera house. The graduates ajfce Carolyn M.

Bullard, Catherine Paul, Richard M. Turnicliffe, Cora B. Wheeler. Those who fail to hear Rev. A.

C. Grier. of Racine, in his sermon to the Universalists on Thursday will miss it. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.

J. CHENEY Toledo, O. We, the undesigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm.

Wkst Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan Makvin, Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c, per bottle.

Sold by all Druggists. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair. El; MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free rom Ammonia, Alum or any other 5r In 34 is versity at Madison.

-Mrs. Henry Hoeper, of South Superior, is in the city on a visit to parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dietz. Rev.

F. M. Andreason left to for Oconomowoc to attend Danish Baptist Conference for Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois. The tenth annual reunion of veterans of Wisconsin and Minnesota will be held at Durand, June 19-21. Edward Buno, a boy of 14 years, was drowned in the harbor Gladstone, Sunday, while bathing- -ah worK nas Deen stopped on A -It 1 -a the new electric street car- line at Oshkosh uutil the -iniunction trial settled.

-The family of J. H. Foster of Marshfield were poisoned by eating dried beef. The prompt work of physicians saved their lives. The 7-year-old son of William Penman of Phillips is missing and is thought to have been drowned from the logs in the river.

you wear out the doorway Carlberg he will put in a new one without charging you a cent. 99 2 Mrs. Chas. Gaffney and Master Willie Davis left to-day for Marin ette where they will be the guests Mrs. H.

C. Higgins and Master Harry Higgins. Judge Mead was given an ova tion by Shell Lake citizens on his return from Madison in honor of his election as grand master of the Odd Fellows' Grand lodge. A Missionary Entertainment and Social will be held at the M. church, Wednesday evening, June 12th.

Price 10 cents. Come and help the good work along. W. J. Campbell and wife of Kaukauna, who have been guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Archie Young, left to-day for Santa Fe, to make that their home. In recording the names of the cyclers who made eu-mue run Sunday, The Times unintentionally omitted the name of Eddie Hunt. Eddie is a stayer and as he says he's small, but oh my! Fond du Lac Reporter: Several wheelmen from Neenah registered at the Palmer Sunday. They were Messrs.

Ed. Hunt, Martin Hanson, P. Collins, Orrin Thompson and S. D. Baird.

Mr. Wm. Stuart, of De Pere, and Mr. James Oglevie of Dundee, Scotland, were in the city yesterday guests of Chas. Lansing and family Mr.

Oglevie will make his home in De Perein the future. Messrs. Geo. Banta and H. E.

Trilling are delegates from Bryan Lodge Menasha, Jto Masonic Grand Lodge in Milwaukee. Theo. Schnitzler and C. A. Lawtou also went to Milwaukee.

Miss Ora Jaeck, teacher of the Point primary school, reports as neither tardy nor absent- George Felt on, Mabel. Kimberly, Lily Peterson, Lulu Dickinson, Emil Nagel. The last nameel pupil was neither absent nor tardy in the year preceding the last. Tlie Discovery Saved His Life. Mr.

Gv Caillouette, Druggist, Bearsville, 111. says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr.

King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and.fter using three bot tles was ud and aoout aeram. it is worth its weiarht in erold. We won't keep store or house without it. Get a free trial bottle at Kimberly Elwers Drug Store. CARD The undersigned are ready at all times to do all kinds of electrical fitting promptly, at lowest prices, including electric light wiring, bell wiring annunciator work and all kinds of repair work.

Special at tention" paid to installing private telephones and chandeliers. N. M. Gas and Electric Co. Geo.

A. Davis, Manager. 71- ROYAL, Baking Powder. Highest of all Jn leavening Strengin.J. S.

aovernment KeporU flies from 50c per dozen upward at H. Smith Son's. 69 Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix, rUlwaukee, Wis.

4t Matron of a Benevolent Monte and knowing the good Dr. Miles' Nervine has done me, my wish to help others, overcomes my for the publicity, this letter may give me. In Nov. and 1893, The inmates had the ZiaGrljtpe," and I was one of the first. Resuming duty too soon, with the care of so many sick, I did not regain my health, and in a month became mo oZebUitated and nervous from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality, that it was a question if I could go on.

A dear friend advised me to try JDr, Mites Restorative Nervine. I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am In better health than ever. I still continue Its occasional use, as a nerve food, as my work is very trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, will reach me." June 6, 1894. Mrs.

Laura C. Phoenix. Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on a positive eu a ran tee tnac tne nrst Dottie win Den en t. All druggists sell It at 81, 6 bottles for $5, or It will be sent.

Dreoaid. on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' -Nervine Restores Health BJ3old by all.draggists.

Mew Patents. The following- patents granted this week to Wisconsin inventors is specially reported for The Daily Times by H. G. Underwood, Solicitor of Patents, 107 "Wisconsin Milwaukee. Charles Beebe, Racine, Sled.

John Dean, Racine, Pocket-clos er. Fred C. Hubbard, Milwaukee, Cooking-vessel. Robert T. Racine, ve hicle-spring, i Nickolas P.

Mader, bulhyan, Clamp. Mr. Wm. McGoorty, of Eureka, is in the city to-day, a guest at the Russell. He has sold out his interests in Eureka and may locate in this city.

Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei Contain no Ammonia or Alum. BR0GER1ES1 FRESH GOODS, LOW PRICES, and of the very best brands always on hand. Fresh Fruits a Specialty aimmmmmmmmmmmK i CHIN AW ARE 1 SOME VEBX BEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS OP CHOICE DINNKB AND TEA SETS. Practical Every Day Warel Is very cheap and the variety of design was never so satisfactory.

GLASSWARE In all latest patterns. M. A. SORLEY. Telephone 99.

I am Showing' a Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver 1 Silver plated ware and invite inspection. All my goods are of new and tasty designs. No old and shop-worn goods in stock. Everything is of the latest and newest pattern. J.

G. HILTON. WantedTo-Rent. For Sale. Kent.

two iurnisnea rooms, witn or witnout Doara, Apply to Mrs. Chas. Leavens, Island. 97-3 Rent. The office rooms over the market of TJlrich Gil-lingham.

Apply at once to Got-fried Ulrich. 78-tf Wanted 10 Men To solicit orders for hardy- nursery stock, ornamental trees and both city and country work. Big pay; steady work; good territory near home. L. L.

MAY 4. CO St. Pau inn. mm WANTED to sell our guar anteed nursery stock. salary or commission paid week ly.

Outfit free. Good opening for a few hustlers. Write for terms and particulars to JU G. BRAGG Nubs-ebymkn, Kalamazoo, Mich. (may 2 8m) mm -m i QUHBOffi Zmf? Elwers, macv Offer the trade a full and select stock of Drugs and Medicines, Trusses, Sponges, Soaps, Hair and i Cloth Brushes, and Toilet Articles.

Prescriptions Compounded at all hours. Masury's Railroad Colors and Min! nesota Linseed Oil Ready Mixed Paints are guaranteed. KIMBERLY ELWERS. W. H.


NEENAH. WIS. DR. ALICE G. NIVISON, 8:30 to 10:30 a.

m. OFTTICE HOURS-! 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. I 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.

PARDEE BLOCK, 724 COLLEGE AYE. APPLETON, WIS. dec5-6m FELIX" MU REIT'S New Saijle Rooms and Restaurant. Cor. Wis.

Ave. and Church St. Hot lunch every morning from 9 to 11. Lunches served to order at allhours. Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

FELIX MUBEB. Murer House. Sherry St. near W. C.

depot. Board by the day or week. Good rooms. Patronage of the public solicited. FELlX MUBEB.

Sius BUI.LARP i M. M. Schoetz BULLARD SCHOETZ, ATTORNEYS. First National Bank. ms i rJm.

fci 1 mm fT'fcv mr l5nirBIB(HIHIENi Phar ioaL Mood Island. 75-tf- 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. taii.

The Neenah Daily Times from Neenah, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.