The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Friday, September 2, 1955 Appleton rost-Cresccnt 24 fjSouthern Colony TT City Bus Line THE FOX vlMta Under Quarantine Because of Polio ii ir Sale Denied 1 1 A temporary quarantine was placed In effectat the Southern' coyrrxuEn- FROM PAGE 1 -V Thor to Buy Paper Mills In Michigan Stockholders of Both Firms Must Approve Transaction i nnv nn itihi nv vnnn mv. Rural Boy Dies Of Injuries Allen Weyenberg, 13, Outagamie's Eighth Highway Fatality Allen Weyenberg 13. route 4. AnDleton. died about 7:45 this.

jthe state department of public operating transportation com- welfare Thursday after a mme on coa.s i I contratted polio. The comrnisswn order ta- No admissions -will be k- P1' VT'' I leered at the colony for the ha? to bfy. tte I fnext tworweeks; and no sum.Ilui,-mak,eer aaelal llmer vacations will be granted sem*nts the matter may be U- -KiM- reviewed. Lnder law, parties in Thor corporation yesterday tTMiming of injuries received- Vhen "he was struck -cai- Inear his home about o'clock- announced i( will Allied' WttiZtnw Prehearing of ffrom the institution should be! 1 ifc iords which-were filed after thei I hearing on-the transac- 1 apcr yi inn, Miamaiuu, jUon last ween, tne commission Th.V??y?J wa $2'500 or 1 6-8 per cent' the value of the operating! if stockholders of both companies approve the at meetings early In October." The Thor offer, details of which were not disclosed, has been accepted by directors of Allied. Thursday morning.

Weyenbergs death was the eighth caused by highway accidents in Otftagamie county since Jan. and the fourth traffic fatality in the county on rural highways this year. Coroner Bernard H. Kemps said no decision has been made on holding an inquest Weyenberg was struck by a car driven by William J. Danferth, 23, Oneida; as the car was traveling south on County Trunk about a mile and a-half north i urove ana ine wortnerp col- property, $1,000 at Fond du Lac rr." lolior about 2.9 per cent of the aeiecuve tnuaren.

value and S3. 000 at Sheboygan Army Resenbta of Appleton's 274th Vanguard Infantry regiment end two weeks' or 3.3 per cent Arnold H. Maremont, chair- uiuuproic um wim some. man of Thor, said the purchase of summer training Saturday at Camp McCoy and head for their homes. Above, com-'paralysis of the legs, the de agreement includes assets 'pleting last minute clerical details are members of the regiment's headquarters partment reported.

of Ained evept its casn, tnu-ieft to right. Warrant Officer Harry L. Schommer. assistant adjutant: Master Sergeant auc boic CClIICUfc wutu was made subject to the approval of the state commission' provided for monthly payments on the remainder of the total purchase price of about $220,000 over a period of four years. The records show that the new of Little Chute.

Captain Ronald Decker said the youth ran from his home. Lester 0. Johnson, both of Neenah; Captain Russell E. Hall, adjutant, and Privates First Class Edward Kettner and Thomas J. Mathy, all of Appleton.

(U. S. Army Miss Theo McCalfum Today's Deaths Frank Kramer Frank Kramer. 85, route 1, Photo) on tne west siae oi me roaa, to join his father, Raymond, The Fox Cities spotlight company had planned total in-j beams this week on Miss Theo 'h had parked a milk truck Fremont farmer, died this vestments of $50,000 for eouitv ed States government securities; certificates of deposit, and cash surrender value of life Insurance. He said Allied would be operated as a division of Thor and Uiat its present executives would remain with the company.

Worth 10 Million Consolidated net worth of Allied was placed at more than 10 Mr.nm aki lacing norm on xm tne easiy McCallum, 3451 E. Wisconsin Th hnv Set Hearings for No Connection In Fight, Death, morning at his. home after a capital in the new line, the pur-long illness, chase of equipment and sup-He was born June 4, 1870, in plies from the existine com- avenue, Neeriah, for her recent stopped to allow one south the town of Fremont and liv-iPanyk and to meet installment' election to the office of national president of the Ladies of the bound car to pass, witnesses said, but then ran into the path Coroner Reports eu in me area au ins me. inpayments during the early of the second car, driven by Grand Army of the Republic at Waupaca An autopsy, earner years ne was active ir k-4 w. church work serving the' St the organization's national Danforth The boy suffered compound convention at Cincinnati, Ohio High-Level Bridge State Highway Commission Plans Testimony in Appleton Sept.

21 She served as vice president last year after her election at million dollars. Sales in the last four years have ranged from 20 to 22 million dollars annually. Allied's profit before taxes last year was $1,367,410. Maremont said both sales and earn- Kt0n th- HQ.h JPaul Lutheran congregation as.tion to an earlier application of ship between the death of. treasurer, trustee and elder.

(Appleton and Inter-City line to man and Injuries he received Funeral services will be heldlabandon Sunday and holiday in a fight before he was In-j-at 2 O'clock Monday afternoon bus service. That separate case volcd In an auto accident, st- Paul Lutheran church, is pending and will be decided rhriff.r.nn with bu.ial in soon by the commission, it was the 1954 convention at Portland, Ore. She also served last year' as national Historian of Betsy Ross clubs, a group made up of The Wisconsin Highway com-! fractures of both legs, probable skull fracture and other injuries. He was born in Little Chute Jan. 22, 1942.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Weyenberg, route 4, Apple-ton; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Seefeldt, Lena; a brother, Gerald, and two sis- in in the first three auarters' at city hall at 10 o'clock in the former presidents. cnurcn cemetery, friends may said today. county coroner; reported at the Bauer Funeral! day. home, Fremont, Sunday after-j nff4pr Finorl of lay were about 20 per morning, in compliance with a 1 .1 11 1 Ik 3 111 nVUlfWlt bVUh. ww Miss McCallum is a charter member and a past president of niRutT umn un- luursiwuu-, resolution of tne Appleton com- ing 1954 period mon council on Aug.

4 formally C. B. Clark circle. Ladies of the noon and evening and Monday $25 After Trial Is urrc" 1 petitioning the state commis-i OAT) nf Nfonah Sh carved ac The autopsy was performed Thursday on Undy Allen, 27, who died early Monday when his auto over 2 Kalamaioo Mills Allied has two mills in Kala in Ot.sedo. a to authorize such a span.

national secretary, Be.ttv Mary Survivors include two William E. Pruett, 21, 537 N. inr tummissimi wifiuuuiru; fi-i-l. William Kramer, route 1, Garfield place, was found guil committee chairman, and inaIL'al nome- iom rnmniorf tn r. Funeral services be held and a warehouse in New Yorkittxlay it would hold the hearing stj awaiting'the 8econd haU of uty.

w. v. larroii and r. near Fremont, and Edward Kranv.ty of speeding by Municipal jer, Antigo; one daughter, Mrs. Judge Oscar J.

Schmlege this the Associated Consultant's re turned on Highway 45 Waupaca. national treasurer. She also has 7 Rodman, partners in the firm of I rr Fthr Wnif nhknsh nn morning after triaL He was i it: iai port, on the primary street system, which will give a Rodman and Renshaw, negoti ail. i Il 1 lk. August ivramer, vum.

Attnmcv r.pralH Anrlprson or-Vnch. olcht unnitrhllHrcn nnH' Pruett was arrested bv Annie- dent, treasurer and secretary. "VTa rZZT Z.Z Th. i mo cemetery. The rosary time and priority schedule, with ated the agreement between! Thor and Allied dlreetom.

iVUl CIDOW IR Freedom Mishap on r. he -s 18 eat-grandchildren. tern. The bridge report, which: informed by Portage County crL1101r was civen ton Drioritv bv the'fihpriff Flnrian Knitra that AI. nu9 atnueier Maremont described the pro-jetted purchase as another step in a long range diversification ing 65 miles an hour in a 25- Funeral home where in una.

Avitoa lULvauuiii friends mav call after 7 o'clock mile-an-hour Pruett main- I iiiuc-niriiuui tunc, tiucui aur iiituua inuj v-wj rone. program for Thor. Last month juries and four other people consultants, recommended a len had been iT. a fight wltnt Hugo J. Schueler, 71, 328 W.

tained he was driving only 25 'Mccauum, was Saturday night, the company bought Max Eck- escaped unhurt when cars dri- high level 2-lane bridge joining' chiraon mnn nrior t'n th- Packard street, died unexpect-miles an hour. a member 01 Company 21st hardt and Sons, and K. ven by Earl M. Smith, College avenue na t. Lan-i 0- at 1Z: 15 this morning.

He, The defense disputed the! mianiry, aunng uie WANTED TO BUY "cciaent. was born Aug. 9, 1884 in the manner in which the war- Dr. Christofferson said Allen town of Osborne and farmed was made bv an Annletnn mo- and V. Glass works of New route 1, Kaukauna, and George dee street.

York and New Jersey, manu-' Roth, 24, 311 Reaume ave-j Much Opposition facturers of class Christmas nue, Kaukauna, collided on The recommendation has died of internal injuries suf-there until 1920. He also had torcycle policeman. Judge' POllO rOUndatlOn tree ornaments. Highway 55 in Freedom about drawn near-violent opposition! fered in the crash, according to been employed by the Apple- Schmiege, in declaring that Two op Three Bedroom hom*o Close to St Mary's or SL Therese Schools. DIAL i-tm 1 1 Thiiwcit nn aiiah i rciin iiima nil nriiiri ni i i nii r.9 vnA niiinnev iah i- vir nnarn ton Park board.

difference of 40 miles an hour BenetlTS From a iw i nui suai truing. iauus ui viic County Policemen William phrase 'E. College avenue to Sheff Krutza said that aft-Block and John Carpenter said E. Candee street was stricken' er the, fiaht started at an Am- at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon someone was not telling theTOOd bl0r6 AUCtlOIl Knv fam tunpa haBrloH- i4tK nn I Tfym th nftlimn ffirwarflPd tfi hflffii invarn Alton anH hie at th a U'iphmai Kiinornl Rnm tm4k 4ll I r- iJt. iv- UU1, WIU 1 Ut ll 11C WUU4U (1 An Th nrrirfpnt nrriirrH a the commission; Hrnvi in nn rar nrifl th Phi- with hnrial in Highland Ma- him tha hanAfi ih lrtihf A lOiai OI W.Dl WU1 De given "Vo It the the Smith auto was turning Council action on the contro- Cago men in another to a sec-'morlal The Rev.

W. IL and held the man was traveling Irutafamie chap- i a fait ri a IV atlnnnl IT Atln left Into the driveway at the versiai issue attracted neavy onc tavern where the fight con- Gammelin, pastor of Zion Luth- 50 miles an hour. Two other 1IUU1 M. WW UHIVl VFW hall. citizen interest and the com- Roth suffered a cut elbow, mission hearings this month Unued.

The men said Allen at- eran church, will officiate, witnesses, in addition to Pruett. re-tacked them with a lug wrench.1 Friends may call at the funeral testified for the defense. 01 an auction sponsored by Both Were hosoitalized at Stev- home after 7 o'clock this eve-i Pruett was fined S15 and costs new National Food store. fhree passengers in his car probably will do the same. est- UST CALL imony will be heard on the needing point with severe head in-ning.

for speeding in May, $15 and', auction of eight Uems was and Smith were unhurt. L. for a new bridge an city hall iurie. Survivors include his wife; costs for speeding in June and neia inursaay evening on ine A car driven by Roger Wheeler. 18.

route 2. Appleton. observers predict main argu Mil iT; 'W. ssd 586 .632 I $15 and costs for driving with- out a driver's license in August. jt Wng celebration Rpvwntion nf Hrivr'.

lironeA! A 1955 Chevrolet went to Mrs. 11 AUided with an auto operated ments will revolve around se-j by Joseph N. SchulU, 21. 5211 letting site for the new span. r.

Kll Dli ttrt Second street. Menasha. on W.Testimony also is expected to rOUl I OIIO VmUOCO College avenue Just east of establishing the city's; bv the motor vehicle Podoll for a 4iBewv'is automatic upon thre bicycle went to Norbert vision street about 8:45 Thurs- cuKiDiniy siaie aia in wc psJ 309 374 1 or more traffic convictions in a single year. Vonck for $31; a razor went to Joseph Keller for $14; a steam iron went to Roy Springer for A4 I 1 1 Bring County to 225 day bridge construction. Police said Wheeler was go- ing south on Division and made Fined TOT DriVllig a left turn onto College, strik-.

ing the SchulU vehicle, which WlttlOUt LICGnSQ one son, Robert. Appleton; one an automatic cooiter ana Edwin, Milwaukee; yer wen to Three new polio cases and -33 another case, first diagnosed ta a Madlsn and four Mrs. Herman went Helinc rranrfnn Mis. Martha' E. J.

Van Vonderen for was parked on the south side John Bauer, 55. 1111 Bell av- as puuo wien tiosstu uom uie, other State DOUO develop. 1 nnH lunrh Vit nH nn of the avenue. t. airs, uuo ivouain ana --o include the olrll enue, was fined $50 and costs by list as non-polio and now back mcnts canceling Municipal Judge Oscar J.on the list again7 raise the the Labor day picnic in Jjj1 went to ieo cops tor a combined price of $17.

I koso ana ine canning ok au MANNING WEOL-ANIID operating a motor vm.tMHt Children under 18 years from ri out a driver's license for the first day s.nce house there' itiuwauKee reponea tnree: reu meai, oj, wsimosn, aiea July. Bauer was arrested by police on W. Prospect avenue Thursday. tk- more cases today to raise the this morning at Rochester, nt i.vnr 'Everything in Insurance" Phone 3-4364 Horold f. Weilond 123 E.

College Are. IIB. SPUD1IUT DOES IT AGAIN! Holiday "Super-Speciat" at Theda Clark I Appleton boy ear wtai to ia ana aaai- aner a long muess. ne h. 'itai tional schools in that vicinity is survived by his wife, daugh-rtim, nave delayed openings.

The ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. u-nrnan fr villages of West Milwaukee.iNabbefeld, 1220 -W. Fourth i-i-inl year's total to 215 and addl- after a long illness.

He 1 City Officials Sign one of the new 31 ,1 Ann1.4nn 3 $250,000 Sewer Bonds jcu vivi in jit iwii nuiimu iiuill rii. ouuer, tvniieiisn Day ana sixeei, uuu one sou euery. Mayor Robert Roemer, hospital bring the city Snorewood nave announcedj Funeral arraxgements are in-Clerk Eldon J. Broehm and jjy up "l0 es'cases jschool postponements. complete.

-r-r other ncwly-reported vic- Chlcago yesterday to sign bonds' M.v.nM totalling S3SO.000 covering Aymmt woman and a 2-year 'I nlnn I 9.ABr llnm au-A) Twelve Regular tie hamburgers plus quart of Vbocolate milk. ALL FOR ONLY $2.00 SovrrtniiP hnf hrth project HOUSE FOR SALE! (Dirtct from Owntr) 3 Bedroom home, located on E. Pacific In Apptf-ton. Living room with natural fire place. Kitchen, Dining room and nice size knotty pine den.

Full basem*nt, outomatic oil heat, hot water, and incinerator. On bus line near public school. Tiled bathroom and shower. Garoge, cement drive, and large lovely back yard. Can- be seen by appointment.

Vincent hospital, Green Bay. Some of the projects already At Fl rnKoih P8rt ff Patient count at 8 o'clock this the bond Issue will be used to ln PARENTS NOTICE Woodlawn School WILL OPEN IIOIIDAY, SEPT. 12 Depending en the Polio Situation at That Time DON GEER, Clerk lUTHl4 Uken 41-in convalescent j.ards. the work. launch The count is the same as yes Kefular 118 Value, This offere expires mid-bite, Monday, Sept.

5. Birth Record terday s. Another state polio fatality births were nai he" added to the growing PHONE 3-BS34 The following announced today at St. Eliia- 1 with the death of Mrs. J.

ttrrr Arthur J. Ray. The 29-year old mother of four children died beth hospital: Daughters to: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R'uppel.

021 Winnebago street. Mr. and Mrs. William Kott-ler, 308 N. Morrison street.

Theda Clark hospital today announced the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joaf, route 3, Chilton. Mi SPECIAL Hamburgers 6 $1.00 In Lots of Six with Chocolate Milk At a Time of Sorrow, you will oppreciote the kindness and thoughtfulness of our staff. We serve with under-' standing throughout this diffi Hexl cult time.

SUNDAY 4V MONDAY MENU Ktn Roast Turkey Jumbo Shrimp T-Bone Swiss Steok Roast Chicken Virginia Baked Ham We'll Pack These and Other Dinners to Take Out! 1213 tSOSCTN ATfUTOJItt CaJt of 24 Ca THE Finest in Facilities and Service SHO SPUDNUT 347 W. College Aye. AJr-Conditioned Conveniently Located 3 Street Floor Oxjpels Unrestricted.Porking 12 Bottle WIRTZ'S 508 W. Wis. Ave.

Fh. 3-5041 mud mmtmrmllg it fU mm werf Phone 3-3674 AppletM's Only tesUmrast Opes) 24 (loan Day N. Oneida at Pacific Phone 3-6804.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.